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时间: 2024-12-27 17:08:19
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South Korea



South Korea n.韩国(位于朝鲜半岛南部的国家);大韩民国(韩国的官方名称);南韩(位于东亚的国家)

KOR abbr.韩国(South Korea的缩写)

  • 韩国,自2011年以来,一些学生由菲律宾和其他国家的教师教授英语。

    In South Korea, some students have been taught English by teachers in the Philippines and other countries since 2011.

  • 作为即将卸任的韩国外长,他对那些情况了如指掌。

    As South Korea’s outgoing foreign minister, he knows the situation well.

  • 韩国烤肉的特色是牛肉或者猪肉切成薄片,与米饭一起食用。

    Korean barbecue features thin slices of beef or pork that cooked and served with rice.

  • 新加坡和韩国护照享有162个国家的免签证通行待遇。

    Singaporean and South Korean passports provide visa-free access to 162 countries.

  • 韩国位于中国东面。

    Korea lies to the east of China.

  • “虽然我们搬到了美国,”她妈妈说,“但这并不意味着我们不再吃韩国食物。”

    "Just because we've moved to America," her mother said, "doesn't mean we stop eating Korean food."

  • 这项技术随后传到了韩国、日本和欧洲。

    This technology then spread to Korea, Japan and Europe.

  • 该地区越来越受来自中国、印度和韩国的移民家庭欢迎。

    The district has become increasingly popular with immigrant families from China, India and Korea.

  • 韩国工匠把这种艺能带到了日本。

    The Korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them into Japan.

  • 她周一前往韩国

    She travels to Korea on Monday.

  • 韩国大学丢尽了脸.

    They give Korean colleges a bad name.

  • 松岛出现在韩国有史以来最著名的音乐视频中。

    Songdo appears in the most famous music video ever to come out of South Korea.

  • 今年,韩国消费产品的进口激增了33%。

    South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.

  • 她在韩国玩得很惬意。

    She had a very jolly time in Korea.

  • 我们准备离开韩国舞台动身去英国.

    We'll wrap up the Korean stage and head for England.

  • 韩国商务会谈的传统是什么?

    What's the tradition of business talks in South Korea?

  • “她和她的家人上周刚从韩国到达。”

    "She and her family just arrived from Korea last week."

  • 韩国的大多数进口物品都是原材料和资本货物。

    Most imports into Korea are raw materials and capital goods.

  • 松岛距韩国主要国际枢纽仁川机场仅一箭之遥。

    Songdo is a stone's throw from South Korea's Incheon Airport, its main international hub.

  • 韩国,最年轻的人应该先开始吃。

    In Korea, the youngest person is expected to start eating first.

  • 我在韩国买的。

    I got them in Korea.

  • 她在韩国过得很愉快。

    She had a very jolly time in Korea.

  • 我非常喜欢韩国电视剧.

    I'm crazy about Korean TV plays.

  • 韩国艺术品的价格飞涨。

    Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof.

  • 年轻的美国人喜欢日本漫画杂志,看韩国电影。

    Young Americans enjoy Japanese comic magazines and watch Korean movies.

  • 韩国和新加坡这样的成功国家拥有优秀的教育体系。

    Successful countries like South Korea and Singapore have excellent education systems.

  • 茶叶是在7世纪和8世纪传到韩国和日本的。

    The tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 7th and 8th centuries.

  • 一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。

    A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.

  • 我努力学习,后来去了韩国

    I studied hard and went to Korea.

  • 她的名字听起来像个韩国人。

    Her name sounds like a South Korean.

  • 泡菜象征着韩国,以至于首尔有一家泡菜博物馆。

    Kimchi is synonymous with Korea, so much so there is a Kimchi Museum in Seoul.

  • 据认为,茶是在六、七世纪传入韩国和日本的。

    It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.

  • 钢制筷子在韩国更受欢迎。

    Steel chopsticks are more popular in Korea.

  • 韩国人第一次见面时应该做什么?

    What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?

  • 它称这次台风为韩国多年来最严重的自然灾害。

    It has called the typhoon the worst natural disaster in South Korea in many years.

  • 那个韩国女人的老板问她那天有没有拿到一个盘子。

    The boss of the Korean woman asked her if she had got a plate that day.

  • 那艘韩国船只显然并未被破坏。

    The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.

  • 今年,韩国科学家恰好证明了植物确实会对声音做出反应。

    This year, as it happens, South Korean scientists proved that plants really do respond to sound.

