1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-22 14:08:29




gentle; mild; kind; harmonious


draw; tie; harmonize; mix; blend; mix with water; complete a set in mahjong; join in the singing; compose a poem in reply


together with; along with; and also; as well as


with; plus; cum


harmony; peace; mildness; sum

and conj.(用于连接单词或词组)和;与;及;以及;且;而且;并;并且;加;加上;另;(用于整数和分数之间)又;然后;接着;那么;因此;所以;于是(用于表示结果)

gentle adj.温和的;柔和的;文雅的;亲切的;缓和的;高尚的;有教养的;谦逊的;善良的;温顺的;宁静的;平缓的;小心的;慈祥的

mild adj.温和的;轻微的;柔和的;和缓的;不刺激的;淡味的;不辛辣的;不严重的;宽容的;和蔼的;温柔的;微弱的

kind n.类型;种类;同类;同类的人;同类的事物

harmonious adj.和谐的;协调的;谐调的;悦耳的;和睦的;友好和;一致的;融洽的;相称的;适合的;调和的

draw v.画;绘制;描画;描绘;拉;拖;拽;吸引;产生;牵引;引起;激起(反应、回应);使说出;提取;抽取;取出;抽;排出;导致;招致;作(比较或对比);打成平手;移动;行进;(船)吃水;(帆)鼓起;(茶)被泡开

tie n.领带;绑带;绳索;线缆;关联;纽带;束缚;平局;不分胜负;横梁;支撑杆;[音]连音线;延音线

harmonize v.使和谐统一;协调;使协调一致;调和;使相符合;给(音乐)配和声;和声演奏;产生和谐效果;调解差异;适应;符合

mix v.混合;搅拌;配制;交往;相处;融入;调和;混编(音乐或声音);混搭;混入(社交场合或群体);混流

blend v.混合;融合;协调;调和;调配(色彩、食物等);使(不同色彩、声音、风格等)交融;使融为一体

together with phr.与…一起;和…一起;和;连同;加之;伴随着

along with phr.连同;随着;随同…一起;和…一起;跟…一起;伴随着;以及

as well as phr.和;以及;还有;此外;既…又…;除…之外;除…之外也

with prep.与…一起;和…在一起;与…方向一致;由…持有;在…身上;在…身边;和;伴随;具有;带有;有;携带;使用;用;通过;以;跟;同;对;针对;在…方面;由…负责;作为…的成员;作为…的一部分;为…所雇用;在…期间;为…工作;支持;赞成;相比;鉴于;因为;考虑到;由于;关于;作为…的成员;受…影响;包括;含有;在…那里;在…看来

plus prep.加上;与…相加;和;外加;加之;以及;也

cum prep.以及;和;与;及

harmony n.和谐;协调;一致;统一;和睦;融洽;调和;配合;和声;和弦

peace n.和平;太平;安宁;平静;宁静;和谐;和睦;融洽;(国际关系中的)休战状态;无战争状态;缓和状态

mildness n.温和;温暖;和善

sum n.总数;和;总和;金额;款项;算术题;总计;概要;要点;摘要;精华;一笔钱;数额;结算;总额;算数;计算结果;总结;一切(尤指数量不大);顶点;极点;计算费用;计算失误;(逻)选言命题

  • 部分和

    partial sum

  • 主流和支流

    principal and secondary aspects

  • 和会

    peace conference 交战双方暂时休战,举行和平谈判会议,以谋求终止战争

  • 亚当和夏娃

    Adam and Eve

  • 算术和

    arithmetic sum

  • 和风

    moderate breeze 风速为每小时13至18里的风 soft breeze 温和的风

  • 和美

    harmonious and happy 和谐美好

  • 和声学

    harmonics; harmony

  • 和服

    kimono 日本人传统穿的肥大宽袖阔腰带长袍

  • 文官和武官

    officials and officers

  • 和缓

    ease up;relax 平和舒缓,使平和舒缓

  • 使命和愿景

    vision and mission

  • 和乐

    happy and harmonious 和睦快乐

  • 和睦

    harmony;concord;amity 相处融洽友好

  • 和朋友话别

    say goodbye to one's friend

  • 和美的家庭

    happy family

  • 内容和形式

    content and form

  • 和风细雨

    like a gentle breeze and a mild rain——in a gentle and mild way 比喻耐心地和颜悦色地批评或劝说

  • 归纳和演绎

    induction and deduction

  • 考核和验收

    performance test and acceptance

  • 和解

    become reconciled;settle 平息纷争,重归于好。今法律上指当事人约定互相让步,不经法院以终止争执或防止争执发生 settlement 在法律上,指诉讼当事人之间为处理和结束诉讼而达成的解决争议问题的妥协或协议。一般来说,和解的结果是撤回起诉或中止诉讼而无需判决。在这种情况下,和解作为当事人之间有约束力的契约,可以防止重新提出诉讼。当事人双方也可以将和解的条款写入一个协议判决,由法院记录在卷

