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February; the second month of the lunar year



February n.二月

Feb. abbr.二月;二月份;二月的缩写;二月简写


February; the second month of the lunar year; Feb.

  • 总统当选人将于二月就职.

    The president - elect will be inaugurated in February.

  • 在1991年一月至二月的第二阶段期间,(研究人员)用了很多方法,试图提高移动性并且改进交通工具的利用情况。

    During Phase II, from January to February 1991, a number of approaches were implemented in an effort to improve mobility and access to transport.

  • 二月,许多医生和护士奔赴湖北。

    Many doctors and nurses went to Hubei in February.

  • 他逃避履行他与球队合同中在二月为他们踢球的协议。

    He welshed on his agreement with the team that he would play for them in February.

  • 我们将在二月举办英语派对。

    We will have an English party in February.

  • 米迦勒将于明年二月至六月在云南的一所学校任教。

    Michael will teach in a school in Yunnan from February to June next year.

  • 去年二月,她的疾病变得更加严重,每天必须至少戴15小时的呼吸机来帮助她呼吸。

    Last February, her disease became worse and she had to wear a ventilator for at least 15 hours a day to help her breathe.

  • 春节通常在一月或二月

    Spring Festival is usually in January or February.

  • 留言是在二月,而我的生日是在十月。

    He wrote in February. My birthday was in October.

  • 这些树二月里长叶子.

    These trees come into leaf in February.

  • 还有一些其他技巧可以帮助你确定一年的头几个月的日期——例如,二月的最后一天总是锚日,不管闰年还是平年。

    There are other tricks to assist with dates in the first months of the year—for example, the last day of February is always an anchor day, leap year or no.

  • 可以肯定的是,二月革命推翻了一个政权,但几乎没有遇到什么阻力,因此没能产生任何真正意义上的历史戏剧。

    The February Revolution overthrew a regime, to be sure, but met with so little resistance that it failed to generate any real sense of historical drama.

  • 这些树二月里长叶子。

    These trees come into leaf in February.

  • 二月是个沉闷的月份.

    February is a month of languors.

  • 二月或三月的天气变化之后,这些州会有更多人患上心脏病。

    People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.

  • 生于二月的水瓶座人的诞生石是紫水晶,而生于一月的水瓶座人的诞生石是石榴石。

    Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January.

  • 新鲑鱼二月前不上市, 对 吗 ?

    Fresh salmon doesn't come in before February, does it?

  • 我没见过比那年二月更多的雨了。

    I have never seen so much rain as fell that February.

  • 二月是一年中的第二个月。

    February is the second month of the year.

  • 他是二月出生的.

    He was born in February.

  • 二月是一年的第二个月。

    February is the second month of the year.

  • 巴西今年一至二月的出口猛增了26%。

    Brazil's exports jumped by 26% in the year to February.

  • 二月的天气并不总是暖和。

    It is not always warm in February.

  • 观察二月兰一代杂交种子的细胞分裂。

    Observe the meiosis on the F1 hybrid of Orychophragmus violaceus.

  • 首先,二月革命被六月革命盖过了风头。

    First, the insurrection of February has been overshadowed by that of June.

  • 去年二月有二十九天.

    February had 29 days last year.

  • 二月下旬某日,我在伦敦同休·盖茨克尔一起午餐.

    Late in February I lunched in London with Hugh Gaitskell.

  • 他又回过头去凝视着外面二月天的雪景.

    He returned and gazed out upon a snowy February landscape.

  • 二月的空气柔和、凉爽而怡人。

    The February air was soft, cool, and inviting.

  • 二月,联邦贸易委员会和数字广告联盟(DAA)就该行业快速响应 DNT 要求达成共识。

    In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.

  • 然而单看二月的数据总是有问题。

    But looking at the February data in isolation is always risky.

  • 但是从二月到七月,乔伊又无事可做了。

    But from February through July, Joy sat around with nothing to do.

  • 二月到五月,售出了数亿个指尖陀螺。

    Between February and May, hundreds of millions of fidget spinners were sold.

  • 这场比赛定于二月一个寒冷的冬日。

    The fight was scheduled for the February of a cold winter.

  • 在英国十月至二月是猎雉的开放季节.

    October to February is the open season for pheasants in Britain.

  • 第十一条本规定从一九八四年二月一日起实施.

    Article 11 These Provisions shall go into effect on February 1,1984.

  • 我的生日是二月十一日。

    My birthday is on February the eleventh.

  • 它通常在二月到来。

    It usually comes in February.

  • 二月二(又称龙抬头)就是其中之一。

    The Double Second Festival (the Dragon Head-rising Festival or Longtaitou Festival) is one of them.

