1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-28 16:54:43
tíng zhǐ


stop; cease; quit; arrest; drop; kill; lift; halt; abandon; discontinue; end; suspend; let up; leave off; wind up; terminate; desist; call a halt to; chuck; shelve; lay to rest; give up; give over; cut off; lay off; come off; pack up; draw up; drive out of; put to rest; choke off; call it a day


stop; arrest; cessation; letup; termination; halt; standstill; freeze; stoppage







stop v.停止;阻止;使结束;结束;使停下;停下;暂停;中断;使中断;停止工作;停止运转;逗留;待;堵塞;止付;停付

cease v.停止;使停止;终止;使终止;结束;使结束;中断;使中断;停息;使停息

quit v.离开(工作职位、学校等);放弃;停止使用;戒掉不良习惯;退出(计算机程序等);迁出;搬离(住处);退出团体;退出组织;清偿债务;履行责任;履行义务

arrest v.逮捕;拘留;拘捕;扣留;吸引(注意力);阻止;抑制;中止;引起(兴趣或注意);延缓;挫折

drop v.掉;掉落;降低;减少;放弃;中途卸客;中途卸货;剔除;除名;停止;放弃;(道路等)急剧向下倾斜;迅速下降;不再(与某人)往来;遗漏;使变弱;使声音变小

kill v.杀死;破坏;终止;使痛苦;结束;使受折磨;使失败;消磨(时间);扼杀(创意等);关闭(程序或设备);灭绝;镇压;解除(痛苦);使失效

lift v.提起;举起;抬起(身体某一部位);空运;解除;撤销;偷盗;盗窃;剽窃;抄袭;拔起(蔬菜或植物);高兴起来;使更愉快;(个人、运动队的)晋级;赢得(奖品或比赛)

halt v.使停止;停止;终止;使终止;中断;暂停;停止行进;使停止前进;停步;立定;停滞;停留;踌躇;犹豫;蹒跚;(诗的格律等)有缺陷;(论点等)不合逻辑

abandon v.遗弃;丢弃;放弃;抛弃;离弃;(不得已而)舍弃;离开;撤离;撤退;中止;终止;停止;放纵;听任;放任自流

discontinue v.停止;中止;中断;终止;废止;断绝;停产;停止供应;停止进行

end v.结束;完结;断绝;消亡;使停止;以…作为结局

suspend v.暂停;暂缓;中止;悬挂;吊起;悬;吊;悬浮;推迟;延期;暂时停职;暂时禁赛;暂时剥夺(权利或资格);暂时使失效;搁置(判断或决定)

let up vphr.减小;缓和;减轻;减弱;中断;(指持续的令人不快的过程)停止

leave off vphr.停止;中断;结束;停用;不再穿着

wind up vphr.结束;完成;停止;关停;关闭(企业或其他组织);整理结束;给(钟表等)上发条;告终;以…告终;给…上弦;摇上(车窗等);达到;使处于某种状态;最终沦落到;最终落得;故意惹恼;挑衅;使紧张;哄骗

terminate v.终止;结束;终结;解雇;使终止;使停止;停止;到达终点站

desist v.停止;中止;结束;终止

chuck v.(随便或贸然地)扔;抛;放弃;结束;停止;终止;轻拍;抚摸;抚弄;轻触…的下巴;与(伴侣)分手;与(同伴)断绝关系;解雇;辞掉(工作等);打发走;撵走;用夹头夹住;把…装进卡盘

shelve v.搁置;暂缓考虑;推迟;放到一边;把(物品,尤指书籍)放置于架子上

lay to rest 躺着休息;安葬;驱除

give up vphr.放弃;停止;投降;认输;把…让给;让出;辞去(工作);戒除;戒掉(瘾等);自首;投案;腾出时间

give over vphr.停止做某事;停止;停止讲话;停止打扰;停止抱怨或嘲笑;中止;放弃;交出;交付;让渡;投降;屈服;表示强烈的不同意或否认

cut off vphr.切断某物的供应(如电、煤气、水等的供应);中断(供给、对话或通话);停止提供;终止;(用锋利的刀具等)去除;切掉;割掉;(地方或人)被隔绝;隔离;阻断;截断;打断(讲话);超某人的车抢道;中止与某人的关系;断绝与某人的联系;断绝关系;剥夺权利;剥夺(某人)的继承权

