1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-18 12:08:08
dìng gòu


order; subscribe; book; place an order; send for; indent


order; subscription; booking

order n.命令;指令;指示;订单;订货;订购;秩序;次序;顺序;规则;法则;阶层;等级;等级制度;社会等级;(秘密)社团;集团;修道会;宗教团体;类;分类;种类;柱型;建筑风格;装饰样式;(生物分类中的)目

subscribe v.订阅;订购;定期缴纳(会员费);定期捐助;认购(股票);赞成;同意;<正式>签署;申请;注册;报名;购买(一系列演出的)联票

book n.书;著作;印刷出版物;电子出版物;册子;笔记本;账簿;工作簿;(长篇作品的)篇;卷;指南;剧本;歌本;(顾客或雇员)名册;赛马投注记录薄;赌注记录

indent v.缩进(文本或段落开头);刻凹槽;订购;下订单;在表面上压出凹陷;在…上压凹痕;签订合同;按一式两份起草(法律文件)

subscription n.订阅;订购;(杂志等的)订阅费;用户费;会费;(定期付款的)会员资格;(股票的)认购(协议);认购金额;承购;认捐;捐赠;捐款;(对慈善机构的)定期捐助;(对期刊、服务等的)预定;签名;署名(作证);签署(同意);附注;<宗>(对旨在求得进一步一致而制定的信条、教义等的)认可;<医>下标处方(处方上的配方说明);(音乐、戏剧等的)募捐演出

booking n.(房间、票券等的)预订;预约;登记;处罚登记;(体育比赛中的)警告;(对犯规者的)记名警告

  • 我们需要订购一些备品。

    We need to order some spare parts.

  • 这些订购我们产品的新订单意味着要加班.

    These new orders for our manufactures will mean working overtime.

  • 露西的父亲可以打电话8765998订购一些花。

    Lucy's father can order some flowers by calling at 8765998.

  • 航空公司还有已订购的2500架新飞机。

    The airlines still have 2,500 new planes on order.

  • 年轻人纷纷登录异国美食网站订购准备好的昆虫样本,以在他们的晚餐派对上供应。

    Young people are logging on to exotic food websites and ordering samples of prepared insects to serve at their dinner parties.

  • 订购时就得付款.

    You pay for it at the time you order it.

  • 这本书我订购了12本.

    I have sent for a dozen copies of the book.

  • 这对夫妇从蒂芙尼珠宝店订购了一套新的纯银戒指,每只$200。

    The couple ordered a new set of sterling silver rings from Tiffany for $200 each.

  • 订购服装时记着要详细说明你要的号码。

    Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes.

  • 我们可以一大早订购一件新外套,然后在我们吃完早餐之前就可以送到。

    We can order a new coat in the early morning and it will be delivered before we finish breakfast.

  • 这个城市将下单订购188辆公交车。

    The city is going to place an order for a hundred and eighty-eight buses.

  • 很多人通过目录订购音乐和书籍。

    A lot of people order their music and books from catalogues.

  • 早早提前订购是个好主意,因为交货常常要花几个月的时间,而不是几星期。

    It is a good idea to place your order well in advance as delivery can often take months rather than weeks.

  • 他们向我们订购了三架新飞机.

    They have placed an order with us for three new aircraft.

  • 订购《诺顿英国文学选集》这本厚重的书是为了减少你的开支。

    I order The Norton Anthology of English Literature, this heavy book, as a way to reduce your expenses.

  • 我们应该提前订购票。

    We should order tickets in advance.

  • 你可以在线订购这本书。

    You can order this book online.

  • 订购的文具到货了。

    The stationery order has arrived.

  • 这家航空公司尚有2,500架新飞机在订购中。

    The airlines still have 2,500 new aeroplanes on order.

  • 他们的完整目录要5美元,首次订购金额可充兑。

    Their full catalogue costs $5, redeemable against a first order.

  • 我们需要订购更多的胶辊。

    We need to order more rubber covered rollers.

  • 订购了12罗磁盘。

    He ordered twelve gross of the disks.

  • 如今,反对者已经将发展复杂化,以至于12年来,这里没有订购或建造任何核电站。

    Today opponents have so complicated its development that no nuclear plants have been ordered or built here in 12 years.

  • 一个忙碌的花商怎么可能有时间和每一位在母亲节订购鲜花的顾客进行视频会议呢?

