1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-26 09:55:22
rén mǎ


troops; personnel; staff; team; cavalry; followers; entourage

troops n.军队;组;群;(troop的复数)

personnel pl-n.(公司、组织或军队中的)全体人员;员工;人事;人事部门

staff n.全体职员;全体雇员;工作人员;员工团队;行政人员;教职工;参谋团队;全体参谋人员;支撑杖;手杖;权杖;拐杖;指挥棒;长杆;旗杆;音乐五线谱;(用于测量、辅助行走的)长棍;<古>(枪等的)长柄

team n.队;队伍;运动队;比赛队伍;团队;团体;组;小组;班;一组牲口;驾马的一组

cavalry n.骑兵;骑兵部队;骑兵队列

followers n.追随者;信徒;(follower的复数)

entourage n.随行人员;随从;随员;跟班;侍从;团队;随行团队;卫队

  • 长长的一队人马开过去.

    A long train of men and horses passed by.

  • 届时,帐篷连营,人马喧腾,歌舞相杂,十分热闹.

    They set up tents and celebrate with song and dance far into the night.

  • 各路人马到达之日,你再盘算一下自己的命运吧.

    Then judge what is in store for you when all these forces arrive.

  • 人马上要走了,这一回鲍里斯压根没有介绍我。

    She's going in a minute now. Boris hasn't even introduced me this time.

  • 那一大队人马仿佛变成了一个怪物,并且只有一条心。

    It seemed as though that mass had become a monster and had but one soul.

  • 我桂阳能有多少人马

    How many can our little Guiyang put in the field?

  • 每年六月,人马对抗赛在威尔士小镇兰沃特威尔斯举行。

    Every June, the Man against Horse race takes place in the little Welsh town of Llanwrtyd Wells.

  • 人马座和天蝎座也在这个位置。

    The constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius lie in this direction as well.

  • 一队人马被派去监督尼加拉瓜的选举。

    A team was sent to supervise the elections in Nicaragua.

  • 他带去的人马凿开了那座山,挖出了黄金的肋条。

    The men and horses he took opened the mountain and dug out the golden ribs.

  • 亚索800是否对某些人马拉松训练有好处呢?

    Do Yasso 800s make a good workout for someone training for a marathon?

  • 有时候医院不够人手就找不到人马上推回来病房.

    Sometimes they're short-staffed and can't find anyone to wheel you back right away.

  • 这种机器人同时也能够安装在轮式平台上,像半人马座那样。

    The robot could also be mounted, Centaur-like, on a wheeled platform.

  • 刘备带一千人马作后援.

    Liu Bei was given 1,000 troops as the Back up force.

  • 当整队人马到达耶路撒冷时, 正值逾越节.

    When the party arrives in Jerusalem, it is Passover time.

  • 大队人马正在集结。爸爸!

    An army is coming. Dad!

  • 李:战胜者带着全班人马回来,可以说是双倍的胜利。

    Leonato: a victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home fill Numbers.

  • 两班人马动起了手。

    Two classes of people move up their hands.

  • 全部人马已安全渡江。

    All the troops have crossed the river safely.

  • 伍德表示:“马球真正需要的是世界级的四人马球。”

    "What polo really needs is world-class four-man polo," Mr Woodd says.

  • 全部人马已安全渡江.

    All the troops have crossed the river safely.

  • 我桂阳能有多少人马

    How many can our little Guiyang put in the field?

  • 他来到洛杉矶附近圣塔莫尼卡市的新办公室里,带领着小队人马开始在“白板”墙纸上勾画自己的理念。

    He showed up in his new office in Santa Monica, near Los Angeles, and with his small team started scribbling ideas on the "whiteboard" wallpaper.

  • 最强劲的挑战者,德克萨斯州的民主党人马丁·弗罗斯特已经退出了竞选。

    The strongest challenger, Texas Democrat Martin Frost, has withdrawn from the race.

  • 也许是那位人马座警官过来再放多一些电.

    Maybe it's Sergeant Sagittarius coming back to fIirt some more.

  • 这个研究所的人马相当整齐.

    The staff members of this research institute are well - qualified and all necessary skills are represented.

  • 根据该公司的创始人马修·克里斯洛夫的说法,这将是取悦外行人的关键。

    According to the entrepreneur behind the company, Matthew Krisiloff, this will be the key to pleasing the uninitiated palate.

  • 第二天早上,我吃早餐时无精打采地看着报纸,看到了这段话:1863年,于瓦卡瓦克,34人控告州长候选人马克吐温先生作伪证。他打算掠夺一个贫穷女人的土地,她丈夫死后,这块地是她唯一的容身之所和支撑。

    The next morning, as I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph: PERJURY—Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died.

  • 大队人马随后就到。

    The main force will arrive soon.

  • 查尔斯和他的人马开始进军。

    Charles and his men began to march.

  • 那老仆人马上就来了,但不肯动遗体。

    The old servant came at once, but refused to touch the body.

  • 这就是所谓的人马座矮星系。

    It's called the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.

  • 一小队人马在堤道上急急地赶路.

    A small troop was threading the causeway at a good pace.

  • 就像你拥有了一辆私人马车,就连车夫都戴着大礼帽。

    It was like owning your private carriage and having a coachman who wore a silk hat.

