1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-21 12:51:46
huàn qì


ventilate; aerate; change air; breathe; take a breath; respire

ventilate v.使(房间、建筑物等)通风;通气;公开表达(感情或意见);(通过呼吸等方式)给血液供氧

aerate v.充气;使通气;使透气;曝气;通风

breathe v.呼吸;呼出;吐出;吸入;吐露;低声说;轻声说;(织物等)透气;(酒)通气透香;将…注入

take a breath 深呼吸;放松呼吸

respire v.呼吸;松口气

  • 有些孩子能够跑完游泳池的全长而不用露出水面换气

    Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once.

  • 学会换气让你觉得完全不一样(游得更好).

    Being able to control your breathing makes a big difference.

  • 在第七个长度,开始每划换气

    On number seven, breathe on EVERY stroke.

  • 他计划在控制室的顶上装一套太阳能驱动的换气系统,将空气泵到设施的深处。

    His plans involve building an air shaft through the roof of the control center equipped with a solar powered fan to draw air deeper into the complex.

  • 广泛应用于空气净化器、空调、汽车尾气处理及各种换气设备。

    Widely used for air purification, air-conditioning, processing and automobile exhaust all ventilation equipment.

  • 墙壁、屋顶需要用双层材料,托盘木架还可用来做通风换气、防晒遮阳的架子。

    Two layers of pallets serve as the home’s walls, ceiling, and as a sunscreen to shade the structure and allow for ventilation.

  • 广泛应用于机械设备的配套、厨房抽油烟、厂矿企业及公共场所等通风换气之用。

    Widely used in machinery and equipment facilities, kitchen fume extraction, the use of the ventilation of factories and enterprises and public places.

  • 即使是换气的时候,你的身体都可以保持一条直线,从指尖到脚趾。

    Even during the breath, you could run a straight line from my fingertips to my toes.

  • 她无需考虑抬头换气,只要保持正确的体形看着水底.

    She just keeps her proper position looking right at the bottom.

  • 安装灶具的房间必须安装强力换气扇。

    The room installed with stoves should have powerful ventilator.

  • 通过耐心的等待手臂入水,我可以把我的换气动作隐藏在波谷里。

    By being patient and waiting until my hand enters, I can hide the breath behind the bow wave.

  • 由于换气周期不同,贮藏结束时冬枣的品质有很大差异。

    Due to the different interval ventilation time , the quality of jujube was different at the end of storage.

  • 当增加氡换气扇时,可进一步降低氡的水平。

    When radon ventilation fans are added radon levels can even be reduced further.

  • 安娜·贝利呼吸太快了,以至于茱莉亚觉得她得了过度换气症。

    She was breathing so fast that Julia thought she was hyperventilating.

  • 居室要经常通风,这样才能保持人的健康和愉悦,家具也一样。每天早上打开窗户通风,给家具换换气

    Home to the regular ventilation so as to keep people healthy and happy furniture. Every morning to open the window ventilation to give the furniture for air.

  • 人们往往会屏住呼吸,或吸入过多的氧气或换气过度。

    People often hold their breath, or take in too much oxygen and hyperventilate.

  • 该系统还有探测各种来自动物或工厂不良气味的功能,并且能够按照需要自动打开换气装置。

    The system will also be able to detect various other bad smells - such as from animals and factories - and will automatically switch the ventilation on if required.

  • 模式可通过加消音通风器实现关着门换气的美好愿望.

    Model B : with sound insulating device, your good will will come true - close door, enjoy ventilation moment.

  • 应该给所有的排水管换气以避免阴沟臭气的集聚.

    All drains should be ventilated to avoid the build - up of sewer gas.

  • 从溶剂浓度的角度来看, 凹印的室内换气管理是必须的.

    From solvent concentration point of view, gravure micyoco pissed management is necessary.

  • 当然要换气了。

    Of course, it does.

  • 在第七个长度, 开始每划换气.

    On number seven, breathe on EVERY stroke.

