1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-26 14:47:26
cān tīng


restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall; lunchroom; cafeteria; canteen; eatery; diner; refectory

restaurant n.餐馆;饭店;餐厅;酒家;酒楼

dining room n.饭厅;餐厅;食堂

dining hall n.食堂;餐厅;餐厅大厅;大餐厅;宴会厅

mess hall n.食堂;餐厅;军队食堂;伙食厅;饭堂

lunchroom n.午餐室;小餐馆;(学校或办公楼的)食堂;餐厅;快餐店

cafeteria n.自助餐厅;自助食堂;快餐厅;自助式餐饮服务;自助餐服务处

canteen n.食堂;餐厅;(士兵、旅游者等用的)水壶;餐具盒

eatery n.小餐馆;饭店;食堂;快餐店;餐厅;饮食场所;饮食店

diner n.用餐者;食客;小餐馆;小饭店;餐车(铁路上的);快餐车;路边餐厅

refectory n.食堂;餐厅;(尤指修道院或学校的)餐厅;膳堂;饭厅

  • 我听说他经常光顾汉普斯特德的卡津餐厅

    I hear he frequents the Cajun restaurant in Hampstead.

  • 我们各自付账在这个街区尽头的一家新餐厅吃了顿饭。

    We went Dutch on a meal in the new restaurant down the block.

  • 这家宾馆位置适中,适宜经营餐厅、酒吧和俱乐部。

    The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.

  • 那家餐厅有非常好的奇观。

    That restaurant has got very good wonders.

  • 餐厅将于11月重新开张。

    The restaurant will reopen in November.

  • 根据法律,所有餐厅都必须在店外明示用餐价格。

    By law all restaurants must display their prices outside.

  • 这家餐厅小巧精致,绿意盎然,令人感到非常惬意。

    The restaurant is small and green and very welcoming.

  • 请问附近有餐厅吗?

    Is there a restaurant nearby?

  • 在客人们鱼贯进入餐厅之前,她核实了一遍座位安排。

    She checked the seating arrangements before the guests filed into the dining-room.

  • 除了在餐厅,不要在其他地方吃喝。

    Don't eat or drink anywhere except in the restaurant.

  • 餐厅里,打褶悬挂的织物能营造雅致的氛围。

    In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.

  • 他的工作之一是管理餐厅

    One of his jobs was supervising the dining room.

  • 单位餐厅以前从没供应过像现在这样健康的饭菜。

    Workplace canteens are offering healthier foods than ever before.

  • 这家餐厅的食物很好吃。

    The food at this restaurant is yummy.

  • 当然!我建议水城餐厅

    Of course! I suggest Water City Restaurant.

  • 餐厅业正在复苏。

    The restaurant trade is on the upturn.

  • 餐厅里的家具和地毯非常豪华。

    The dining-room is luxuriously furnished and carpeted.

  • 餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。

    Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people.

  • 客户们在私人餐厅里受到款待。

    Clients are entertained within private dining rooms.

  • 厨房就在餐厅的隔壁。

    The kitchen is right next door to the dining room.

  • 校园里有三个餐厅

    There are three dining halls on campus.

  • 只有非常有钱的人才能在米拉贝勒餐厅吃得起午餐。

    Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle.

  • 我们先去了摇滚餐厅,但艾米不想待在那里。

    First we went to Rockin' Restaurant, but Amy didn't want to stay.

  • 两个宾馆都有对非住客开放的花园和餐厅

    Both hotels have gardens and restaurants open to non-residents.

  • 这家餐厅提供传统风味佳馔。

    The restaurant provides good traditional fare.

  • 不管怎样,那家保龄球馆的餐厅证明是很受欢迎的。

    In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.

  • 在我们餐厅,我们提供西餐和甜点。

    In our restaurant, we offer Western dinners and desserts.

  • 餐厅的食物很好,但服务很糟糕。

    The food at the restaurant was quite good, but the service was terrible.

