1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-26 14:54:59
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twelve num.十二;12

  • 伦敦由三十二个行政区组成.

    London is made up of 32 boroughs.

  • 请翻到十二页.

    Please turn to page twelve.

  • 在海上航行十二天后他们看到了陆地。

    After twelve days at sea, they sighted land.

  • 洪水以十二英尺高的水壁涌来.

    The flood came in a wall of water twelve feet high.

  • 八至十二个月大的婴儿一般具有很高的模仿能力。

    Babies of eight to twelve months are generally highly imitative.

  • 她时常每天工作十二个小时。

    She often puts in twelve hours' work a day.

  • 他已经持续节食十二周了。

    He has been on a diet for 12 weeks.

  • 黄道十二

    the signs of the zodiac

  • 我有十二头牛。

    I have twelve cows.

  • 十二本书中有一万五千多字。

    It had more than 15,000 words in twelve books.

  • 法庭的判决是十二年苦役。

    The sentence of the court was twelve years' hard labour.

  • 你吃了十二块巧克力布朗尼。

    You ate twelve chocolate brownies.

  • 亚历克斯当时十二岁。

    Alex was twelve years old.

  • 在纽约,现在是十二点。

    In New York, it's twelve o'clock.

  • 自行车上有十二个男孩。

    There are twelve boys on the bike.

  • 十二小时之后,她又喜笑颜开了。

    Twelve hours later she was all smiles again.

  • 在核爆点半英里内,辐射中毒引起的死亡会在十二小时内发生。

    Within a half-mile from ground zero, death from radiation poisoning will occur within twelve hours.

  • 仅麦当劳就已经给全世界的每个人都出售了十二个汉堡包.

    McDonald's alone has sold twelve hamburgers for every person in the world.

  • 十二岁,我来自北京。

    I'm twelve years old and I'm from Beijing.

  • 她现在回顾十二月里那决定性的一天。

    She looked back now to that fateful day in December.

  • 我们一共十二人吃饭。

    There were twelve of us in all for dinner.

  • 十二个单元分为四个部分。

    The twelve units are divided into four sections.

  • 组长管十二个工人.

    The group leader supervises a dozen workers.

  • 她在墙上贴满了十二星座的标志。

    She covered the walls with the signs of the zodiac.

  • 这些炮发射十二磅重的炮弹。

    The guns were twelve-pounders.

  • 十二减去七剩五。

    Twelve minus seven leaves five.

  • 我瘦了十二磅。

    I've lost twelve pounds.

  • 虽然他只有十二岁,他举止却很像大人。

    He has a very adult manner although he's only 12.

  • 那本来要是个不超过十二个女人的封闭团体。

    It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women.

  • 六除十二得二.

    Six into twelve goes twice.

  • 她有十二个洋娃娃。

    She's got twelve dolls.

  • 几天之内我从格拉斯哥到爱丁堡去了十二趟.

    I went from Glasgow to Edinburgh twelve times in the space of a few days.

  • 总统在十二名卫兵的护送下到达。

    The President arrived, escorted by twelve soldiers.

  • 十二年过去了。

    Twelve years went by.

  • 两国于十二月重新建立了正式外交关系。

    Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December.

  • 这里所有的孩子都大于十二岁.

    All the children here are 12 plus.

  • 十二点至两点是我们的午餐打烊时间。

    We close for lunch between twelve and two.

  • 说实话他本来就不能为定购这些超过十二罗的光碟提供正当理由.

    In all honesty he could not have justified ordering more than twelve gross of the disks.

  • 十二架敌方的战斗机被击落。

    Twelve enemy fighters had been brought down.

  • 十二名旅客失踪,并已推定罹难。

    Twelve passengers are missing, presumed dead.

  • 总统在十二名保镖的护送下到达。

    The president arrived, escorted by twelve bodyguards.

  • 现在十二点十分。

    It's ten past twelve.