  • 批发和零售

    wholesale and retail distribution

  • 和数位

    sum digit

  • 细目和总数

    detail and total

  • 矢量和

    vector sum

  • 和素常一样

    as usual

  • 干渠和支渠

    trunk canal and its tributaries

  • 和畅

    (of a wind)gentle and pleasant 和暖舒适

  • 和蔼

    kindly;affable 性情温和,态度可亲

  • 和好

    become reconciled 恢复和谐 关系

  • 碳中和

    carbon offset

  • 标量和

    scalar sum

  • 和蔼可亲

    affable;genial 性情温和,态度亲切

  • 和局

    drawn game [比赛] 不分胜负的结局 tie [竞赛] 相等的得分数

  • 约翰逊医生我一直试图增强他的体质。

    Dr. Johnson and I have been trying to build him up physically.

  • 数学试卷英语试卷很难。

    The papers in maths and English are very testing.

  • 他的目的地是乔伯姆公地,那里他在科茨沃尔德的家离得很远。

    His destination was Chobham Common, a long way from his Cotswold home.

  • 公路系统沿线有大型商场快餐店。

    Megamalls and fast food restaurants line the highway system.

  • 社区广播电台商业广播电台一直是有区别的。

    There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.

  • 一个卧室一个客厅。

    A bedroom and a living room.

  • 医生取了尿样血样。

    The doctor took a urine sample and a blood sample.

  • 调以盐、胡椒少许辣椒粉。

    Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne.

  • 我们的背手到处是绳索导致的伤口灼伤。

    Our backs and hands were covered with sores and burns from the ropes.

  • 妈妈还是爸爸住在一起?

    Do you live with your mum or your dad?

  • 我们给了他颜料画笔。

    We gave him paint and brushes.

  • 人类一样,猫狗是杂食性动物。

    Like humans, cats and dogs are omnivores.

  • thisthat是指示代词。

    'This' and 'that' are demonstrative pronouns.

  • 肩膀,膝盖脚趾。

    Head and shoulders, knees and toes.

  • 橙色红色,上下跳动。

    Orange and red, jump up and down.

  • 将有很多游戏奖品。

    There will be games and prizes galore.

  • 他教数学、科学、艺术中文。

    He teaches Maths and Science, and Art and Chinese too.

  • 饮食锻炼同样重要。

    Diet and exercise are equally important.

  • 甲烷丙烷是烷烃。

    Methane and propane are alkanes.

  • 该岛盛产水果蔬菜。

    Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island.

  • 新鲜的水果蔬菜很重要,麦麸也是。

    Fresh fruits and vegetables are important and so is bran.

  • 弟弟妹妹过着平常幸福的生活。

    She led a normal, happy life with her sister and brother.

  • 症状有腹泻呕吐。

    Symptoms include diarrhoea and vomiting.

  • 她擅长美术设计。

    She's good at art and design.

  • 微笑大笑确实已证明能缓解紧张压力。

    Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.

  • 他的辅导教师发现了他在阅读写作方面进步的迹象。

    His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing.

  • 这个队伍的丰富经验表现出来的实力是众所公认的。

    Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.

  • 迈克休总是吵架。

    Mike and Sue are always rowing.

  • 目前,30%的爬行动物、鸟类鱼类面临灭绝的危险。

    30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction.

  • 若IBM公司苹果公司联手将会有什么效果呢?

    What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?

  • 国王王后已经逃跑。

    The king and queen had fled.

  • 指挥官一些士兵已经获释。

    The commander and some of the men had been released.

  • 喝酒犯罪互相滋长。

    The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.

  • 饮食很俭省:奶酪水,米饭豆类。

    The diet was frugal: cheese and water, rice and beans.

  • 玻璃水都折光。

    Glass and water both bend light.

  • 史蒂夫成为了知音形影不离的伙伴。

    Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.

  • 宽容民主并存。

    Permissiveness and democracy go together.

  • 她深感羞耻厌恶。

    She felt a deep sense of shame and repugnance.

  • 四只云雀一只鹪鹩。

    Four Larks and a Wren.

  • 你可以其他在线的人聊天。

    You can chat to other people who are online.

  • 我们有美术历史课。

    We have art and history.

  • 脂肪糖富含热量,但缺乏维生素矿物质。

    Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins and minerals.