  • 厨房最初夹在早餐厅和厕所之间。

    The original kitchen was sandwiched between the breakfast room and the toilet.

  • 他们走进那家餐厅

    They enter the restaurant.

  • 我一有机会便去马克西姆餐厅吃饭。

    Whenever I get the chance I go to Maxim's for dinner.

  • 那里有不错的餐厅

    It has wonderful restaurants.

  • 两家酒店都有对非住客开放的花园和餐厅

    Both hotels have gardens and restaurants open to nonresidents.

  • 我们在餐厅吃了顿饭。

    We had a meal in a restaurant.

  • 看!这家餐厅看起来很有趣。

    Look! This restaurant looks interesting.

  • 在我妈妈的生日那天,我爸爸带我们去了一家很棒的餐厅庆祝。

    On my mother's birthday, my father took us to a lovely restaurant to celebrate.

  • 海鲜是个当地特色,安德森船长餐厅是其典型代表。

    Seafood is a regional speciality epitomized by Captain Anderson's Restaurant.

  • 我知道一家很不错的餐厅,下周我们可以去那里吃午饭。

    I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch next week.

  • 船上有两个餐厅

    There are two restaurants on board ship.

  • 厨房紧挨着餐厅

    The kitchen is right next door to the dining room.

  • 这家饭店的餐厅以美味佳肴闻名遐迩。

    The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine.

  • “河畔”餐厅承诺提供永远给人惊奇的多种食品。

    The "Riverside" restaurant promises a variety of food that never ceases to amaze!

  • 棕榈泉有高档餐厅和奢华的夜生活。

    Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife.

  • 它被认为是这座城市里最有浪漫情调的餐厅之一。

    It is considered one of the most romantic restaurants in the city.

  • 他匆忙赶到餐厅去找指挥官。

    He hurried to the Mess to find the control officer.

  • 她在脑子里记下了要在客人们鱼贯进入餐厅前查看一下座席的安排。

    She made a mental note to check the seating arrangements before the guests filed into the dining-room.

  • 这是我们的厨房、客厅和餐厅都融为一体的房间。

    This is our kitchen, living room, and dining room all rolled into one.

  • 我知道一家很棒的意大利餐厅

    I know a great Italian restaurant.

  • 这个餐厅已换了新的东家。

    The restaurant is under new ownership.

  • 这项调查发现不同的餐厅出售食物的价格存在很大的差别。

    The survey found a wide variation in the prices charged for canteen food.

  • 意大利餐厅是美国最常见的国际餐厅之一。

    One of the most common international restaurants to be found in the United States is an Italian restaurant.

  • 我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。

    We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.

  • 他们看电影或在餐厅进餐。

    They take in a film or nosh at a restaurant.

  • 我为我们餐厅的墙壁选择了褐黄色。

    For our dining room I have chosen ochre yellow walls.

  • 她朝餐厅点了点头说:“他在那里面。”

    She nodded toward the dining room. "He's in there."

  • 你非得把伦敦每家餐厅都说的让人倒胃口吗?

    Do you have to put a damper on every restaurant in the capital?

  • 我只想下午时飘去餐厅-,更加容易,更少痛苦“

    I just want to float to the dining hall after-- " so much easier, so much less painful."

  • 不只是餐厅,我们家也一样。

    Not just from restaurants, from our house.

  • 你说什么?这间餐厅只对贵宾徽章会员开放。

    Sorry? This restaurant's for Premier Badge holders.

  • 第一天在餐厅工作的情况如何?可恶。

    Hey. Oh, how was your first day working at the restaurant? Damn.

  • 又或者,你准备见一个朋友,并一起出去吃饭,但是你还没有预约餐厅

    Or, if you're meeting a friend and going out for dinner but you haven't made a reservation yet,

  • 你只要上网搜索唐人街最好的餐厅,你就能找到。

    you just go to online and find out Chinatown best restaurants, and you can have it.