lay off vphr.解雇;暂时解雇;裁员;(通常指因工作岗位不足而)辞退;使下岗;停止做某事;停止使用;停止干涉;<口>(暂时)停止打扰(或取笑、批评、干涉等);停下休息;把(衣服等)放在一边

come off vphr.成功;完成;实现;结果;达到效果;举行;(计划中的事)发生;表现;(在比赛或冲突中)表现得;进展;脱落;分离;分开;剥落;褪色;结束;停止服用(药);戒除(毒品);戒除(毒或药)瘾;被理解;被接受;别撒谎了;别瞎说

pack up vphr.装箱打包;收拾行李;打点行李;把…收起来;把…打包;把…装箱;(身体器官)衰竭;结束工作;停止工作;下班;(机器)出故障;收场

draw up vphr.起草;拟定;制定;停下;使停下;靠边停车;使靠边停车;停住;使靠近;站直;使站直;坐直;使坐直

drive out of 开车驶出...;驱逐出...;离开...

choke off 抑制;中止;批评

call it a day vphr.结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止;结束;认为足够好;决定停止进行中的活动

cessation n.停止;终止;中止;暂停;休止;停息;中断;中断活动;停止活动

letup n.停止;中止;松懈

termination n.终止;终结;终点;结束;端;末端;截止;终止妊娠;人工流产;终止合同

standstill n.静止;停滞;停顿;停止;不前进状态;停滞状态;僵局

freeze v.结冰;使结冰;(屏幕)冻结;凝固;冷冻;停止;使停止;使僵住;僵硬;固定;严寒;极度寒冷;(因害怕等)停住不动;冻结

stoppage n.阻塞;堵塞;停工;罢工;切断(供应或服务);中断(比赛、活动或过程)

off adv.离开(某处);切断;停止;中止;没有;不再供应;(脱)掉(衣服);(取)下(首饰);减掉;扣掉;(在时间或空间上)距离;(机器、电灯等)关掉;不再运转;全部地;不工作;不上学;休息;腐坏;变质;向一边;进入昏迷状态

  • 他应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。

    He should stop wearing that silly earring.

  • 月经可能在女性45至50岁之间停止

    Menstruation may cease when a woman is anywhere between forty-five and fifty years of age.

  • 关闭设备不会停止它使用电力。

    Turning off a device won't stop it from using power.

  • 他不会同意敌对状态的停止

    He would not agree to a cessation of hostilities.

  • 当购买停止,杀戮也会停止

    When the buying stops, the killing can too.

  • 有些人停止在海里游泳。

    Some people stopped swimming in the sea.

  • 音乐停止,灯光亮起。

    The music stopped and the lights were turned up.

  • 当下时局艰难,一些社区学院被迫停止招生。

    Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students.

  • 他们同意停止大规模轰炸。

    They agreed to desist from the bombing campaign.

  • 汽车随惯性而下直至滑行停止

    The car coasted along until it stopped.

  • 该摄影师停止按动快门,匆匆绕过那个拐角。

    The photographer stopped clicking and hurried around the corner.

  • 我们在成熟后就停止成长了。

    We stop growing at maturity.

  • 他们不妨停止在电视上做广告,这样做可能是明智之举。

    They might be wise to stop advertising on television.

  • 市场上已停止销售这种减肥药片。

    The slimming pills were taken off the market.

  • 摄影师停止按动快门,匆匆绕过拐角。

    The photographer stopped clicking and hurried around the corner.

  • 她已与多数老朋友停止了来往。

    She's dropped most of her old friends.

  • 她感觉好些了,那位精神科医生让她停止了药物治疗。

    She felt better and the psychiatrist took her off drug therapy.

  • 他在送往医院途中停止了心跳。

    He arrested on the way to the hospital.

  • 这种出血常常会自己停止

    The bleeding often stops spontaneously.

  • 老年人已经停止了友善地对待别人

    The older people had stopped being neighbourly to each other.