  • 派克说,他为韩国打造了一辆豪华车。

    Park says he built South Korea a luxury vehicle.

  • “也许她在韩国抢了银行,需要一个新身份,”一个男孩回答。

    "Maybe she robbed a bank in Korea and needs a new identity," a boy replied.

  • 韩国位于中国东面.

    Korea lies to the east of China.

  • 我的朋友在韩国工作。

    My friend works in South Korea.

  • 韩国财阀是导致金融危机爆发的根本原因。

    Korea plutocrat is the prime cause that causes financial crisis to erupt.

  • 投资者在亚洲国家中更看重韩国

    Investors ranked South Korea high among Asian nations.

  • 德国人不明白,在韩国,商业谈判经常持续到晚上。

    The Germans did not understand that in South Korea business talks often continue into the evening.

  • 美国军队继续驻留在韩国领土依然是令这些学生极其恼怒的事情。

    The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.

  • 57%的学生来自海外,比如美国、欧洲、日本、新加坡和韩国

    About 57% were from overseas, America and Europe, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

  • 很多韩国人认为这是在逃避责任,对此非常愤慨。

    Many Koreans were angered at what they saw as an evasion of responsibility.

  • 他的客户大多是韩国人。

    Most of his clients are Korean.

  • 韩国在日本以西。

    Korea lies to the west of Japan.

  • 韩国你会因为逮住了我而升官发财?

    Will you become rich and famous in the South for arresting me?

  • 韩国首相悄无声息地离开了。

    The departure of the South Korean prime minister was marked with little fanfare.

  • 韩国艺术品价格突然猛涨了。

    Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof.

  • 一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了。

    A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.

  • “你必须努力学习,表现良好,取得好成绩,证明你是一个好韩国人。”

    "You must study hard, behave nicely and get good grades to show that you're a good Korean."

  • 我不知道他在整个韩国是不是很出名,但是,

    I don't know if he's familiar over in South Korea but

  • 而且我小时候在纽约和我的外祖父和外祖母住在一起,他们都是韩国人,所以我学过一点韩语。

    and I learned a little bit when I was little because I lived with my harabeoji and halmeoni in New York.

  • 可以是印度尼西亚,韩国,台湾价值观,这些价值观是任何人,世界任何角落的任何人的价值观。

    They are Indonesian or Korean or Taiwanese They're values that any people, any where in the world.

  • 最近,许多韩国的学生都在准备申请美国的大学。

    These days, many students are preparing to apply to universities in the U.S.

  • 如果在韩国,你们的脑袋就会挂在三星工厂外面身体还得去干活。

    In Korea, your heads would be on sticks outside the Samsung factory, and you would still have to work.

  • 好,韩国人基因真的比较好吗?我不知道。

    Okay. Yeah. And are Koreans really better? I don't know.

  • 韩国也会标注有转基因的食品吗?

    Do you guys label genetically modified foods in South Korea?

  • 我们向那些保卫了韩国人民安全的国人经历残酷越南战争的士兵在沙漠风暴中面对暴君屹立不倒的将士以及终结了巴尔干半岛种族清洗的人们致敬。

    We pay tribute to Americans who defended the people of South Korea, soldiered through the brutal battles of Vietnam, stood up to a tyrant in Desert Storm, and stopped ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.

  • 韩国的莞岛群岛,超过200座岛屿已经用来种植海藻。

    Ln South Korea, in the Wando Archipelago, over 200 islands have converted to farming seaweeds.

  • 韩国,很多老人们很欣赏律师和医生,

    In Korea, many older people appreciate jobs like lawyers and doctors,

  • 我始终觉得,如果我会韩语的话,我在韩国的经历会更加丰富。

    So I just want, you know, I feel like that experience would be enriched if I, you know, learned the language.

  • 他来自关岛,但他的父母都出生于韩国,他的韩语也很流利。

    He's, he's from Guam though, but both of his parents are born in Korea and he speaks fluent Korean.

  • 那他说了什么?我不记得了,他带我去一家韩国烧烤店吃午饭,还挺酷的。

    What did he say? I don't remember. And he took me to lunch at this Korean barbecue place, which I thought was really cool.

  • 随着印度经济的崛起,新加坡也得到发展,韩国在印投资,逐渐增多,因而印度的经济增长,绝对和这些因素都有关。

    With the economic rise...Singapore is getting more and more involved and korean investment is coming to India, so economic growth in India is definitely connected to those, too.

