1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 17:01:05
xì shuǐ cháng liú


drip-feed; economize to avoid running short; water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust; go about sth. little by little without a letup

economize to avoid running shortphr.细水长流;省吃俭用;节约以避免不够用


drip-feed; economize to avoid running short; water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust; go about sth. little by little without a letup

  • 我们应该细水长流,以确保未来的稳定。

    We should economize to avoid running short to ensure future stability.

  • 是波涛汹涌的瞬间, 还是细水长流的永恒?

    Is a rough moment, a steady or permanent?

  • 对自己,我没有什么过高的要求,只希望平平淡淡,细水长流

    To oneself, I don't have anything too high requirements, only hope that plain, water out.

  • 请让我体会一次细水长流

    Let me understand once small streams.

  • 其实, 不做作,流于自然的爱情才是细水长流的.

    Actually, only love in a natural waycan go on little by little without stream.

  • 平平淡淡才是真, 细水长流才叫爱!

    Is really flat light, steady and called love!

  • 水流云在意为细水长流,浮云永在。

    Sui Liu Yun(Flowing Water &Cloud) was built in 1708.

  • 那是因为我只想与你看我们细水长流

    That is because I want to see us with you water out.

  • 细水长流,是一件?痰拖伦钭钣顾?A事情.

    Fine regular water flow . Tiandexia issue of the utmost is a vulgar things.

  • 看起来她用钱细水长流

    She seems to make her money go a long way.

  • 当我跟她拥抱时我有股冲动想亲吻她,但我忍住了,因为我希望能够细水长流

    When I was hugging her I had the impulse to kiss her, but I didn't do it because I want to take it slow.

  • 不用举手之劳,轻轻一踏,细水长流

    Set Free Your Hands, just a step for water out.

  • 当我跟她拥抱时我有股冲动想亲吻她, 但我忍住了, 因为我希望能够细水长流

    When I was hugging her I had the urge to kiss her, but I didn't do it because I want to take it slow.

  • 她总是提醒我们要细水长流,不要浪费资源。

    She always reminds us to economize to avoid running short and not waste resources.

  • 请让我体会一次细水长流

    Let me understand once small streams.

  • 然而,这些想法也是基于“细水长流经济”欺骗穷人。

    However, the ideas were also sold to the poor on the basis of "trickle down economics".

  • 倡导细水长流的捐助行为,欢迎各界公益伙伴参与和支持活动。

    We promote behavior-going contributions, and welcome partners from all fields come to participate in and support.

  • 细数陪你走过的细水长流,演绎属于我们的天长地久。

    Count to accompany you through the maintenance, deduce belong to us forever.

  • 花时间读开发智力、增进智慧的书籍固然辛苦,但却细水长流、终生有益。

    Time spent reading books that cultivate intelligence and wisdom is a labor that yields continuous benefit over a lifetime.

  • 通过细水长流,我们可以积累更多的财富。

    By economizing to avoid running short, we can accumulate more wealth.

  • 爱应细水长流

    Love me little, love me long.

  • 更多地须臾长叹:细水长流终须止,天长地久有尽时,不再相信有什么东西是永垂不朽的。

    More moment of time, water out eventually must stop, forever all, no longer believe that anything is immortal.

  • 水流云在意为细水长流,浮云永在。

    Sui Liu Yun(Flowing Water &Cloud) was built in 1708.

  • 如果你想长期旅行,必须学会细水长流

    If you want to travel for a long time, you must learn to economize to avoid running short.

  • 一直都很羡慕那些细水长流的感情。

    Have always been envious of the feelings of those small streams.

  • 愿我伴你细水长流

    May I accompany you long.

  • 网店经营者不能太贪婪,这样才能细水长流,只要价格合理,加强服务质量,很容易培养一批固定的客户源。

    Shop operators can not be too greedy, so long, as long as the price is reasonable, enhance the quality of service, it is easy to develop a group of fixed customer source.

  • 一个人也可以去看细水长流,待到莲花开尽后,得一世清欢。

    One can also see the long, until the lotus open as much as possible, a Shi Qing huan.

  • 不求爱情波涛汹涌。只求细水长流的小幸福。

    No love is choppy. But for the small happiness of maintenance.

  • 白发苍苍各自去看场细水长流与着谁拥抱离去。

    Gray hairs in their respective go see a water out and who embrace leave.

  • 真正的快乐,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是细水长流,碧海无波。

    True happiness, not ecstasy, nor pain, it is long, blue sea without waves.

  • 细水长流是家庭理财的一个重要原则。

    Economizing to avoid running short is an important principle in household finance.

  • 产品才能在细水长流中展现历久弥新的经典魅力。

    Thus, little by little, the product can shows its charms that will never fade without a letup.

  • 细水长流,有多少温暖的故事随之遥远。

    Steady, the number of distant warmth followed the story.

  • 那是因为我只想与你看我们细水长流

    That is because I want to see us with you water out.

  • 但如果你认为真爱应该像罗密欧和朱丽叶一样,那你就会忽视那些细水长流的美好关系。

    But if you think that true love needs to look like Romeo and Juliet, you'll overlook a great relationship that grows slowly.

  • 原来,细水长流的日子了,经历了许多,错过了许多。

    It turns out-going days, and experienced a lot, missed a lot.

  • 这几乎不算秘密了:历史上大多数真正的天才都这样做,安安静静,气定神闲,细水长流

    This is how most of the real geniuses throughout history went about their work. Quietly, slowly, calmly, persistently.

  • 风淡云轻,细水长流何止君子之交,爱情不也是如此,才叫落花流水,天上人间?

    The wind light cloud light, water out far more than the gentleman, love is not so, is out of the water, made in heaven?

  • 愿我伴你细水长流

    May I accompany you long.

  • 下起来,也没完没了,自始至终都是毛毛细雨,不紧不慢地下着,想它有的是时间,要细水长流吧。

    Next up, is endless, from beginning to end is drizzle, large underground, want to have plenty of time, it will break it.


细水长流 xìshuǐ-chángliú

(1) [economize to avoid running short]∶指有计划地使用有限财物,使不致缺乏

(2) [go about sth. little by little without a letup]∶比喻一点一滴不间断做某件事




南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。

德语 n. German。

南宁 n. Nanning。

人民 n. the people; populace; public; nation; citizens;

冒牌 v. counterfeit; fake; forge; impersonate; pretend;

n. net; network; web; internet; mesh。v. capture; e

希腊语 Greek。

关键词 keyword。 vogue word。

拉丁文 Latin (language)。