1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-27 14:33:29
duì bu qǐ


sorry; pardon


forgive; feel sorry; let down; fail to live up to; forgive me


I'm sorry; excuse me; Excuse me; pardon me; I beg your pardon



sorry adj.遗憾的;抱歉的;歉疚的;惭愧的;难过的;后悔的;懊悔的;感到同情的;令人不快的;糟糕的;低劣的;悲惨的;可怜的;不幸的

pardon n.宽恕;原谅;饶恕;赦免;特赦;免罪;赦免令

forgive v.原谅;宽恕;饶恕;免除(债务);赦免;容忍;不追究;停止怀恨;放过;免去(责任或义务);请原谅;对不起

feel sorry 感到抱歉;感到遗憾;感到难过

let down vphr.失望;使失望;让…失望;使沮丧;对…失约;放松;松懈;放下;降低;降下;放长(衣服);放出(褶边);给(轮胎等)放气;使屈辱;使丢脸

forgive me 请原谅我;饶恕我;谅解我

excuse me conv.打扰一下;请原谅;对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人注意);劳驾(用于请求通过或吸引注意);请问(用于礼貌地开始对话或询问)

excuse me conv.打扰一下;请原谅;对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人注意);劳驾(用于请求通过或吸引注意);请问(用于礼貌地开始对话或询问)

pardon me phr.对不起;打扰一下;请原谅我;宽恕我;请再说一遍

I beg your pardon conv.请再说一遍;请你原谅;我请求你的原谅;我请求你的宽恕;对不起;抱歉;我不同意;我不认为如此

  • 对不起,但是这跟你没关系。

    I'm sorry, but it's nothing to do with you.

  • 对不起,今晚旅馆客满。

    Sorry, the hotel is full up tonight.

  • 对不起,我没注意听。

    Sorry, I wasn't really listening.

  • 对不起,这是您的座位吗?

    Excuse me, is this your seat?

  • 对不起,您好了吗,太太?

    Pardon me, are you finished, madam?

  • 对不起,你不能买他。

    Sorry. You can't buy him.

  • 对不起,飞机超额订出了。

    Sorry, the plane is overbooked.

  • 对不起,我忘了买牛奶。

    I am sorry that I forgot to buy the milk.

  • 对不起。你不能来了!

    I'm sorry. You can't make it!

  • 对不起,我跟不上你。

    Sorry, I can't follow you.

  • 对不起。”她勉强一笑说。

    'I'm sorry,' she said, with a tight smile.

  • 对不起,牛奶我们刚卖完。

    Sorry, we're fresh out of milk.

  • 对不起,我必须走了。

    Sorry, I've got to go.

  • 对不起,不过这和你无关。

    I'm sorry, but it's nothing to do with you.

  • 对不起,能让我过去吗?

    Excuse me, could you let me through?

  • 对不起,鸭子卖光了。

    Sorry, the duck is off.

  • 对不起。我知道我在电话里说得太刻薄了。

    I'm sorry. I know I was bitchy on the phone.

  • 对不起,凯西,我不是有意要跟你凶的。

    I'm sorry, Casey, I didn't mean to snap at you like that.

  • 对不起,宝贝儿。我不是有意的。

    I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean it.

  • 对不起,我无法弄到更多了。

    Sorry, I couldn't get any more.

  • 对不起。那是没必要的。

    I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.

  • 对不起,伙计,你得等着。

    Sorry mate, you'll have to wait.

  • 对不起,我不太听懂你的话。

    Sorry—I don't quite follow.

  • 对不起,女士们,先生们,我们还是不要再讨论这个了。

    If you'll excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, we'd better leave it there.

  • 呃,不,对不起,我不能。

    Uh, no, sorry, I can't.

  • 对不起,让你久等了。

    I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

  • 对不起!我在博物馆。

    Sorry! I'm at the museum.

  • 对不起,你在说什么?

    Sorry. What are you saying?

  • 对不起,这会儿我有工作要做。

    Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do.

  • 行了,是我不对。对不起

    OK, so I was wrong. I'm sorry.

  • 对不起,我不会骑自行车。

    Sorry, I can't ride a bike.

  • “哦,对不起,我忘了。”——“每个人都有忘事的时候,”那女孩叹着气说道。

    "Oh, sorry. I forgot." — "Everyone forgets," the girl sighed.

  • 对不起。”她说,歉然一笑。

    'Sorry,' she said, with an apologetic smile.

  • 对不起,我不该说那么难听的话。

    I'm sorry. That was a hateful thing to say.

  • 对不起,我不知道自己是怎么回事。

    I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.

  • 对不起,有你的电话。

    Excuse me, you're wanted on the phone.

  • 对不起,我听不懂你的话。

    Sorry, I don't follow you.

  • 对不起,我不该发脾气。

    I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost my temper.

  • 对不起,我用了这么长时间。

    Sorry I took so long.

  • 对不起,我真得赶紧走了。

    Sorry, I really have to bail.

  • 对不起,克里斯,可我对这个家伙很反感。

    Sorry, Chris, but I have bad vibes about this guy.

