1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-12 09:26:07
mào zi


hat; cap; bonnet; headgear; millinery

hat n.(常指带檐的)帽子;头饰;头盔;(双重的,尤指官职或职业角色)角色;职位;头衔;(尤指体育比赛中的)戴帽子的成就

cap n.(带帽舌的)便帽;软帽;工作帽;制服帽;学位帽;帽状物;(物品的)保护盖;套;罩;顶部;(经费等的)上限;最高限度;最高限额;(~s)大写字母;火药帽;火药纸;雷管;假牙的齿冠;美齿冠;<俚>毒品丸;海洛因丸;(Cap)卡普;察普(人名)

bonnet n.(车辆的)引擎盖;引擎罩;(带子系于下巴的)女帽;童帽;婴儿帽;护盖;护帽;(北美印第安人的)羽毛头饰

headgear n.头饰;头盔;安全帽;牙齿矫正器;马具中的头带部分;头戴式装置

millinery n.(商店的)帽类;女帽制作;女帽及其配饰销售;女士帽子店

  • 妈妈,我的帽子在哪里?

    Mum, where is my cap?

  • 我的帽子怎么都戴不住!

    My hat won't stay on!

  • 她的帽子嵌着羽毛,帽檐很宽,真是件奇物。

    Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim.

  • 我很高兴帽子再度流行起来。

    I'm glad hats are coming back.

  • 小女孩非常喜欢这顶帽子

    The girl loved the cap very much.

  • 我的帽子被风吹走了。

    My hat blew off.

  • 一阵狂风把他的帽子刮掉了。

    A gust of wind blew his hat off.

  • 他从地板上捡起帽子,重新戴在头上。

    He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head.

  • 他挥手从腋下取出帽子,拉低帽檐盖住眼睛。

    He took his cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.

  • 帽子软得不成样子了。

    The hat had become limp and shapeless.

  • 我有一顶黄色的帽子

    I've got a yellow cap.

  • 你有一顶黄色的帽子吗?

    Have you got a yellow cap?

  • 我们以15美元出售黑蓝色的帽子.

    We have black and blue hats for $ 15.

  • 她把头发拢起来塞进帽子里。

    She tucked her hair (up) under her cap.

  • 我们不得不戴这些傻里傻气的小帽子

    We had to wear these silly little hats.

  • 一阵风把我的帽子刮掉了。

    A gust of wind blew my hat off.

  • 你为了那顶帽子花了五十美元? 你一定是捉狂到不行.

    You paid $ 50 for that hat? You must be stark raving mad!

  • 他暂停下来,觉着帽子下面的头皮刺痒难耐。

    He paused, feeling his scalp prickling under his hat.

  • 以孟加拉为例, 她擅长于出口帽子, 在2000年对美国出口的帽子价值为 1.75亿 美元.

    Bangladesh, for example, is good at exporting hats, having sold $ 175 m - worth to American in 2000.

  • 我还有一顶蓝色帽子

    And I've got a blue cap!

  • 她戴着那顶帽子,样子够滑稽的!

    She looks a sight in that hat!

  • 现在是一顶红色的帽子

    Now it's a red cap.

  • 农夫们脱去他们的帽子

    The peasants doff their hats.

  • 帽子里抽签来决定最后几个名额。

    Names were drawn from a hat for the last few places.

  • 他的帽子有点歪。

    His hat was tilted slightly at an angle.

  • 他的帽子滑下来遮住了一只眼睛。

    His hat had slipped over one eye.

  • 女性如果在教堂内不戴帽子,就会遭到斥责。

    Women were reproved if they did not wear hats in church.

  • 他不愿脱下他的帽子

    He wouldn't take his hat off.

  • 这些帽子分小、中、大三个尺码。

    The hats are made in three sizes: small, medium and large.

  • 这顶帽子是什么颜色?

    What colour is the cap?

  • 他快速旋转着手里的帽子

    He twirled his hat in his hand.

  • 她母亲就是那位带着羽毛帽子的傲慢女士。

    Her mother was the proud lady in the feathered hat.

  • 帽子是校服的一部分。

    The hat is part of the school uniform.

  • 她的帽子戴得有点斜。

    Her hat was slightly askew.

  • 他把帽子往下拉了拉遮住脸。

    He tugged the hat down over his head.

  • 这是一个红色的帽子

    This is a red cap.

  • 我戴这顶帽子看上去很可笑。

    I look ridiculous in this hat.

  • 他戴一顶帽子来遮住一小块秃顶。

    He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.