  • 我是说,你在这能看到所有的电影院、餐厅和隔壁的唐人街。

    I mean, you've got all the cinemas, restaurants, and then Chinatown right next door.

  • 我故意使用这个普遍的类比,就像,自助餐厅的一堆托盘。

    I intentionally used this very common analogy of a stack of trays in a cafeteria.

  • 和先前辛苦劳作以获取食物不一样,取而代之的是,免下车餐厅

    Instead of hard labor to go get food all it requiresis a little drive-in to the window.

  • 我以前最喜欢玩开餐厅的游戏了。

    I used to love to play restaurant.

  • 老兄,那不是餐厅。你朋友安啦。

    Mate, it's not a restaurant. Your friend is okay.

  • 我妹妹的男朋友开了家餐厅,可能会给我份工作。

    My sister's boyfriend opened a restaurant, and they may have a job for me there.

  • 在东区有一家特别好的餐厅,我都计划好久准备去试一试了。

    There's a great place on the east side that I've been dying to try.

  • 在这里你可以到处走走。到处都有餐厅和酒吧,这些我都很喜欢。

    I like the fact, you know, that you can walk around. You have restaurants and cool bars, and you know.

  • 当然,他说他没有什么特别的要求,也许我应该带他去另外一间餐厅

    Of course,he said he doesn't particularly care -maybe I should take him to another one.

  • 所以,我想安排一次活动,在我们学院的一间自助餐厅举行

    So, I want to arrange an event, actually at one of the college's cafeteria.

  • 他居然要送我一家餐厅。那个混蛋,你要我踹他吗?

    Can you believe he just offered me a restaurant? What a jerk. You want me to kick his ass?

  • 我刚想到,我们餐厅有个女生很适合你。

    Okay, just remember. There's a girl at the restaurant that would be perfect for you.

  • 我就要拿着简历和我的资料到处去应聘。所以,我选择了餐厅

    you, of course, use your resume with the biggest amount of references. So, restaurants.

  • 呃,我在一家餐厅工作,以前主要是照顾小孩。嗯。

    I think I working in a bar and restaurant and I've been babysitting mostly. OK.

  • 好吧,请问还有别的餐厅吗?

    Okay, are there any other restaurants?

  • 但在美国的某些地区,你不可能在餐厅吃到反式脂肪的,因为它们被禁售了

    But in certain parts of the country you're not able to eat Trans fats in restaurants because they've been banned.

  • 这是某人在网上得到的照片,其中是英国,一个餐厅的收据,我们看一看。

    So, this is a photograph that someone took on the internet of a real world receipt from a restaurant somewhere I think in the UK and I think the take away will perhaps be cleared pretty fast.

  • 我记得有家餐厅,我还记得有酒。

    I think there was a restaurant. I know there was wine.

  • 到了餐厅以后,服务员却上了一份你们没点的菜。

    After you're at the restaurant, maybe the waiter brings you something that you didn't ask for.

  • 告诉他们我是纽约一家大餐厅的主厨。

    Tell them I'm a chef at a big New York restaurant.

  • 你可以去餐厅、酒吧,那附近有很多地方。

    and you can go to a restaurant, a bar and there's just so many places around.

  • 宰人的高档餐厅,很好,因为一旦你购买了这些量很少的,健康食品你就是在浪费金钱

    fancy restaurant Right, because you waste your money if you're buying these little portions of healthy food.

  • 理查那些女招待以及和他一起,在芝加哥餐厅工作的那些白人。

    This is where Richard is talking about the waitresses, the white waitresses he works with in the restaurant in Chicago.

  • 他当时住在加利福尼亚街,我曾经常去一家餐厅

    He lived in a house on California Street and I used to go to a restaurant

  • 对不起,我们很担心我们的朋友。那是一家餐厅吗?

    Excuse me, we're worried about our friend. ls that a restaurant?

  • 我忘了是哪间自助餐厅

    I've forgotten which one that was.