    How on earth would a harried florist find the time to hold a video conference with every customer who orders flowers for Mother's Day?

  • 随着越来越多的人倾向于在应用程序上订购食物,自己在家做饭的人越来越少。

    Home cooking seems to be in decline as more and more people tend to order their food on apps.

  • 我向花店订购了一些花。

    I've ordered some flowers from the florist's.

  • 当那个邮递员将你订购的货物送到时,签收之前检查那个包装盒。

    When the letter carrier delivers your order, check the box before signing for it.

  • 他们订购了三卡车沙子。

    They ordered three truckloads of sand.

  • 订购者下了50个产品的订单。

    The corder placed an order for 50 units of the product.

  • 有多少公司已经从中国订购了 570 C919 飞机?

    How many companies have already ordered 570 C919 planes from China?

  • 我向他们订购了500双鞋。

    I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes.

  • 对于一位消费者来说,电子商务最明显的形式就是网上订购

    To a consumer, the most visible form of e-commerce consists of online ordering.

  • 一个爱发牢骚的男声说:“看吧,我们到底是要订购,还是怎样?”

    A querulous male voice said, "Look, are you going to order, or what?"

  • 准确地知道你什么时候推荐、订购、签名或询问某件事通常是至关重要的。

    Knowing precisely when you recommended, ordered, signed or asked about something often is crucial.

  • 当你感觉到市场转向时,你不可能马上从中国再订购一批货。

    It's not like you can just order up another batch quickly from China when you sense the market turning.

  • 他们的完整目录售价5美元,第一次订购时可返还这5美元。

    Their full catalogue costs $5, redeemable against a first order.

  • 价格随订购数量不同而有所变化。

    Prices vary according to the quantity ordered.

  • 我们学院向该公司订购了不少仪器.

    Our institute has ordered a great many instruments from the company.

  • 我们需要订购更多的纸张。

    We need to order more paper.

  • 这个公司拥有自己的货车车队,大多数订购货品可以隔日送到。

    With its own fleet of trucks, the company delivers most orders overnight.

  • 第二个投诉是关于我们所订购的手表与所交付的手表颜色不一致。

    The second complaint concerns the mismatch in colour between the watches we ordered and those delivered.

  • 国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具。

    The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks.

  • 您可以通过销售热线订购产品。

    You can order products through our sales hotline.

  • 我们订购了一些草皮块铺个草坪.

    We have ordered several turfs to make our lawn.

  • 订购时就得付款。

    You pay for it at the time you order it.

  • 你可以通过这个小程序订购食物。

    You can order food through this mini program.

  • 这里写着你在网上订购时付了款。

    It says here that you pay for it when you ordered it online.

  • 这本书我想订购十册。

    I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book.

  • 他决定订购一份披萨。

    He decided to order a pizza.

  • 1993年,很少有公司有自己的网页,只有少数公司为用户支持在线订购产品或服务。

    In 1993, few corporations had a web page, and only a handful allowed one to order products or services online.

  • 这本书我们没有存货,但你可以订购

    We don't have the book in stock but you can order it.

  • 如需订购,参见236页。

    To order, turn to page 236.

  • 一天24小时你都可以打电话订购

    You can telephone your order 24 hours a day.

  • 这些可以安全食用的昆虫可以在网上找到并订购

    These safe-to-eat insects can be found and ordered on the Internet.

  • 400美元订购50台,货到的时候付款。

    I'm thinking $400 per machine, for 50 units,paid at the time of delivery.

  • 有没有寄给我和乔治的东西?嗯,恐怕没有。都是给妈妈和我的。噢,你们还有一个包裹。大概是我订购的钢筋混凝土到了吧。

    Is there anything for me and George? I'm afraid not. They are all for Mummy and me. Oh. There's a parcel as well. Probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered.

  • 你们可以从RIS出版社订购,他们的版本还添加了一些补充阅读。

    There will be a packet that you can order from RIS that gathers a few supplementary readings.

  • 叫《一首诗的心路历程》,就在这本诺顿诗集里,我自己订购了一本,这样可以减少你们的花费。

    So, The Norton Anthology, this book, this heavy book, I order it as a way to, well, reduce your expenses.

  • 是的,你好你好,终于接通了,我需要订购50件T恤,周五前送货。

    Yes, hi, hi, hi. Finally a person. I need 50 T-shirts by Friday.


订购 dìnggòu

[order;place an order for] 预先约定购买





免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of