  • 那是一顶很酷的帽子

    That's a cool hat.

  • 孩子们忙着剪裁和粘贴纸帽子

    The children were busy cutting and pasting paper hats.

  • 看到那个戴帽子的男孩了吗?

    See the boy in a cap?

  • 这顶帽子的绿色不好看。

    The hat is an unappealing shade of green.

  • 妈妈,我找不到我的新帽子了。

    Mum, I can't find my new cap.

  • 乔治的帽子呢?在你头上呢!你的帽子在这儿,乔治!这次要抓紧哦!

    Where's George's hat? It's on your head! Here's your hat George! Hold onto it this time!

  • 这到底是怎么回事?你好,长官。嘿,“帽子”。上尉。很高兴看到你,孩子。上帝保佑,长官。

    What the hell is this? How you doing sir? Hey, Cap. Captain. It's good to see you kid. God bless, sir.

  • 所以我打算把我船长的帽子永远的挂起来。让我来给你们讲讲旅途中的所见所闻。我已经离开家有一年零一天了,我驾着船游历世界各地。

    So I'm hanging up my Captain's hat for good. Let me tell you all about my travels. I've been away for a year and a day, sailing around the world.

  • 事实上,从艾尔的角度看,这很有可能是顶蓝色的帽子

    In fact, from Ale's point of view, this could be a blue hat.

  • 没门,交出你们的围裙和帽子,也别想顺走三明治。

    No. Return your aprons and caps. And do not even think about putting sandwiches in your pockets.

  • 而且卡佳也知道艾尔戴着粉色的帽子

    And it's true that Kaj knows that Ale has a pink hat on his head.

  • 他从后面看了看,那个人的脖颈和帽子,然后将手伸进了车窗,搭在了他的肩上。

    It watched the back of his neck and hat for a minute, and then a hand came in and sat on his shoulder.

  • 嗨。嗨,看看这顶帽子

    Hey. Hey. Hey, check out the hat.

  • 宝藏,在哪里啊?这得你们去找。这是给佩琪的藏宝图,乔治可以带上我的海盗帽子。 你好啊,乔治船长。

    Wow. Treasure. Where is it? You have to look for it. Here's a treasure map for Peppa. And George could wear my pirate hat. Ahoy there, Captain George.

  • 所以艾尔确实知道,至少有一个人戴着粉色的帽子

    So it's true that Ale knows that at least one person in the room has a pink hat on their head.

  • 噢,不!风把乔治的帽子吹掉了。

    No! The wind has blown George's hat off.

  • 现在你们都能看清这两顶帽子,如果他们转过来,就也能看到对方的帽子

    Now you can all see these hats, and if they turn around to each other, they can see each other's hat.

  • 老师们也不知道这些所谓的,“快速迸发者“或者潜力巨大的学生,都是从一个帽子抓阄抓出来的。

    Also unbeknownst to the teachers was these students names, who were deemed "the fast spurters"/"high potential students", were literally randomly picked out from a hat.

  • 所以艾尔不知道卡佳知道,这里有一定粉色的帽子

    So Ale does not know that Kaj knows that there's a pink hat in the room.

  • 让我们戴上智能帽子考虑一下吧,如何?

    Let's put on our thinking cap, shall we?

  • 注意一下,艾尔不知道他头上的帽子是什么颜色

    But notice that Ale doesn't know the color of the hat on his own head.

  • 帽子好看吗?

    How does this look?

  • 埃塞克斯看着这个先知,好像很高兴地守卫着,自己撞倒的这个人,这个男人看起来与海斯并不相像,没有戴着帽子或穿着西装趴在地上,一大堆血,从他的体内涌出,在头部附近形成了一个水坑状的东西。

    The Essex stood half over the other prophet as if it were pleased to guard what it had finally brought down. The man didn't look so much like Haze lying on the ground on his face without his hat or suit on. A lot of blood was coming out of him and forming a puddle around his head.

  • 我这样说这是共同知识吗,至少有一个人戴着粉色的帽子,这是共同知识吗

    Here is a fact, so is it common knowledge that -- is it common knowledge that at least one of these people has a pink hat on their head?

  • 安迪,她们才没兴趣看我设计的帽子呢。安迪想我们看你的帽子,那就看你的帽子吧。

    Andy, they don't want to see my hats. Oh, Andy wants us to see your hats. Let's see your hats.

  • 太粗鲁了你。再加顶帽子

    That's rude. Now it has a hat on it.

  • 我要给他们俩戴上帽子

    I'm about to put on their heads a hat.

  • 注意那个帽子

    Check out the hats.