  • 犹大是耶稣十二门徒之一.

    Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

  • 他一连使十二个击球手出局。

    He retired twelve batters in a row.

  • 一窝十二个蛋孵出了十个.

    Ten out of the set of twelve were hatched.

  • 哦!有十二个男孩在自行车上!

    Oh! There are twelve boys on the bike!

  • 三乘四 等于 十二.

    Three times four is [ are ] twelve.

  • 他经常在外面工作十二个小时。

    He often worked outside for twelve hours a day.

  • 我们在十二点半吃午饭。

    We have lunch at half past twelve.

  • 他打算做十二个这样的。

    He was going to do twelve of these.

  • 税前利润几乎暴涨到了以前的十二倍。

    Pretax profit surged almost twelvefold.

  • 我的腰围是三十二寸.

    My waist measurement is 32 inches.

  • 十二名囚犯在该监狱里的一次暴乱中丧生。

    Twelve inmates have been killed during a riot at the prison.

  • 在未来的十二个星期中将进行清仓处理。

    The inventory will be disposed of over the next twelve weeks.

  • 十二岁了。

    Jane is twelve years old.

  • 应该有十二只手举起来

    There should be twelve hands going up somewhere.

  • 他们并没有找到大规模占领的证据,十三世纪摧毁和十二世纪考古层的证据。

    They have found really no evidence of extensive conquest and destruction in thirteenth and twelfth century archaeological layers.

  • 九龙寨城公园是进入清朝时期的时光门,里面不但有清朝的建筑设计,还有以中国十二生肖为题材而建的雕像。

    Kowloon's Walled City Park is a gateway into the world of classic Qing Dynasty design, and features statues of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.

  • 这种敏感范围的缩小,大约发生在婴儿十二个月大的时候

    And this narrowing down is largely in place by about twelve months of age.

  • 这是一次能绕地球十二次的工程革命。

    It's an engineering marvel that can stretch around the Earth 12 times.

  • 我没有用手控制,都是十二个半英尺高的震动空气柱,自然产生的音符

    Now I didn't use--no hands-- that was just the notes that are naturally on the twelve and a half-foot length of vibrating air.

  • 他在第十二章中说,“由于除开人类以外,便没有任何宗教的迹象或其成果。

    There are no signs or fruit of religion," he says, " "but in man only," he says in chapter 12.

  • 最后,大约在十二岁的时候,儿童的抽象推理和科学推理能力得以完善

    And then finally, at around age twelve, you could get abstract and scientific reasoning.

  • 十二个可能的世界,十二架漫游者飞船,载着最勇敢的人,由了不起的Mann博士带队。

    Twelve possible worlds, twelve Ranger launches carrying the bravest humans ever to live led by the remarkable Dr. Mann.

  • 所以,这就是联邦储备金系统,顺便提一句,这里说道有十二个银行和十二个区域。

    So that's the Federal Reserve System. Incidentally there are twelve banks and there are twelve districts.

  • 在他击败父亲的同时,母亲以另一种方式教训他,在第十二页,他说:,“遵从父亲所说的让我第一次战胜了他。

    If his father resigns himself to Richard's subterfuge, his mother does not, and this is on page 12. He says: I had had my first triumph over my father.

  • 什么?那把枪。想要开枪得先把保险打开才行。小心点,你已经昏睡了十二个小时。

    What? The gun. But it works better if you flip the switch by your thumb. Careful. You've been asleep for almost twelve hours.

  • 在他还是个十二,三岁的孩子的时候,他住在巴黎

    Louis XIV when he was a kid, he was about twelve or thirteen years old, he lived in Paris.

  • 在五十年代,单就北方州的铁道,就有十二到十五种不同的轨距,你可能在一条三英尺宽的铁道上进镇,但在另一边出镇时,它变成四英尺宽了

    There were some twelve to fifteen different widths of railroads in the Northern states alone by the 1850s, and you could go into one town on a gauge, i don't know, three feet wide but on the other side of town it would come out four feet wide.