  • 不错呀,带他去了一家浪漫的餐厅,点了香槟,很好。

    Oh, it was nice. Took him to a romantic restaurant, ordered champagne, nice.

  • 而它现在就是一个非常奢华的地方,有非常奢侈的餐厅

    And it now is just like a very luxurious place and there's very fancy restaurants there.

  • 所以你是说餐厅生意很不错啰?

    So the restaurant's doing well, you say?

  • 去年你就送我们去那间中古世纪餐厅?是啊。

    Last year is that why you sent us to that Medieval Times restaurant? Yeah.

  • 一家餐厅,彩虹什么的。彩虹餐厅?不是。彩虹烧烤?不是。

    Yeah, it's a restaurant. It's the Rainbow something. Rainbow Room? No. Rainbow Grill? No.

  • 卫生局,我要举报餐厅里有老鼠,它霸占了我的... 食神餐厅。食神餐厅吗?我可以顺道去查一下,日期可能排在三个月后。

    Health Inspector. I wish to report a rat infestation. It's taken over my... Gusteau's restaurant. Gusteau's, eh? I can drop by. Let's see. First opening is three months.

  • 因为我们共同面临着巴以冲突问题,我们总是在餐厅一同讨论这个问题。

    because we have a shared conflict, a common thing we always talked about in the dining hall.

  • 在另一种社交的情况中,可能你跟你的朋友们去一家口碑不错的餐厅吃饭。

    In another social example, maybe you go with friends to a restaurant that you heard it was decent.

  • 但那家餐厅的料理主要是生食。也有些热菜。然而我很喜欢他们家的料理。

    But it's a raw food restaurant. They also sell some cooked food. But I love their cuisine.

  • 后来,你的朋友却奇怪地表示,“我想去那个餐厅。”

    And your friend says, later that day strangely, "I really want to go to this restaurant."

  • 假设你走进一家餐厅,里面有人在激烈地争吵。

    Let's say, you open a door to a restaurant and there's a huge fight going on.

  • 北滩很不错,有很多咖啡厅和酒吧,餐厅

    North Beach is a great area, a lot of coffee houses and night clubs and bars, restaurants,

  • 人们甚至接受培训,学习如何做这些,当免下车餐厅最近在马来西亚出现时,这些图片表明了,人们是怎样使用免下车餐厅

    People even get coached on how to do it, so when drive-in windows were introduced recently in Malaysia, these little graphics went out to show people how you actually used a drive-in window.

  • 好了,我说了。我告诉餐厅的同事我要搬到土尔沙了。

    Well, I did it. I told my crew at the restaurant that I'm heading off to Tulsa.

  • 起床以后,我就会在早餐餐厅或者其他类似的地方吃一个早午饭。

    And then usually I can go get brunch at a breakfast restaurant or something like that.

  • 有一次他想要,其实他真跑了,在他朋友帮助下,然后他们发现他在一家瑞士高级餐厅吃饭

    One point that he tried to--he escaped actually, with the help of some friends, and they found him dining in an elegant Swiss restaurant.

  • 我们可以去马路对面那家我们常去的意大利餐厅

    we can go to the restaurant across the street that Italian place that we always go to.


餐厅 cāntīng

(1) [dining hall]∶大型的餐室(如学院、机关中的)

(2) [restaurant]∶供应食物或有时供应饮料的地方(如房间或帐篷)




国庆节 n. National Day。

菠萝 n. pineapple。

妈妈 n. mother; mom; mum; mommy; mama; ma。

饺子 n. dumpling; jiaozi。

听音乐 listen to music。

活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper

十二 num. twelve。

小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c

筷子 n. chopsticks; chopstick。

餐厅 n. restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall

介绍 v. introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile;

棕色 adj. brown; dark。n. brown。

蜡笔 n. crayon; pastel; wax crayon。

面条 n. noodles; noodle。

畜禽 n. livestock; poultry; farm animals; domestic anim