  • 任何导致呼吸出现困难的锻炼都应停止

    Any exercise that causes undue shortness of breath should be stopped.

  • 守卫停止了哼唱,猛地转过头。

    The guard stopped his humming and turned his head sharply.

  • 公共汽车午夜停止服务。

    The bus service stops at midnight.

  • 首先,停止吃快餐,每天吃早餐。

    First, stop eating fast food and have breakfast every day.

  • 公司停止了各项业务,于1月份开始变卖资产。

    The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January.

  • 寺庙里面的诵经声停止了。

    The chanting inside the temple stopped.

  • 福特从来没有停止试着劝说他回美国。

    Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America.

  • 停止弹钢琴,应门去了。

    He left off playing the piano to answer the door.

  • 马圭尔已向最高法院提出上诉,要求停止对她的引渡。

    Maguire has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her extradition.

  • 首先,你必须停止担心!

    First of all, you must stop worrying!

  • 她累了,但她没有停止工作。

    She was tired, but she did not stop working.

  • 我们已经停止生产台式电脑了,因为不赚钱。

    We have stopped making desktops because no one is making money from them.

  • 他们投票决定立即停止罢工。

    They voted to cease strike action immediately.

  • 停止吃快餐,每天吃早餐。

    Stop eating fast food and have breakfast every day.

  • 他们可以明智些,停止在电视上做广告。

    They might be wise to stop advertising on television.

  • 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。

    Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

  • 是布鲁克停止犹豫不决的时候了。

    It's time for Brooke to stop shilly-shallying.

  • 突然,铿锵声和喊声停止了。

    Suddenly, the clangour and shouting ceased.

  • 他把孩子向空中高高抛起,孩子就停止了哭闹。

    He threw the baby high in the air and it stopped crying.

  • 医生设法使她逐渐停止服用安眠药片。

    The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.

  • 几天后毛虫停止了进食。

    After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding.

  • 我试图说服他停止服用镇静剂。

    I've tried to get him to come off the tranquillizers.

  • 他的目的是使空间站项目全面停止

    His objective was to kill the space station project altogether.

  • 科学家们从未停止研究陆地。

    Scientists never stop studying the land.

  • 结束这段感情并不意味着这种殴打伤害就会停止

    Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.

  • 停止了对我们运动的支持。

    He withdrew his support for our campaign.

  • 油轮未能对停止前进的指令做出反应。

    The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop.

  • 随着愤慨变为激怒,她停止了思考。

    She ceased to think, as anger transmuted into passion.

  • 巴里话说到一半突然停止了。

    Barry broke off in mid-sentence.

  • 所以,让我们停止浪费能源。

    So, let's stop wasting energy.

  • 由于国内需求大幅下降,生产已经停止

    Because of the slump in domestic demand, production has stopped.

  • 不,我不赞成停止颁奖和取消小说家的奖金。

    No, I'm not for abolishing prizes and denying novelists their money.

  • 如果让我选择,我明天就停止工作。

    If I had the choice, I would stop working tomorrow.

  • 线路接错导致机器停止运转。

    A faulty connection caused the machine to stop.

  • 我认为你应该暂时停止踢足球。

    I think you ought to give football a rest for a time.

  • 对的,程序会,在第一步就停止了。

    Yes, it stops at the first step, right? Let's look at it.

  • 恐怕只能等他自己停止吐了。

    Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid.

  • 我的肉体在我停止生存时也停止了生存。

    My body stops being alive at the very same moment that I cease being alive.

  • 就像是作为儿童存在一样也是一个阶段,会经历一段时间而后停止

    In the same way that being a child is a phase you can go through for a period of time and then cease to be.

  • 莫妮卡要我停止鼓声。好了。

    And Monica ask me to make the drumming stop. Done.

  • 同时,调查不会停止直到我们找到玛戈。

    In the meantime, however, the investigation will not stop until we find Margot.

  • 就算他,可以选择停止哲思,但他拒绝那么做,理由是他已接受指示,神性指示,所以别无选择。

    Even when presented with the option to cease philosophizing, he refuses to do so on the ground that, again, he is acting under a command, divine command and cannot do otherwise.