  • 他指派区域来划定年份;,他划分了十二个月份,每个月份有三个星座。

    He determined the year by designating the zones; He set up three constellations for each of the twelve months.

  • 你们没有足够资源去探查十二个地方。对。

    You don't have the resources to visit all 12. No.

  • 十一,十二,十三,十四,十五,十六,十七,十八,十九,二十!

    Eleven, twelve, thirteen ,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.

  • 他们将宜居的世界,放在了我们触手可及的地方,十二个,这是我们初步探查的结果。

    They've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach. Twelve, in fact, from our initial probes.

  • 是的,南希,我们已经打过十二场官司了。你叫什么来着?艾丽西娅。

    Yes, Nancy, we've been on the opposite side of 12 cases. What is your name again? Alicia.

  • 下一阶段,具体运算阶段,七到十二岁,儿童可以解决守恒问题,但儿童的抽象推理能力仍然有限

    The next phase, concrete operations, from seven to twelve, you can solve the conservation problem, but still you're limited to the extent you're capable of abstract reasoning.

  • 我的头位于十二米高处,差不多是四层楼的高度,也就是蜥脚龙的身高。

    So my head's now about 12 meters, which is about the height of a four-storey building and also the height of a sauropod.

  • 我这儿可没有能让十二岁小孩做的工作,别再有这样该死的想法了。

    I ain't got no work for a 12-year-old kid, so get it out of your goddamn head!

  • 这项研究汇总了十二个大型研究,如果把所有研究的受测者数量加起来,将有一百五十万之多

    This pool, twelve very large studies, if you put all the number of subjects in those studies together, it would come up to a million and a half people.

  • 在此表中,脂肪总量是十二克,占了日脂肪建议摄取量的18%,以两百卡为标准

    In this case, the total fat, which is twelve grams, constitutes 18% of a day's allowance of fat for the typical 200 calorie diet.

  • 那么关于剩下的价电子,我们有十二个,因此我们可以完成这两个路易斯结构了,那么这是我们的第一个结构,而那是我们的第二个结构。

    So in terms of remaining valence electrons we have 12, so we can finish off each of our Lewis structures, so that's our first structure there, and our second structure there.

  • 一个家伙炸毁大楼,富人实行罢工,这就是十二岁孩子眼中的世界。

    A guy bombs a building, the rich go out on strike. It's a 12-year-old's view of the world.

  • 实际上有十二个人选了22,所以加上选23和21的会更多

    There's actually 12 people who chose exactly 22, so considerably more if include 23 and 21.

  • 我有个朋友曾被十二三个孩子殴打,都在十岁和十一岁之间。

    I did have a friend who was beat up by about twelve or thirteen kids who were all between ten and eleven years old,

  • 现在是十二点,您的午饭是十二点半。

    It's 12 and your lunch is at 12:30.

  • 我们说在这两个音阶中都有七个音符,一个八度包含十二个音高

    We said there are seven notes in each of these two scales, twelve pitches all together within the octave.

  • 他说,诗人可以凭借智慧随意在黄道十二宫中漫游。

    The poet, he says, ranges freely within the zodiac of his own wit.

  • 这就是那艘只用十四秒差距完成科舍尔航程的飞船?十二秒!什么十四秒。

    This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs? Twelve! Fourteen.

  • 艾格斯先生是十二点,你是三点,伯丁女士是五点,海登先生是七点。

    12:00 p.M. For Mr. Agos, 3:00 for you,5:00 for Ms. Burdine, 7:00 for Mr. Hayden.

  • 六个月大的婴儿则不会这么想,即使是十二个月大的婴儿,也没有发现这个木块存在的异常,只有经历世事的成年人才会理解,这不是个稳定的结构,而这个结构是会倒塌的

    Six-month-olds don't, and even 12-month-olds don't find anything weird about this, while adults are sophisticated enough to understand that that's an unstable configuration and should fall over.