  • 我已经告诉你们了,艾尔只知道卡佳戴着粉色帽子

    Well I'll reveal the facts now: that in fact Ale knows that Kaj has a pink hat on his head.

  • 粉色的帽子就送给你了

    They can have a pink hat at the end of the class?

  • 你的帽子呢?在厨房,我进去拿。

    And where is your hat? It's in the kitchen, I'll go get it.

  • 你躲在树后面喊 "打那个戴帽子的小孩!,打那个戴帽子的小孩!"

    You hid behind a tree yelling, "Get the kid in the yarmulke! Get the kid in the yarmulke!"

  • 但是他们都知道,至少有一个人戴着粉色帽子,至少有一顶粉色帽子是相互知识

    So again, they both know that someone in the room has a pink hat on their head: it is mutual knowledge that there's a pink hat in the room.

  • 记得有次他去Watts太太的妓院,他戴了顶让他看上去,像传教士的帽子

    Remember he goes in to the prostitute's house, Mrs. Watts's, and he's got a hat on, and the hat just makes him look like a preacher.

  • 到最后,他倒过来了,说,要想给政府施压,来削减财政支出,减税是必由之路,他倒是没有明确说,但依我看,他用的这招叫“把帽子扔过墙去。

    And he ended with the position that the only way to put pressure on spending was by cutting taxes I never heard him use the phrase " but he subscribed to the starve-the-beast thesis.

  • 或者我们也可以帮他戴帽子帽子!没错,我们需要帽子

    Or we could put a hat on his head. A hat. Yes. We need a hat. We need a hat.

  • 他们每个人的帽子可能是蓝色的呢

    Each of their hats, each of their own hats, might be blue.

  • 我喜欢那顶帽子

    I like that hat.

  • 但艾尔不知道卡佳知道他戴着粉色帽子,卡佳也不知道艾尔知道,卡佳戴着粉色帽子

    But Ale does not know that Kaj knows that he is wearing a blue, a pink hat, and Kaj does not know that Ale knows that Kaj is wearing a pink hat.

  • 爷爷,我可以来做船长吗?拜托。好的。要做船长的话,你必须带上这顶帽子。现在佩奇是船长了,大家都得听从她的指令。

    Grandpa, can I be the captain, please? OK. But as a captain, you must wear this hat. Now Peppa is the captain, and everyone must do what she says.

  • 今天我看到一个年迈的女人戴着一顶很大的复古帽子

    I saw an old lady wearing a big classical hat today.

  • 在这一页中间偏下的地方:,我的小情人穿着黑白条子的棉布裙,带着鲜艳的蓝色帽子,白袜子和亮皮鞋与她脖子上那条优美的,蓝宝石项链有些不协调,这是由于那场春雨我送给她的礼物。

    And here in the middle of the page a little ways down: My love's striped black-and-white cotton frock, jaunty blue cap, white socks and brown moccasins were not quite in keeping with the large, beautifully cut aquamarine on a silver chainlet which gemmed her throat, a spring rain gift from me.

  • 你准备怎么办?我会戴帽子

    What are you going to do? Well, I'm going to wear a hat.

  • 风越来越大了。按住你们的帽子

    It's getting even windier, Hold onto your hats.

  • 你看到帽子在厨房,知道她会不戴帽子进去取。

    Wow. You saw the hat in the kitchen and you knew that she'd have to go in there hat-less to get it.

  • 看,在旧政体下后面还有个"s",所以这个字母上面会有一个小帽子

    See,in the old regime there would've been an "s" there,and that's why you've got this little chapeau up there.

  • 如果你想买一个类似于参加婚礼的漂亮的帽子这样的东西,去那儿是很好的,

    And that's great if you just want to get a one of like, beautiful hat for a wedding

  • 乔治的帽子在哪?在你的头上!你的帽子,乔治!这次要抓紧了。大风把树上所有的帽子都吹走了。

    Where's George's hat? It's on your head. Here's your hat George. Hold onto it this time. The wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees.


帽子 màozi

(1) [hat]∶戴在头上保暖、防雨、遮日光或装饰的用品

(2) [brand;label]∶坏名义


(3) [tag]∶比喻罪名或带某种标志的名称


戴在头上,用以遮阳、避雨、保暖或装饰的用品。《儒林外史.第三九回》:「老和尚 含著眼泪,自己除了帽子。」


英语 hat, cap, (fig.)​ label, bad name, CL:頂|顶[ding3]

德语 Hut, Mütze (S)​

法语 chapeau, couvre-chef


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of