  • G水能够让服用者极度兴奋,但与酒精混合,会让人停止呼吸。

    Now, GHB gives the user a feeling of euphoria, but take it in combination with alcohol and you stop breathing.

  • 你让我停止找肖的时候,我照办了。

    When you told me to stop looking for Shaw, I did.

  • 钱德,你回来了!没错!你老公回来了! 所以现在性爱派对可以停止了!

    Chandler, you're home! That's right! Your husband's home! So now the sex can stop!

  • 现在如果有人躺在核磁共振仪中进行阅读,我们就可以看到,在阅读时,大脑哪些部位变得活跃,停止阅读时哪些部位停止活动,这样我们就知道了,大脑中什么部位是和阅读相关的

    You can put somebody in an MRI machine now and have them read a book and look at what parts of their brain become activated when they're reading and what parts stop activating when they stop reading, so you can learn where in their brain is reading done.

  • 停止所有引擎的运转。遵命。

    All stop. Aye, sir.

  • 粗略地说,这些功能停止时我就死了,但是什么功能呢?

    Well,roughly speaking, I die when the functioning stops,but which functions?

  • 但我却会强迫性地去观察。而且很难停止

    but I'm kind of pushing things to the side. It's kind of hard to turn it off.

  • 孤联诗句到了句尾语法和句意,都刚好停止,下一句,又表达一个新的意思,下一句又是,依次类推。

    An end-stopped line is one in which the grammatical unit of sense stops precisely at the end of the line. The next line of verse picks up a different thought and the next one after that, and so on.

  • 新闻记者就开始叫嚣,为什么停止分红

    The newspaper reporters will start calling, why did you cut the dividend?

  • 他设法使活动停止

    He manages to halt the activities.

  • 少来了,谢尔顿。我是接“少来什么”还是该停止装傻了?

    Stop it, Sheldon. Do I say "stop what?" or just throw in the towel?

  • 今天整个世界都停止了运转,当供电中断的时候,所有的电都消失了。

    Today the whole world stop working when there was a powercut and all the electricity was lost.

  • 这就是为什么根据人格理论的说法,随着时间流逝,人格功能停止,我也不再存在。

    That's why we said on the personality theory,as we went ahead in time, once the P-functioning stops,I don't exist anymore.

  • 通常,在车祸或者什么情况作用下,我的生理功能和人格功能同时停止,剩下的就是一具尸体。

    In the normal case,I'm in a car accident or whatever it is, and my body stops functioning,my personality stops functioning, and you're left with a corpse.

  • 好了!好啦!停止,你们! 你们停止

    Okay! Okay! Stop it, you! You stop it!

  • 黑胡子不会停止寻找彼得的,这个岛上只有一个地方他不敢去查。

    Blackbeard won't stop searching for Peter. There's only one place on this island he wouldn't dare look.

  • 他/她不停地试图跟你打情骂俏。你希望他们停止

    He or she been flirting with you non-stop. And you'd like them to stop.

  • 有没有一个好的理由相信,我们不相信,自己会停止作为一个人的存在呢?

    Is there any good reason to believe that we don't believe that we're going to cease to exist as a person?

  • 你不得不生存,你不能就此停止

    You just have to live, you can't cut up.

  • 我们不是微软或者戴尔,我们必须停止效仿他们

    We're not Microsoft or Dell. So we need to stop trying to be that.

  • 这里,火车的停止就像是,被正常知觉的记忆所打断,那是这首诗的基础。

    Here, the stopping of the train is like the interruption by memory of normal consciousness that's the basis of the poem.

  • 那么这么做到哪儿才能停止呢?

    When am I done? How do I stop this?

  • 你必须理解,跟你在一起的人不会停止去计划他跟你的未来。

    Okay, you are gonna have to understand it. You're with a guy who's not gonna stop planning his future with you.

  • 我看到女人们一起停止干家务,让房子变成废墟,然后无家可归。

    I see women who give up on housekeeping altogether and let their house go to ruin and become vagrants.

  • 你不吞下去吗?我只是在等泡泡停止。是不是很棒?

    Aren't you going to swallow that? Just waiting for it to stop bubbling. Yeah, isn't that great?