  • 国会区炸毁十二区的时候我们可没享受这样的待遇。肯定会有更好的办法。

    That's a luxury we weren't given when they fire-bombed 12. There's got to be a better way.

  • 我超爱这个乡村主题!让我想起当初给塔尔萨市的十二新闻台工作的日子,除了这里没有刻薄的醉汉。

    I am loving this country theme. This reminds me of when I worked for Newscenter Twelve in Tulsa, except no one here's bitter and drunk.

  • 行那我们要三笼蒸饺一共十二个,每人四个可以。

    Fine. Bring us three orders of dumplings. That's 12. We'll each have four. That works.

  • 俄克拉荷马神枪手谬误,他们看了十二个月的人数,然后选择了出生人数最多的一个月?,正好是6月,然后计算出3%的概率。

    What they did is, they looked at 12 months, they took the months with the most births in it, which happened to be June, and calculated the probability of 3 percent.

  • 我们可以将它分为两部分,前十二章,形成了一个集体,表现了侵略和占领。

    We can really divide it into two major parts. The first 12 chapters form a unit that conveys the invasion and conquest.

  • 他们只是提出观点,心里很清楚自己想说什么,而我想我也懂他们的想法,只是他们没有用这些想法进行研究,而科克托一共写了十二篇文章,用了几百页来说这个话题。

    They just throw it out. They know what they mean I think I understand, but they don't do anything with it Whereas Cocteau, writes dozes, maybe in total, a couple of a hundred pages along those lines.

  • 你听说过赫拉克勒斯的十二伟业吗?当然。那你走运了。

    Are you familiar with the 12 labors of Hercules? Of course. You should be so lucky.

  • 巴黎是个居民点,但是一个12人的村子,也是个居民点--36000个,在一战中,只要十二个没有死人

    Paris is a commune, but so is a village of twelve people, is a commune--36,000. In World War One, only twelve didn't have somebody killed.

  • 南边的国家由,犹大十二个部落中的两个组成,公元前586年6,巴比伦人攻占了这里,大肆驱逐犹太人。

    The southern kingdom, which consisted of two of the twelve tribes and known as Judah, ] managed to survive until the year 586 when the Babylonians came in and conquered and sent the people into exile.

  • 与在很多国家设立中央银行,不同的是,在美国,建立了十二个银行;,它们是十二个联邦储备金银行。

    Instead of setting up a central bank in the United States as was done commonly in other countries the United States instead created twelve banks; they're the twelve Federal Reserve Banks.

  • 这就是差不多是,十二美元一包烟,对,十二美元一包烟,天呐。

    which is like, what, 12 bucks, 12 dollars for one pack of cigarettes, man.

  • 小提琴大概有十二英寸长

    Violins are--maybe--go up about to twelve inches.

  • 很多六岁、九岁、十二岁的学生,几个青少年,我也有两个成人学生。

    Lots of 6-year olds, 9-year olds, 12 year-olds, a couple teenagers, and I do have 2 adult students.

  • 我就知道,哪个月?十二月。再说一遍。哇。

    I knew it. What month? December. Say it again. Whoa.

  • 今晚,十二个区的领袖们会举行一场自由选举。

    Tonight, the 12 district leaders will call for a free election.


国庆节 n. National Day。

菠萝 n. pineapple。

妈妈 n. mother; mom; mum; mommy; mama; ma。

饺子 n. dumpling; jiaozi。

听音乐 listen to music。

活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper

十二 num. twelve。

小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c

筷子 n. chopsticks; chopstick。

餐厅 n. restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall

介绍 v. introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile;

棕色 adj. brown; dark。n. brown。

蜡笔 n. crayon; pastel; wax crayon。

面条 n. noodles; noodle。

畜禽 n. livestock; poultry; farm animals; domestic anim