  • 狮子老虎属于猫科。

    Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.

  • 他对于法国、德国荷兰的文学了如指掌。

    He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.

  • 她把面成细润的面团。

    She mixed the flour and water to a smooth paste.

  • 从水上、铁路公路运来原料工人。

    Raw materials and labour come by ship , rail or road.

  • 水不相融。

    Oil and water do not mix.

  • 他教我分数计算。

    She taught me fractions and counting.

  • 我去拿铅笔纸。

    I'll get a pencil and paper.

  • 议员席上不断有人在嘲讽打岔.

    There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor.

  • 西蒙我在玩捉迷藏。

    Simon and I are playing hide-and-seek.

  • 早上好,艾拉艾玛!

    Good morning, Ella and Emma!

  • 左转去议会大厦大本钟。

    Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

  • 我的朋友我吃东西玩游戏!

    My friends and I eat and play games!

  • 你想他一起吗?不。

    And you wanna join him? No.

  • 而且我小时候在纽约我的外祖父外祖母住在一起,他们都是韩国人,所以我学过一点韩语。

    and I learned a little bit when I was little because I lived with my harabeoji and halmeoni in New York.

  • 我们用眼睛心灵,取代了耳朵脏器,耳朵身体

    We've replaced the ear and the heart the ear and the body, with the eye and the mind.

  • 但到底怎样才算对生命财产的尊重,这是由政府来决定界定的。

    But what counts as respecting my life and respecting my property, that is for governments to decide and to define.

  • 因此根据克洛文的理解,仪式的净化包括,人性方面、死亡性完全隔离开,这样上帝最相像。

    So according to Klawans, ritual purification involved separation from those aspects of humanity, death and sex, that are least God-like.

  • 其它政治探询课题并存,例如:美国政府,比较政治国际关系。

    It exists alongside of other areas of political inquiry like American government comparative politics and international relations.

  • 到最后,我会再见到太太女儿。

    And in the end, I will see my wife and daughter again.

  • 还有生前遗嘱永久委托书。

    And a living will and durable power of attorney.

  • 皇室,贵族,绅士

    Royalty, nobility, the gentry and...

  • 他以颓废者的形象开始结束其事业,我想作为佩特王尔德的读者。

    He began and ended his career as a decadent, I suppose a reader of Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde.

  • 你可能迅速地使这个特征成为一个极端,开始把XYAB0,所有的变量都放在最前,因为好像它可以,解决你的所有问题,并中止你的想法,但通常这不是一件好事情。

    And you can very quickly take this feature to an extreme 10 and start putting X and Y and A and B and 10 and all your variables up top because it would seem to solve all of your problems and stop all of your thinking, but it's generally not a good thing.

  • 语言韵律,就像这种关系,像我说的,像孩子桦树的关系一样。

    The relation between the speech sounds it's like the relation, as I'm saying, between the boy and the birches.

  • 你可以物质进行互动,被动型直观化里的物质,完美地互动。

    And you can interact with the complement, the passive visualizations in a very nice way.

  • 真情不会强摘番石榴常春藤的果实,也不会造访,阿里休斯,敏吉河,更不会提到“粗犷“

    Passion plucks no berries from the myrtle and ivy, nor calls upon Arethuse and Mincius, nor tells of "rough satyrs and fauns with cloven heel."

  • 弗洛伊德研究心理大脑,并对思想行为的神经基础,有着浓厚的兴趣。

    Freud studied the mind and the brain and was intensely interested in the neural basis of thought and behavior.

  • 事实上,从我们所见能得出,肉体理论,人格理论具有一样的问题情况。

    In fact,so what we see is,the body theory is in exactly the same problem, exactly the same situation,as the personality theory.

  • 你不必深究这些画作,不过我们将从荷兰的民主制度,社会结构,他们自己所强调的特征上解释这些画的含义,他们认为自己其他人很不一样,例如,美丽的法国之间的不同

    You're not responsible for these paintings, but we'll illustrate ways in which the Dutch Republic, and their social structure, and what they emphasized, and who they thought they were was very different than, for example, la belle France.

  • 思考思想身体的关系,是否这个比喻里,竖琴的关系相同。

    Is this metaphor, think about the relationship between the mind and the body as similar to the relationship between harmony and a harp.

  • 第3季第1集《工作玩》

    Work and Play

  • 我把茜玻乔治抱出来了。

    I've got Sybbie and George.

  • 流血!血!血!死亡!

    Blood! Blood! Blood! And death!

  • 他曾经站在雅典市的广场,他的市民们说话,但是他并没有散漫的他们说话,他尤其喜欢年轻人说话。

    He used to stand in the city square in Athens, and talk with his fellow citizens, but he didn't chat idly with them, and he liked especially talking to young people.