  • 这种噩梦停止过吗?有,我遇见你妈妈的时候。

    Did the nightmares ever stop? Yeah. When I met your mother.

  • 如果你长期吃某种食物,一旦停止食用,例如高糖饮食之类,就会出现戒断反应,这也许说明你已经上瘾了

    If you eat food for a long time and then you stop, let's say a high sugar diet or something and withdrawal symptoms occur, well that might mean addiction is occurring.

  • 现在我要做的只是想象一个,人格功能在生理功能停止停止的例子。

    What I've done is imagine a case in which the personality functioning stops before the rest of the body functioning stops.

  • 就是那个男主角,然而,他发出强有力的呼吁,让我停止生产,这是在48页的中间。

    It's the leading man, however, who has made the most eloquent appeal to me ] to call off the production.

  • 我们来假设,红灯的意思是出发“,那么难道,绿灯的意思是停止吗?,这样会引起各种不必要的麻烦?

    Let's make the red light the symbol of 'go.'" And now with the ecological movement it would be very difficult to make the green light the symbol of "stop," and in any case all sorts of complications would arise. Right?

  • 我要他们停止监听我妻子的律所。

    I want them to stop listening to my wife's law office.

  • 申请对博物馆的紧急禁令使其停止展览。

    An emergency injunction against the museum to stop the exhibition.

  • 第二个问题是什么是基础条件?,我要将问题分解到何时才使得问题,小到可以解决的基本问题?,这里是当列表的长度为1有时候,我也可以在长度为2的时候停止分解,那是一个非常简单的对比。

    The second question I want to ask is what's the base case? When do I get down to a problem that's small enough that it's basically trivial to solve? Here it was lists of size one. I could have stopped at lists of size two right. That's an easy comparison.

  • 飞箭在我脸上笔直地犁出了一条伤口,我停止了幻想,遮住眼睛,赶忙去止血。

    Here I paused in my fiction to shield my eyes and stanch the arrow-straight tracks clawed down my cheek.

  • 所以说死亡只永久地,停止人格功能性的这个说法,也不是正确的。

    So the proposal that death is a matter of permanent cessation of P-functioning versus temporary, that doesn't seem like it's going to do the trick.

  • 不,我的意思是我要他们停止监听我及我的办公室。

    No, my point is I want them to stop listening to me and my office.

  • 这是死亡最常见的单调的形式,肉体停止一切功能,人最终成为尸体,放进棺材埋葬。

    That is, the more familiar humdrum event of death here your body ceases functioning and you end up having a corpse that gets buried and so forth.

  • 我们正要停止那么做,因为无法发现一个独立电子。

    We are going to have to stop doing that because we cannot find an individual electron.

  • 小心最后一次比较,其次,如果少于两个元素程序停止了,我们能确信这总是应该终止的么?,答案是肯定的,因为我在做什么?

    So first of all, I've got to be careful about the end test. But the second thing is, OK, if it stops whenever this is less than two, am I convinced that this will always halt?

  • 只是你现在必须停止惹怒我。

    You're just gonna have to stop pissing me off.

  • 通常,我在身体停止运作时就死亡了,这说的是在生理功能停止

    In the normal case,I die when my body stops functioning, in terms of the body functions.

  • 从世俗的角度,我认为这对你有利,如果我刚步入正轨就停止筹款。

    The cynical side of me thinks that it benefits you if I stop my fundraising right when I'm hitting my stride.

  • 酒精使得这些脑组织变得松懈,甚至是停止运作

    Alcohol relaxes, shuts down those parts of the brain.


停止 tíngzhǐ

[stop;cease;halt;suspend;pause;bring an end to;call of;end up;fetch up;leave off;wind up] 停下来,不再进行




英语 to stop, to halt, to cease

德语 anhalten (S)​

法语 arrêter, suspendre


繁荣 adj. prosperous; thriving; flourishing; booming; b

错误 n. error; mistake; fault; flaw; blue; blunder; sli

角色扮演 cosplay。 role-playing game。

有趣 adj. interesting; amusing; entertaining; fun; funn

有趣的 adj. interesting; amusing; diverting; entertaining

停止 v. stop; cease; quit; arrest; drop; kill; lift; ha

同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。