1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-21 16:36:57


float; drift; ride; bleach; whiten; rinse; fail; end in failure

float v.漂浮;使漂流;浮动;飘动;使悬浮;传播;提出(想法、计划等)以测试反应;(债务)发行;提请考虑(想法或计划);(使货币汇率)自由浮动;(公司或企业)发行(股票)上市

drift v.漂流;飘移;飘;漂泊;偏离;漂浮;被风吹积;随波逐流;离题;偏离主题;逐渐变得;不知不觉地进入(某种状态);顺其自然地做;无意间进入

ride v.骑;骑马;驾驭马匹;骑乘(马、自行车等);乘坐(车辆);驾驶;搭乘;穿越;翻越;飘浮;(在水面或空中)漂移

bleach v.变白;使变白;漂白;晒白;去色;使褪色;使变浅;用漂白剂清洗

whiten v.(使)变白;变得更白;漂白;变得苍白;擦亮(银器等);粉刷

rinse v.(用清水)冲洗;(用其他液体)洗;冲洗;漂洗;清洗;冲掉…的皂液

fail v.失败;未能做到;不足;不及格;倒闭;使失望;出故障;衰退;未做;评定不及格;未履行(某事)

  • 漂浮

    showy;superficial 不踏实

  • 漂冰

    floating ice 漂浮于水中的任何类别的冰,包括搁浅冰和漂流陆冰——亦称“浮冰” floeberg 类似于冰山的丘状浮冰体

  • 漂泊

    float 随流漂流或停泊 rove;wander;lead a wandering life 比喻无定所或职业,生活不固定,东奔西走

  • 漂萍

    drift 指如浮萍一样到处漂流。比喻人生境遇起落不定

  • 漂摇

    shake with waves 摇动,随波浮动

  • 漂沦

    knock around 漂泊沦落

  • 漂砾

    boulder 冰川所携带的巨大石头

  • 漂流

    be driven by the current;drift about 漂浮流动 rove;wander 漂泊,行踪无定

  • 漂移

    drift 沿着一条空间路线发生的一种自然而然的、和缓的、多少稳定的流动、滑动或移动

  • 漂渺

    obscure;misty 同“缥缈”。形容隐隐约约、若有若无

  • 漂海,飘海

    go overseas 出海,去海外

  • 漂洋,飘洋

    travel far away across the sea 渡洋远行

  • 漂游

    float 漂浮,漂流 rove;wander 漂泊不定

  • 我在沟里一只纸船.

    I floated my paper boat in the ditch.

  • 对于赛车手来说最糟糕的情况之一就是“滑现象”。

    One of the worst possible situations for a race driver remains "aquaplaning".

  • 我们在筏子和小船之间系了一根绳子,毕竟,一旦小船离了筏子的话,后果会很严重。

    We tied a rope between the raft and the dinghy. After all, if the dinghy drifted away from the raft, the consequences would be very serious.

  • 让那些对于表扬和嘉奖的期望随波逝。

    Let those expectations of reward and praise float away with the waves.

  • 我“”过了跨栏。

    Once, I had sailed over the hurdles.

  • 但是金还不能确定,发育变是否也出现在人类身上。

    Prof Kim cannot yet say whether developmental drift occurs in humans.

  • 他们又冷又饿, 无助地向北极.

    Cold and hungry, they drifted helplessly towards the Arctic.

  • 他们使那些圆木下河流到锯木厂。

    They drift the logs down the river to the sawmills.

  • 最后,我们不得不估算出到底有多少入到了墨西哥湾。

    In the end, we have to figure out how much is actually pouring into the Gulf.

  • 我们看着木头朝磨坊去。

    We watched the logs floating towards the mill.

  • 我们向了下游。

    We had drifted downstream.

  • 他们上到耶路撒冷,就站在上池的水沟旁,在布地的大路上。

    And when they were come up, they came and stood by the conduit of the upper pool, which is in the highway of the fuller's field.

  • 帆张满后船走了.

    The sails filled out and the boat floated away.