  • 这两派人马分庭抗礼,直到现在.

    The two military groups have stood as equals up to now.

  • 五组人马齐聚玄武山。

    Five team gathered in the xuanwu mountain.

  • 这两派人马分庭抗礼,直到现在.

    The two military groups have stood as equals up to now.

  • 你只要杀几只蓝色半人马, 然后跟雅典娜(能是四转教官的名字)话.

    You kill blue centuars for an etc, then talk to athena.

  • 人马都在大路边的深雪中挣扎着.

    Men and horses were floundering in the deep snow beside the road.

  • 这对夫妇与意大利时尚公司克利琪亚的创始人马里于卡·曼德利共进晚餐。

    The couple dined with Italian fashion firm Krizia founder Mariuccia Mandelli.

  • 现在很晚了,你们所有人马上去睡觉。

    As it's getting very late, all of you go right off to bed at once.

  • 掠夺者在对抗那些半人马型的重甲变异体的时候也很有效。

    Marauders are also effective against the centaur-like, heavily armored Aberrations that occasionally attack you.

  • 很多人马上就为那个指责我,你知道的。

    A lot of people jumped on me about that, you know.

  • 她看看手表,“病人马上要到了,我真的没什么可补充的。”

    She looked at her watch. "I have patients coming in."

  • 头植帮的人马居然被新江南帮打败了!

    A branch of our cosmic D - Dogs were fucked up by comic Zenith!

  • 你真浪漫. 你肯定是人马座的.

    You are so romantic. You must be a Sagittarius.

  • 人马座, 希腊神话中的半人半马,是兽与人结合而成的独特生物.

    Sagittarius , the centaur, merges beast and man a unique creature.

  • 赶了很长一段路之后,人马俱乏.

    Both the man and the horse gave out after the long ride.

  • 新任首相还是留了一手,并未与小泽人马切断一切联系。

    The new prime minister is not burning all his bridges with Mr Ozawa's people.

  • 查尔斯和他的人马开始进军。

    Charles and his men began to march.

  • 我决定不再等了,开始召集人马修复我们的祭台。

    I decided that they took too long so I called all the people together and I repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken.

  • “它只是给人们提供信息并鼓励他们,”波士顿动力公司创始人马克·雷伯特向 CNB 的记者说,“Spot 机器人巡逻的时候,附近会有一名园区警察,在他认为合适的情况下可以进行相关执法。”

    "It's just giving people information and encouraging them," Boston Dynamics founder Marc Raibert told CNB, "When Spot is patrolling the area, there's a parks officer nearby who can do whatever enforcement he decides is suitable."

  • 一大队人马出城去迎接总督.

    A great cavalcade went forth from the city to meet the Governor.

  • 恐怕阿里不哥的人马永远到不了襄阳。

    I fear Ariq's horses will never reach Xiangyang.

  • 阿里不哥的确有几千人马,此言不假。

    Ariq's horses are in the many thousands, true. Quite fit.

  • 我不需要你的人马,海都,我不需要你的窝阔台军团。

    I do not need your horses, Kaidu! I do not need your House of Ogedei!

  • 但是请听我说,皇兄,我的人马跟着你征战了两次,两次,我的战士和我的两个儿子都战死在中原。

    But hear me, please, cousin. Twice my men and horses have ridden under your banner. Twice my men and two sons have fallen to the Chinese.

  • 如果这次进攻不由我带领的话,我的人马会返回北方,我也会和他们一起回去。

    If I do not lead this next assault, my men will return north, and I with them.

  • 建筑物,曾经需要大队人马人工建造数月或数年。

    Construction, what used to take teams of people working by hands for months or years.

  • 再看一下我刚刚读过的句子,在最后几行:,不久,他带去的人马,凿开了那座山,画出一条很大的伤口,挖出黄金的肋条“

    Look again at the sentence that I just read, the last lines: Soon had his crew Op'nd into the Hill a spacious wound And dig'd out ribs of Gold."

  • 单单沙漠就能让他们损失半数人马

    The desert alone would cut their numbers in half.

  • 探索者将他们指定为应立即清除的目标,我们已经在他们屋外布置了一组人马

    Research has targeted them for immediate elimination. We have a team outside their house now.


人马 rénmǎ

(1) [forces]∶全部兵力

两军人马杂遝。——· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》


(2) [troops]∶指军队,泛指某集体的成员

人马烧溺死者甚众。——· 司马光《资治通鉴》


泛指兵马、军队。《三国志.卷五一.吴书.宗室传.孙韶传》:「权问青徐诸屯要害,远近人马众寡。」《警世通言.卷二.庄子休鼓盆成大道》:「张宝作法,风雷大作, 飞砂走石,黑气漫天,滚滚人马,自天而降。」



国庆节 n. National Day。

菠萝 n. pineapple。

妈妈 n. mother; mom; mum; mommy; mama; ma。

饺子 n. dumpling; jiaozi。

听音乐 listen to music。

活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper

十二 num. twelve。

小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c

筷子 n. chopsticks; chopstick。

餐厅 n. restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall

介绍 v. introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile;

棕色 adj. brown; dark。n. brown。

蜡笔 n. crayon; pastel; wax crayon。

面条 n. noodles; noodle。

畜禽 n. livestock; poultry; farm animals; domestic anim