  • 它通常在每年的二月或三月到来。

    It usually comes in February or March every year.

  • 为了对我们二月五号那封信作进一步的说明, 我们现在可以保证你们所要的零件都有现货.

    Further to our letter of February 5 th, we can now confirm that all the spare parts you requested are available.

  • 寒假在二月和三月。

    Winter vacation is in February and March.

  • 它总是在一月或二月

    It is always in January or February.

  • 二月里这种温暖的天气不太正常.

    This warm weather is abnormal for February.

  • 膳食指南咨询委员会去年二月发布的科学报告中包含了所有这些以及其他更多观点。

    All of these points and more showed up in the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's scientific report, released last February.

  • 丹麦将于2009年二月举行下届大选。

    Denmark's next election is dueby February 2009.

  • 二月通常是寒冷的月份

    February is usually a cold month.

  • 〔谚语〕二月天气好,全年气候糟.

    All the months in the year curse a fair February.

  • 他的生日是二月十二号。

    His birthday is on February twelfth.

  • 二月以来我们就适应了在公众场合戴口罩。

    We have been used to wearing masks (口罩) in public since February.

  • 二月下半月天气越来越冷.

    During the last weeks of February the severity of the weather increased.

  • 我们计划在二月去滑雪。

    We plan to go skiing in February.

  • 如今正直二月,是爱的时候了。

    It's the month of February, and that means it's time for love.

  • 佳士得在2007年二月购得鹿腿画廊。

    Christie's bought Haunch in February 2007.

  • 它拥有一条幽长的林荫大道,这便是有名的涅瓦大街,它见证了一九一七年的二月革命

    It has a long boulevard, the Nevski Prospect, very important in 1917.

  • 这些人有点乏味,他们在1830年到1848年执政,国王是路易·菲利普,他在1848年二月被王室追捕,他被视为进取者,被视为资产阶级的君主,但他完全是个贵族

    And these people--this is kind of boring-- but these people were in government between 1830 and 1848, and King Louis-Philippe, who was chased from the throne in February of 1848, was seen as progressive, he was seen as the bourgeois monarch but he was perfectly noble.

  • 现在已经是二月,我只接到两个按摩客人,而且他们给小费都给得很吝啬。

    It's already February and I've only given two massages and they were both the worst tippers in the world.

  • 我一月加入,Debbie二月加入。

    So again, I got there in January, Debbie came in February.

  • 不行 好了,言归正传,二月号背面,你们和萨尔玛联系过吗?

    No. All right, February, back of the issue. Did anybody speak with Salma's people yet?

  • 中国新年,又被称作农历新年,世界各地都在一月下旬或者二月上旬庆祝这个节日。

    Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, is celebrated throughout the world in late January or early February.

  • 你可能看不清这个幻灯片,但是这里有一副世界地图,上面准确的展现了在二零零七年八月到,在屏幕上没有显示出来,是到二零零八年二月之间发生的,所有小儿麻痹症的个案

    You can't see this too well but there's a map of the world here that actually shows you all the individual cases of polio that occurred between this period of August 2007 and, it's cut off on the screen, February of 2008.

  • 告诉我你们会举行婚礼。二月二日。

    Rachel Karen Green, tell me there is gonna be a wedding. February 2nd.

  • 唐纳德·斯蒂文斯,将与艾伦诺·戈瓦一起主持商议他儿子的死。陆军上尉考尔特·斯蒂文斯二月死于阿富汗,死后被授予了银星。

    Donald Stevens will join host Eleonor Gwah to discuss the death of his son, Army Captain Colter Stevens, who died in Afghanistan in February and was honored posthumously with the Silver Star.

  • 他很不体贴地出生在二月初。

    And he was inconsiderate of enough to have been born in the beginning of February.

  • 在一八七一年二月,举行了一系列选举,并且那些守旧城市,像西部城市布列塔尼,那里的国民大会,又重新被极端君主专制主义者们掌握,而这将决定法国的未来

    But, in February of 1871 there are elections and the provinces, particularly the conservative, western provinces like Brittany return this extremely monarchist dominated National Assembly that is going to determine the future of France.

  • 你们猜学校要派谁去瑞士参加研讨会并参观欧洲核子研究委员会的超级对撞机,就在二月十四日?

    Guess who the university is sending to Switzerland to attend a conference and see the CERN super collider on February 14?


繁荣 adj. prosperous; thriving; flourishing; booming; b

错误 n. error; mistake; fault; flaw; blue; blunder; sli

角色扮演 cosplay。 role-playing game。

有趣 adj. interesting; amusing; entertaining; fun; funn

有趣的 adj. interesting; amusing; diverting; entertaining

停止 v. stop; cease; quit; arrest; drop; kill; lift; ha

同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。