  • 对不起,我们这里客满。

    I'm sorry, we have no vacancies.

  • 对不起,我没有蛋糕。

    Sorry, I don't have any cake.

  • 对不起,爱德华,”我说道,因为我把果酱洒在了桌布上。

    "Sorry Edward," I said, splattering the cloth with jam.

  • “爸爸,又来了吧,又说傻话了。”——“对不起,儿子。”

    "There you go again, Dad, with your silly words."— 'Sorry. son.'

  • 对不起,我没有铅笔。

    Sorry, I don't have a pencil.

  • 对不起,我帮不上更多的忙。

    Sorry I can't be more helpful.

  • 我失礼了,真对不起

    I was impolite and I do beg your pardon.

  • 对不起,我好像有点听不明白了。

    Excuse me I seem to be a little bit lost.

  • 去找他,跟他说对不起

    Go to him, tell him you're sorry.

  • 对不起。”她谦逊地说。

    'Sorry,' she said humbly.

  • 对不起,我没听见你说话。

    Sorry, I didn't hear you.

  • 对不起,各位。我搞砸了。

    Sorry, guys. I goofed.

  • 对不起,打扰你一下。

    Excuse my interrupting you.

  • “我们都在同时说话。”—“呃,对不起。”

    "We're all talking at the same time."—"Yeah. Sorry."

  • 如果它等于绝对零度,我们可以,对不起,这是。

    If this were to be an absolute zero Kelvin, then we could we can have something, T2 Sorry, it's T2.

  • 为啥?不,别问啊。对不起

    For what? No, no, don't ask. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

  • 第二个点也就是,半径为3角度为1,也就是差不多在这,那么什么点,对不起

    The second problem is, 1 suppose actually I had p 1 and p 2 were in polar form, and I ran add points on them.

  • 对不对?让我们来看看,如果答案,对不起0,如果x是-16的话,ANS为0,小于-16吧,对?

    It says, if answer, sorry, imagine x is -16, ANS is 0 is less than -16, no. So what does it do?

  • 对不起我没听清,我可以求x的平方,但是好像这里我做点简单的,改动就可以解决问题了。

    Pardon? I could square x but maybe I should just do something pretty simple here. Suppose-- whoops.

  • 在化学计算中我们很少,用英里每小时,所以我们把它换算为42米每秒,对不起,它是94英里每小时。

    We don't usually do our chemistry calculations in miles per hour, so let's switch that to 42 meters per second, so it's -- sorry, it's 94 miles per hour.

  • 非常对不起--我们使你们变成了,能够理解这些的人了。

    I'm very sorry -- we're turning you into the people who do understand these.

  • 等于,对不起,我忘写了一个。

    So this is just, sorry, 1 I forgot about the one here.

  • 对不起,我接个电话。

    Oh, I, Sorry, I gotta take this.

  • 这在当时很普遍,现在还有人这样做,对不起,打断下

    That was much more common, and still some people-- Okay. So I'm sorry.

  • 现在我们想要做的就是,我们怎么来量化增长率呢?,在这个问题中也,就是框架-对不起是,输入指数的增长。

    And what we want to do then, is we want to basically come up with, how do we characterize the growth-- God bless you-- of this problem in terms of this Quadra-- sorry, terms of this exponential growth.

  • 嗯,对不起,北美能源共同体,与美国与加拿大一道,它们都有石油资源。

    Eh, I'm sorry, north American energy community, with Canada and Mexico, both of which have oil.

  • 抱歉,吉儿,对不起

    Sorry Jill. Sorry, sorry Jill.

  • 对不起我没听清,常量?哦,常量意味着无论数组的大小?

    Don't think so, right? So, what does this suggest? Sorry?

  • 为什么我不说明,int,temp,=,X,让我们说明,哦,对不起,X=Y,然后,Y=temp,这两行将失败的。

    Y Why don't I say int temp gets X. Let's say Y oh, sorry, X gets Y and then Y gets temp, this 2 would fail.

  • 拉普还活着?对不起

    Le Poo's still alive? Oh, sorry.

  • 它是一个8字节的字符--对不起-,8位,8位,8位,我在黑板上画了个一样的图。

    - Is it a character of eight bytes -- sorry -- eight bits, eight bits, eight bits, and I've done the same picture on the board.

  • 你的方式来讲而我会按照我的方式来讲,对不起约翰。

    Only in New York, in Canada we pronounce it Palindrome.

  • 我懂了,真的对不起

    Yeah, no, I get that. I'm so sorry.

  • 科林斯人可以自由选择,帮还是不帮,如果他们说对不起,我们不想帮忙,他们没有违反任何法律或某种神圣约束

    The Corinthians are free; they will be violating no law or sacred bond if they say, sorry we really don't feel like doing that.

  • 对不起对不起对不起

    I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

  • 对不起,我不太理解,这里等式左边和等式右边,并不相等,这里应该是折扣率而非价格

    I'm sorry, I don't understand since the left hand side of your equation does not equal the right hand side, isn't that discount, not price?

  • 嘿,对不起,你受伤了吗?

    Hey! I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?