  • 但是当你一看到韩国烤肉的时候,你就控制不住你自己了。

    But when you see the Korean barbeque, you can't control yourself.

  • Max 我这身高在韩国是平均高度。

    Max, in my country, I'm average height.

  • 这里有韩国学生吗?好的。

    Anyone from Korea here? Alright.

  • 我有一个韩国学生,她很棒,

    I had a Korean student and she was fantastic

  • 美国的一些儿童教育项目也在紧跟一些出色的国家的步伐,比如韩国

    you know, sort of young children education programs in the United States catch up to nice countries, like Korea.

  • 韩国料理我很拿手。

    I'm good at cooking Korean food.

  • 他才没有呢,他装成贵格会教徒才可以逃离韩国

    No, he didn't. He pretended to be a Quaker to get out of Korea.

  • 如果韩国学生学习冠词有问题的话,我真地建议他们不要气馁。

    If Korean students are having trouble with articles, I really recommend they don't get discouraged.

  • 这个是由,张海英重工业,制作的,这是一个美国人和,一个韩国女人一起合作的在线数字艺术的组合。

    This is Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, which is a collaboration of an American man and a Korean woman who create online digital artworks.

  • 对那些要来布朗大学读书的韩国学生,你有什么建议吗?

    Could you give some advice to students who are preparing to come to Brown?

  • 你女儿是从越南领养的,对吧?我们从韩国领养了一个,所以吧...

    Yours is from Vietnam, right? We were able to adopt one from Korea. So...

  • 你看到一个让你非常兴奋的东西。对我来说,那很有可能是韩国烤肉。

    And you see something that makes you very excited. For me, maybe it would be Korean barbeque.

  • 也许不是每个韩国学生都这样,但是我的学生是这样的。

    But that's maybe not every Korean student, but the ones I had have been like that.

  • 实际上,我去过韩国。今天三月我去了首尔。

    In fact, I went to South Korea. I went to Seoul in March this year.

  • 嗯,我觉得是自身的拓展,印度政府一直在犹豫,要不要向中国,日本。,韩国,还有。。。,-我认为这是,东亚应有的交流,-各经济体需要,在东南亚进行拓展,-嗯。

    Well, I see it where..sort of play itself out us India has been debating whether to expand itself to include China, Japan... Korea, as well as... -I see it is a sociation of east Asia... -Economies got to send themselves in southeast Asia... -Em.

  • 是这样的,其实我妈妈是韩国人。

    Yeah, I saw, my mom is actually Korean,

  • 再说我是韩裔,这里没有什么韩国食品之类的,因此

    As I'm Korean, you know, we got no food here. So, I mean,

  • 所以对我来说,中国人、韩国人、匈牙利人、犹太人或者其他各种国籍的人,

    So for me, Chinese, Korean, Hungarian, Jewish or all kinds of nationalities,

  • 我在韩国长大,所以错过了许多乐趣。比如错过了发育期?

    Oh, I missed so much growing up in korea. What, like puberty?

  • 我只能想到在韩国甚至中国有那种东西。

    and I can only imagine that in Korea, especially even China,

  • 那你觉得这些话耳熟不?我喜欢和你去逛街买鞋子。远足?棒极了!凌晨2点啊,我当然想去韩国城和你们朋友唱K啦,乐意之极。

    Does this sound familiar? I'd love to go shoe shopping with you. Hiking? It's great. It' 2 a.m., of course I want to go to Korea Town and sing karaoke with your friends. Who wouldn't?

  • 韩国人来讲这是个普遍的易错的问题。

    I think that's probably like the most common mistake for Koreans.

  • 看看韩语流行音乐的例子,韩国是一个基于出口的经济,他们向外看,而且他们必须向外看。

    Look at Korean pop, look at K-pop for example. Korea is an export-based economy and they are outward looking and they must be outward looking.

  • 在假期的时候与接受韩国学生的访问。

    being interviewed by South Korea students on vacation.

  • 韩国,学生可以学期中的时候把课退掉。在这里也可以吗?

    In Korea, students can drop their classes in the middle of the semester. Is it also possible here?

  • 你来自韩国,你们那里有很多潮汐能。

    You being from Korea, you're always having waves.




同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。

乐观 adj. optimistic; positive; cheerful; hopeful; sang

大量 phr. a large number of; a large amount of; a large

秋天 n. autumn; fall。adj. autumnal。

一次 adv. once。phr. on one occasion; for the first time

袋鼠 n. kangaroo。

耳朵 n. ear; ears; lug; earhole; lughole。