  • 船并没有系好,她一动就使它离了海岸。

    The boat was not fastened, and the motion which she occasioned, made it drift from the shore.

  • 在食用罐装红豆之前加以也可较好地解决该问题。

    Rinsing canned beans before using also easesthe problem.

  • 当杨柳7岁的时候,她开始和奶奶练习独竹

    When Yang Liu was seven years old, she started practicing single bamboo drifting with her grandmother.

  • 显然,在某些时候,来自北冰洋最北端的更多冰山赶在融化沉积前向南入北大西洋。

    At certain times, apparently, more icebergs from the Arctic Ocean in the far north were traveling south well into the North Atlantic before melting and shedding their sediment.

  • 他把瓶子扔进海浪中,看着它向大海。

    He tossed the bottle into the waves and watched it float out to sea.

  • 小船顺流去.

    The boat drifted down the stream.

  • 我们看着木头朝磨坊去.

    We watched the logs floating towards the mill.

  • 河里着一个大树枝.

    A bough floats in the river.

  • 这块布仍然是染污的,你应该再一次。

    This cloth is still stained; you'll have to give it another bleach.

  • 那只皮球在水面上荡.

    The ball drifted on the water.

  • 你到底准备驾着自己的游艇在海上多久?

    How long can you spend on a yacht in the middle of the ocean?

  • 我在沟里一只纸船。

    I floated my paper boat in the ditch.

  • 这种“遗传变”以恒定的速率产生结果。

    This "genetic drift" happens at a constant rate.

  • 随机变对人类进化的作用的确巨大。

    Random genetic drift has certainly played a big role in human evolution.

  • 看那艘随波荡的船.

    Look at that boat dancing on the waves.

  • 那男孩让他的小船在水上着.

    The boy was floating his boat.

  • 水里满了垃圾和废物。

    The water was full of flotsam and refuse.

  • 船的系泊绳索滑落,船向大海。

    The boat slipped its moorings and drifted out to sea.

  • 船在中流飞快地行.

    The boat floated rapidly in midstream.

  • 旅行中有一个浮物过我们的船。

    A floater drifted past our boat during the trip.

  • 这个浮标在浅水里去。

    The buoy floated back and forth in the shallow water.

  • 气球为什么能在空气中?

    Why do balloons float in the air?

  • 染金发的女子

    a woman with peroxide blonde hair

  • 我要用这笔钱把家里搞得亮亮的。

    I shall use the money to make my home look lovely.

  • 基因变甚至可以抵消自然选择。

    Genetic drift can even counteract natural selection.

  • “哦,青蛙,”巴旺抽泣道,“你们看到我的衣篮过吗?”

    "Oh frogs," sobbed Bawang, "have you seen my basket of clothes float by?"

  • 那艘船在夜间离了停泊处。

    The ship had slipped its moorings in the night.

  • 很不幸,在加州网的副渔获物中,翻车鱼占到了26%。

    And unfortunately, they make up a large portion of the California by-catch — up to 26 percent of the drift net.

  • 一些树叶在宁静的湖面上.

    Some leaves were floating about on the still lake.

  • 她的小孩总是打扮得亮亮的.

    Her children are always smartly turned out.

  • 这是一项传统的民间运动——独竹

    It's one of the traditional folk sport—single bamboo drifting.

  • 巴斯比说,“也许他得太远,听不到我们的声音。”

    "Maybe he's already drifted too far to hear," Busby said.

  • 当人体经过遗传变的过程后,基因变种在人类中变得更常见。

    New versions of a gene can also become universal in a population through a random process known as genetic drift.

  • 漩涡把水面上的东西都吸进去了.

    The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water.

  • 我们让木材顺流而下到造纸厂.

    We float the logs down the fiver to the paper factory.

  • 一些本地小的运河只能小木筏.

    Some small local canals are able to float small rafts of timber.

  • 我不知道他还有什么要说的,因为在波托马克河里着的残骸已经说明了一切。

    I don't know what there is left for him to say. I think the rock in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently.