  • 克洛文对你们现在读到的文章有过这样的说明,那些被贴上不洁标签,然后被认为神圣的领域相对立的物质状态,一方面来说都死亡有关系,而另一方面生殖有关,这是怎么回事呢?

    So Klawans notes in the article you read that the physical substances and states that are labeled impure and are therefore designated as antithetical to the realm of holiness are states that are associated with death on the one hand, and procreation on the other. Why should this be?

  • 超强大对手小菜一碟。

    Formidable opponents. And smackle.

  • 你不仅能自己对打;,也可以设定电脑程序自己对打-,你自己玩,-你也可以设计电脑程序让你电脑玩。

    You can play not against yourself; you can program the computer to play against yourself-- you can program the computer to play against you.

  • 可选项:鞭炮锣鼓。

    Optional: Firecrackers and drums and gongs.

  • 佩奇乔治今天要画画。

    Peppa and George are painting today.

  • 他们抛掉了世代相传的家徽,抛掉一切来自旧文明,旧君主政体的痕迹,抛掉了贵族政治文明

    They throw heraldry, they throw every kind of vestige of Old World culture and monarchy and aristocracy and civilization.

  • 佩奇乔治到爷爷奶奶家吃午餐。

    Peppa and George have come to Granny and Grandpa Pig's house for lunch.

  • 佩奇乔治该睡觉啦。

    It is Peppa and George's bedtime.

  • 这首诗音乐的联系显示了,它那些理由充分的演说在观点上的不同。

    The poem's connection to music signifies the difference in point of view in these poems from reasoned speech.

  • 所以在今天星期一,我们将学习两大心理理论,其代表人物分别是,西格蒙特·弗洛伊德,伯尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳,这两个理论便是精神分析理论,行为主义理论。

    So today and Monday we're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism.

  • 佩奇乔治在爷爷奶奶家过夜。

    Peppa and George are having a sleepover at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.

  • 将蛋黄取出,把他们上糖水,不,我猜糖面粉才可能是我想要的,糖水没法儿为我,变出有趣的东西来,把他们混合成别的什么东西。

    Take the yolks and mix them in with the sugar and water No. Sugar and flour I guess is probably what I want, sugar and water is not going to do anything interesting for me here mix them into something else.

  • 是鸭妈妈她的朋友们。

    It's Mrs Duck and her friends.

  • 我们每次介绍一个,新的编程概念的时候,就会以前讲的联系起来,就我们介绍防卫性程序设计一样。

    As every time we introduce a new programming concept, we'll relate it back, as we have been doing consistently, to defensive programming.

  • 我,我们毁了她的生活

    You and me. We ruined her life.

  • 负债不相关理论说明它,公司发行股票的每股价格,总负债有关,但公司的价值无关

    The debt irrelevance theory says that it matters for the price of a share what a company issues-- how much debt it takes on-- but it doesn't matter for the value of the company.

  • 这就像是一个鸿沟在专著中的正式论点,运用修辞比喻的部分之间打开了,弥尔顿精心地解释分析他用来,阐述这个论点的语言。

    It's as if a gap has opened up, a gap between the official argument of and the rhetorical figures or the metaphors, Milton's elaborately construed language, which he uses to illustrate that argument.

  • 它们看来较不像,要吸引哲学家,潜在哲学家,反倒像是要形塑及教育公民,未来的政治家。

    They seem to be designed less to recruit philosophers and potential philosophers than to shape and educate citizens and future statesmen.

  • 是的,应该更紧密些,当美国欧盟,我应该说不仅仅美国,而是加拿大,美国墨西哥,我们应该加强墨西哥的外交关系。

    Yes, much more. When the Us and the EU, And I would say not just the US, I would think about Canada, the US and Mexico Because we need to strengthen Mexican diplomacy.

  • 可你还是不敢女人说话。

    And yet, you can't speak to women.

  • 再加点酱油油,好好搅拌一下。

    And some soy and some oil, and just give that a good mix.

  • 就在这件教室下面的大厅那,你们带上元素周期表常数表,还有一个计算器一些写的东西。

    It is just down the hall from this lecture theater. And you bring the Periodic Table and the Table of Constants and a calculator and something to write with.

  • 但你可以透过窗户看见我炸弹。

    Well, you can still look out your window and see me and Bomb.

  • 瑞秋得向法官说明。

    And we'll need you and Rachel to testify before a judge.

  • 叶芝连接了爱尔兰英国文化,作为新教徒,他英国,在社会家庭方面联系紧密。

    Yeats bridges Irish and English cultures, and he is importantly Protestant with social and family ties to English life.