  • 冬天尽量减少通风机的使用,比如浴室换气扇和厨房油烟机。

    Minimize your use of ventilation fans such as bathroom fans and kitchen hood fans in winter.

  • 我使用向前的动作看一下然后一侧换气

    I use the forward motion to look and then breathe to the side.

  • 这是“换气过度”。

    This is “hyperventilation”.

  • 她浑身麻木,笨拙的伸手划水, 努力开始游泳和换气.

    Itstunned her for a moment and she floundered outward, struggling to swimand regain her breath.

  • 患有先天中枢性换气不足症候群的患者需要在晚上进行换气,重症者则需要全天24小时进行换气

    He says people with CCHS need ventilation at night, with the severely affected needing 24-hour ventilation.

  • 恐惧中的人可能会每分钟呼吸30次。这是“换气过度”。

    Someone panicking can take as many as 30 breaths a minute. This is “hyperventilation”.

  • 这里有个练习方法将会帮助你在换气时保持平衡和获得持续前进的动力。

    Here's a drill that will help you maintain balance and forward momentum during the breath.

  • 现代养鸡生产中,通风换气是调节鸡舍环境的重要措施.

    Pratice indicates that ventilation is an important measurement to control the environment in chicken house.

  • 那个小男孩非常自豪,因为他已经可以游完游泳池的全长而不露出水面换气

    The little boy was proud that he could cover the whole length of the swimming pool without coming up for breath.

  • 分析变换气冷却塔失效原因,认为主要是电偶腐蚀造成的.

    This paper analyzes the failure reasons of the shift gas column.

  • 潜水员又露出水面换气.

    The diver came up for air again.

  • 如果你仅仅只用一侧换气,那将几乎不可能维持一个对称的划水。

    If you only breathe to one side it's nearly impossible to maintain a symmetrical stroke.

  • 不过,我在换气方面还不行.

    But I still have some difficulties in breathing.

  • 当角鲸浮到海冰之间的缝隙处换气时,数据会自动发往卫星。

    The data were automatically sent to a satellite when the narwhals surfaced for air between cracks in the sea ice.

  • 医生建议她换换气候环境以便恢复健康。

    The doctor recommended a change of climate for her health.

  • 如果是为了享受令人惊叹的潜水,请用海藻塞住潜艇换气装置。

    If this is amazing snorkeling, please jam our snorkels with seaweed.

  • 观察胸廓起伏并行肺部听诊明确是否充分换气.

    H . Observe lung inflations and auscultate the chest adequate ventilation.

  • 她露出水面换气.

    She surfaced, gasping for air.

  • 但这首歌的难处在于需要不断的换气、发声,所以我要反复练习。

    But the song requires continuous breathing and voicing, which is hard, and I had to practice it over and over again.

  • 我已经试着去做了, 但是并不成功, 我不能同时游泳和换气.

    I've tried to do it, but unsuccessfully. I couldn't breathe and swim at the same time.

  • 模式可通过加消音通风器实现关着门换气的美好愿望.

    Model B : with sound insulating device, your good will will come true - close door, enjoy ventilation moment.

  • 窗户很少打开通风换气

    Windows were rarely opened for fresh air.

  • 我已学会如何换气.

    I have learnt how to control my breathing.

  • 我从未学会如何换气.

    I have never learnt how to control my breathing.

  • 有些孩子甚至可以做到一直跑到游泳池的另一端都不露出水面换气

    Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coining up for breath even once.

  • 模式可通过加消音通风器实现关着门换气的美好愿望。

    Model B: with sound insulating device, your good will will come true - close door, enjoy ventilation moment.

  • 观察胸廓起伏并行肺部听诊明确是否充分换气.

    H . Observe lung inflations and auscultate the chest adequate ventilation.

  • 通风换气可以降低密闭空间内的污染物水平,研究者们如是说。

    Ventilation can help reduce the level of pollutants in closed rooms, the researchers said.


屏息后再呼吸。指暂停一下。如:「为了赶回家报告好消息,他一路不换气的跑著回 家。」



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of