  • 这不是她亮的问题,这是她真的很亮。

    Okay. It's not just that she's cute, okay? It's just that she's really, really cute.

  • 还有,世界里的亮度和温度不断改变,四处都着看不见的细菌。

    Plus, the world's always changing brightness and hotness, and there's invisible germs floating everywhere.

  • 就是这个上帝让处女怀孕,让摩西在篮子里顺河下,让亚伯拉罕杀死自己的儿子,上帝总是对小孩不太好。

    The same god that impregnated a virgin, sent Moses down the river in a basket, and commanded Abraham to stab his own son. God only does weird baby stuff.

  • 这次你终于出海了?我为什么要那么做?三个人才把它在海上。

    Oh, so you finally took it out of the marina? Why would I do that? It took three guys to get the thing in there.



piāo ㄆㄧㄠˉ

     ◎ 浮在液体上不动或顺着风向、流向而移动:~浮。~流。~没()。~移。~泊(喻职业生活不固定,东奔西走。亦作“飘泊”)。~零。~沦。~游。~萍。


piǎo ㄆㄧㄠˇ

  • 用水加药品使物品退去颜色或变白:~白。~染。
  • 用水冲去杂质:~洗。


piào ㄆㄧㄠˋ

  • 〔~亮〕a.好看,如“长得~~”;b.出色,如“这件事办得~~”。
  • 方言,事情、账目等落空:那事没什么指望,~了。

英语 float, drift; tossed about

德语 abweichen, driften ,gleiten, verhalten laufen (Sport)​,ausbleichen, bleichen

法语 flotter,aller à la dérive,agité,blanchir (de la toile)​,beau,joli,élégant





(1) (形声。从水,票声。本义:浮,浮流)

(2) 同本义 [float]




流血漂橹。——· 贾谊《过秦论》

(3) 又如:漂泼(漂泊);漂泛(浮舟而行,随波飘流);漂拔(漂浮拔起);漂海(漂浮于海上);漂橹(漂浮船桨);漂激(漂流激动);漂杵(浮起舂杵。形容恶战流血之多)

(4) 被水流、风或气流冲走、冲毁 [drift]。如:漂决(冲决;冲破);漂洗(冲没);漂溺(水深火热之苦难);漂荡(冲刷,冲;冲没淹没);漂啮(冲刷浸蚀)

(5) 漂泊。流浪在外,东奔西走 [lead a wandering life;rove;wander]


(6) 又如:漂寄(暂时寄居);漂汩(漂浪,漂荡,漂薄,漂逢,漂零,漂泊);漂沉(漂泊沉沦);漂沦(漂泊流落);漂寓(湮泊寄居);漂泼(漂泊,行止不定)

(7)“飘”。吹;使飘荡 [blow]


(8) 又如:漂曳(飘摆,摇曳);漂沫(谓泡沫飘飞);漂沸(飘动;飘流);漂落(漂零沦落);漂零(飘落,坠落);飘遥(随风摇动);漂荡(飘飞;飘扬);漂洒(漂零洒落)

(9) 摇动;摇荡 [shake]


(10) 又如:漂摇(动荡不安)




(1) 高远的样子 [high and faraway]。如:漂然(高远的样子);漂撇(余音轻扬的样子)

(2) 迅速;快疾 [fast;swift]


(3) 又如:漂疾(水流急涌快速)

(4) 另见 piǎo;piào






(1) 用水冲去杂质 [rinse]。如:漂女(洗衣女);漂母(漂洗衣物的老母);漂絮(漂洗丝棉絮);把衣服漂干净

(2) 用化学药剂使纤维或纺织品变白 [bleach]。如:漂布

(3) 另见 piāo;piào






古水名 [Piao River]





迅疾 [fast]。如:漂疾(迅疾)



(1) 落空,将要成功的事突然失败 [fail]。如:漂了(落空了)

(2) 没付欠账 [fail to repay a debt]


(3) 另见 piāo;piǎo



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of