  • 北方南方大致上,北方南方的各州有,自由州蓄奴州的区别,但其地理大小总体上相同

    The North and the South had roughly, as the Northern and Southern states, the Free states and Slave states, had roughly the same geographic size.



hé ㄏㄜˊ

  • 相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。
  • 平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦。~煦。惠风~畅。
  • 平息争端:讲~。~约。~议。~亲。
  • 数学上指加法运算中的得数:二加二的~是四。
  • 连带:~盘托出(完全说出来)。~衣而卧。
  • 连词,跟,同:我~老师打球。
  • 介词,向,对:我~老师请教。
  • 指日本国:~服(日本式服装)。~文。大~民族。
  • 体育比赛不分胜负的结果:~棋。~局。
  • 姓。


hè ㄏㄜˋ

  • 和谐地跟着唱:曲高~寡。
  • 依照别人的诗词的题材或体裁作诗词:~诗。


huó ㄏㄨㄛˊ

 ◎ 在粉状物中搅拌或揉弄使粘在一起:~面。~泥。


huò ㄏㄨㄛˋ

  • 粉状或粒状物搀和在一起,或加水搅拌:~药。奶里~点儿糖。~弄。~稀泥。
  • 量词,指洗衣服换水的次数或一剂药煎的次数:衣裳洗了三~水。


hú ㄏㄨˊ

 ◎ 打麻将或斗纸牌时某一家的牌合乎规定的要求,取得胜利。

英语 harmony, peace; peaceful, calm

德语 und, mit (Konj)​,Addition (S, Math)​,ein Antwortgedicht verfassen (V, Lit)​,einstimmen, Gesang erwidern (V, Mus)​,etwas Feinkörniges mit einer Flüssigkeit verrühren (V)

法语 poésie,compléter un ensemble au mahjong,compléter une suite aux cartes,doux,pétrir,mêler




(1) 和谐;协调。 [harmonious;coordinated]













(2) 和顺;平和 [gentle;mild]


(3) 和睦;融洽 [on friendly terms;harmonious]


言和而色夷。——· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》


(4) 喜悦 [happy]


(5) 暖和;和煦;晴和 [warm]


春和景明。——· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

天稍和。——· 袁宏道《满井游记》

久而乃和。——· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》



(6) 适中;恰到好处 [moderate]


(7) 指身体健康舒适 [comfortable]



(8) 日语的,日本的 [Japanese]


(9) 搀和,混和 [mix]

松脂蜡和纸灰。——· 沈括《梦溪笔谈·活板》

泪珠和笔墨齐下。——· 林觉民《与妻书》



(1) 调和;调治;调适 [be in harmonious proportion;compromise]


(2) 和解;息争而归和平 [become reconciled]



(3) 弈棋或赛球等的结局不分胜负 [end in a draw]


(4) 交易 [trade]


(5) 合。汇合;结合 [converge]



(1) 两个以上数相加的总数 [sum]


(2) 和平 [peace]



(1) 与;跟 [with]


(2) 向;对;跟 [to]——表示动作的对象。如:我很愿意和大家讲一讲;和他父亲谈及此事





(2) 加在一起 [and]


(3) 表示选择,相当于“或” [or]。常用于“无论、不论、不管”后。如:去和不去,由你自己决定

(4) 另见 hè;hú;huó;huò;huo





(1) 应和;跟着唱 [join in (the singing)]


拊石而和之。——· 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》

当哭相和也。——· 林觉民《与妻书》


(2) 附和;响应 [follow;echo;respond to]


(3) 以诗歌酬答;依照别人诗词的题材作诗词 [compose a poem in reply to one by another poet using the same rhyme words]


(4) 答应;允许 [agree]


(5) 另见 hé;hú;huó;huò;huo



(1) 打麻将或斗纸牌时某一家的牌合乎规定的要求,取得胜利 [win in gambling]

(2) 另见 hé;hè;huó;huò;huo




(1) 揉和。在粉状物中加水搅拌或揉弄使粘在一起 [mix]


(2) 另见 hé;hè;hú;huò;huo




(1) 掺合;混杂 [blend]


(2) 不同的人混杂到一起 [mix]


(3) 蒙哄,欺骗 [wheedle]





(1) 用于时间,相当于“会儿” [moment]


(2) 用于洗东西或煎中药换水,相当于“次”、“道” [time]


(3) 另见 hé;hè;hú;huó;huo





——用于“搀和”( chānhuo)、“搅和” jiǎohuo、“暖和” nuǎnhuo、“热和” rèhuo、“软和”( ruǎnhuo)


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of