  • 对不起,数到三谁要站起来

    I'm sorry, who stands up on the count of three?

  • 不,我不能,对不起

    No. No I can't. I'm sorry.

  • 天哪,对不起。天哪。

    Oh God, I'm so sorry. I know. Oh God.

  • 她要么非常漂亮,要么带个卷假发显得有点对不起观众,然后他们和这个女人谈话。

    She's either made to look very good or she's made to look kind of ugly with this frizzy wig and they talk to her.

  • 吉儿?瑞秋,对不起

    Jill? I'm sorry Rachel, I'm sorry.

  • 对不起,你在说什么?

    I'm sorry, what are you talking about?

  • 对不起,这是个意外。

    I'm so sorry. It was an accident.

  • 对不起,你说的是发音,不是你的昵称?,-不是。

    I am sorry ? you've been talking about your pronunciation not your nickname. -No. Not really.

  • 好啦,对不起嘛,快放我下来。

    OK, I am sorry! I'm sorry. Just get me off of this thing.

  • 对不起,多莉,但我想...

    I'm sorry, Dory, but I do.

  • 对不起,你刚说你很…

    Sorry, you've been...

  • 有一些,对不起

    There are some--Oh, sorry.

  • 对不起,乔治。只是些泥而已。

    Sorry, George. It's only mud.

  • 我们需要积极心理学是为了改变,现在的21比1这个比率:,每有一项关于抑郁或焦虑的研究,就有21项,对不起,应该是每有一项关于快乐或幸福的研究,就有21项关于抑郁或焦虑的研究。

    The reason why we need positive psychology is to shift the pendulum from the 21:1 ratio that we have today: for every one study on depression or anxiety, we have 21 studies on-- sorry, for one study on happiness or wellbeing, we have 21 studies on depression and anxiety.

  • 你杀了我弟弟。对不起

    You killed my brother. I'm sorry.

  • 路,路,路。路,对不起

    Road. Road. Road. Road. Sorry.

  • 它们开始分化,再制造很多自身的拷贝,对不起应该是先扩增,扩增出很多自身的拷贝,然后分化成为制造抗体的机器

    They differentiate, they make many copies of themselves - I'm sorry they proliferate, they make many copies of themselves, and then they differentiate into antibody production machines.

  • 问得好,事实上我不得不给你这个糖果,因为你问的很好,接好,不错,抱歉,对不起,我以为你接到了,我带错了眼镜而且,我意识到你没带错,所以我会待会再讲。

    Good question. Actually, I've got to get rid of this candy, so since it was a good question, here you go. Nice catch. Almost. Sorry. OK. No, I'm not. I'm sorry. I thought you had it, and then I've got the wrong glasses on and I realized you didn't, so I will, ah come back to that later.

  • 对不起,这是带了咖啡因的。

    I'm sorry. It isn't decaffeinated.

  • 所以就是这里的V4除以,哦,对不起,V2除以,它是它的倒数。

    V3 Here's the V4 over V3, V1 oops, sorry. V2 over V1, this is equal to the inverse of this.

  • 所以,我有十一个月都没有工作,不,对不起,是十八个月,

    So I was out of work for eleven months,no, I'm sorry, eighteen months

  • 对不起了,小家伙。不!

    I'm sorry, little one. No!

  • 一些变量名字,对不起不是这样的。

    So each instance has some internal, or will have some internal attributes.

  • 对不起,我不是故意…

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

  • 创建一个函数来做这个工作又有,什么意义呢?对不起我没听清?

    Why was it worth creating a function to do this? Pardon?

  • 对不起,我接个电话。

    Sorry, I'm getting a call.

  • 对于新加坡来说。。。对不起。,不,不,我想问。,美国是怎么宣称的?

    For Singapore...Sorry, I'm sorry... No, no..it's just like the... ? How does that American expression go?


对不起 duìbuqǐ

(1) [excuse me;I'm sorry]∶表示抱歉的客套话


(2) [if you please]∶如果你乐于或愿意——用以表示礼节、礼貌,或表示强调之意


(3) [pardon me]

(4) 对人有愧


(5) 原谅没听清或没听懂


(6) [let sb.down;be unworthy of;be unfair to]∶辜负




厨房 n. kitchen; galley; cook house; diet-kitchen。

性欲 n. sexual desire; sex drive; libido。adj. sexual; e

韩国 n. South Korea。abbr. KOR。

幸运 adj. lucky; fortunate; providential; auspicious; p

num. three。n. three。adj. third。pref. tri-。

春天 n. spring; springtime。adj. vernal。

猕猴桃 n. kiwi; kiwifruit; kiwi fruit; Actinidia sinensis

对不起 int. sorry; pardon。v. forgive; feel sorry; let dow

十二月 December (Dec)。 twelfth month of the lunar year;

传统 n. tradition; heritage; convention; custom; mores;

没关系 idiom it doesn't matter; it's okay; it's ok; no pr

越走越远 Go further and further

一次交换 An exchange

文化 n. culture; civilization; education; literacy; cul

adj. small; little; minor; petty; slight; tiny; na