1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-26 09:49:59



carrot n.胡萝卜;诱惑物;激励措施;诱人的承诺(或奖励);<俚语>红头发的人

  • 他们需要更大的棒子和更大的胡萝卜

    They need bigger sticks and bigger carrots.

  • 厨师正在把胡萝卜磨成细丝。

    The cook is grinding the carrot into threadlike thing.

  • 胡萝卜、洋葱和辣椒都是蔬菜。

    Carrots, onions and peppers are all vegetables.

  • 你喜欢胡萝卜吗?

    Do you like carrots?

  • 本星期买胡萝卜最合算, 因为货源充足,价格低廉.

    Best buys of the week are carrots, which are plentiful and cheap.

  • 我在农场里拔胡萝卜

    I pulled carrots on the farm.

  • 胡萝卜的味道很好。

    Carrots have a good taste.

  • 胡萝卜蒸至刚好变软。

    Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender.

  • 她的胡萝卜饼好吃极了。

    Her carrot cake is divine.

  • 胡萝卜紧缺,于是大家都去种胡萝卜。等到来年这个时候,可想而知,胡萝卜就会过剩。

    There is a shortage of carrots. So everybody starts growing carrots. Next season, surprise, surprise, there is a glut of carrots.

  • 我从未吃过胡萝卜

    I never eat carrots.

  • 马德里加尔太太往迈克尔的盘子里放了更多的胡萝卜

    Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael's plate.

  • 兔子现在在吃胡萝卜

    The rabbits are eating carrots now.

  • 我可以把你的脖子掐断,同折断一根胡萝卜一样,不费吹灰之力.

    I could snap your neck like a carrot.

  • 现在一公斤旳胡萝卜非常贵。

    A kilo of carrots is expensive now.

  • 想想胡萝卜、南瓜和橙子。

    Think of carrots, pumpkins and oranges.

  • 胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去核。

    Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.

  • 一磅胡萝卜

    a pound of carrots

  • 这些胡萝卜切得很细.

    These carrots are finely chopped.

  • 那些胡萝卜是谁的?

    Whose carrots are these?

  • 这些胡萝卜很嫩,不用削皮.

    These are young carrots and you need not scrape them.

  • 牛肉胡萝卜饺子,谢谢。

    Beef and carrot dumplings, please.

  • 我想要牛肉胡萝卜面条。

    I'd like beef noodles with carrots.

  • 胡萝卜切成小块。

    Chop the carrots up into small pieces.

  • 认为吃胡萝卜可以改善视力的海外奇谈,多年前已祛除殆尽.

    The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight was exploded years ago.

  • 从来没有胡萝卜或桃子。

    It's never a carrot or a peach.

  • 是的,有一些胡萝卜

    Yes, there are some carrots.

  • 我有一根胡萝卜。跟我来!

    I have a carrot. Follow me!

  • 昨天我拔了胡萝卜

    I pulled up carrots yesterday.

  • 胡萝卜迅速冷却。

    Cool off the carrots quickly.

  • 她喜欢胡萝卜和西红柿。

    She loves carrots and tomatoes.

  • 胡萝卜对你的眼睛有好处。

    Carrots are good for your eyes.

  • 我喜欢胡萝卜,我也喜欢黄瓜。

    I like carrots, and I also like cucumbers.

  • 晴天时把胡萝卜挖出来,平放在装有湿沙的盒子里。

    Lift carrots on a dry day and pack them horizontally in boxes of damp sand.

  • 不要把薯片和巧克力当零食来吃,要吃些芹菜和胡萝卜

    Instead of snacking on crisps and chocolate, nibble on celery or carrot.

  • 不,它们不是胡萝卜

    No, they aren't carrots.

  • 从西方来了玻璃、宝石,还有胡萝卜等食物。

    From the west came glass, gems and food like carrots.

  • 胡萝卜素不溶于水,但溶于油和脂肪。

    Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats.

  • 胡萝卜是一种根茎类蔬菜。

    A carrot is one type of root vegetable.

  • 胡萝卜蒸到刚好变软。

    Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender.

  • 这些是胡萝卜和土豆。

    These are carrots and potatoes.

  • 胡萝卜是他最喜欢的蔬菜。

    The carrot is his favorite vegetable.

  • 青豆、番茄和胡萝卜

    Green beans, tomatoes and carrots.

  • 迈克喜欢胡萝卜,并且他也喜欢花椰菜。

    Mike likes carrots and he also likes broccoli.

  • 他捡起一根胡萝卜

    He picks up a carrot.

  • 你会选择胡萝卜、鸡蛋还是咖啡?

    Which one will you choose to be, a carrot, an egg or coffee?

  • 你最喜欢黄瓜、胡萝卜还是芹菜?

    Which vegetable do you like best, cucumber, carrot or celery?

  • 把肉和洋葱、胡萝卜及一些佐料搅拌在一起。

    Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning.

  • 你想吃黄瓜还是胡萝卜

    Would you like to eat a cucumber or a carrot?

  • 它们的味道像胡萝卜

    They taste like carrots.

  • 再吃点儿胡萝卜

    Have some more carrots.

  • 胡萝卜我也想尝尝。

    I want to try carrots too.

  • 她照做了,觉得胡萝卜变软了。

    She did and felt the carrots were soft.

  • 胡萝卜都在我的汤里。

    The carrots are in my soup.

  • 番茄、胡萝卜和青豆。

    Tomatoes, carrots and green beans.

  • 好的!你来选,乔治。选... 一个胡萝卜!爷爷,我觉得乔治想种一颗胡萝卜

    Yes! You choose, George. Choose a carrot. Grandpa, I think George wants to grow a carrot.

  • 多少胡萝卜

    Or how many carrots?

  • 因为它是橘色的,你觉得自己穿起来时像淫荡的胡萝卜

    Because it's orange and you think it makes you look like a slutty carrot.

  • 我是小丑,来表演一个吧。瑞贝卡,你为什么扮成胡萝卜?我喜欢胡萝卜。恐龙。有一只可怕的恐龙。

    I'm a clown. Do something funny. Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot? I like carrots. Dine saw. A scary dinosaur.

  • 晚餐好了。快来喝胡萝卜汤吧。

    Dinner is ready. Come and get your carrot soup.

  • 乔治愿意吃胡萝卜。还有这个,我们最喜欢的蛋糕。太好了!胡萝卜蛋糕。乔治是真正的小兔子啦。

    Wow. George is eating carrot. This is our favorite cake, carrot cake. Hooray. Carrot cake. George is a proper rabbit now.

  • 你们可以扮别的东西呀。在花园里还有很多别的选择,比如说胡萝卜?小兔瑞贝卡喜欢胡萝卜

    You could be something else though. Something exciting from the garden. A Carrot? Rebecca Rabbit likes carrots.

  • 太好笑了,你扮的是什么,瑞贝卡?我是胡萝卜

    That's funny. And what are you, Rebecca Rabbit? I'm a carrot.

  • 我带了我的泰迪,大家好。佐伊的玩具是小猴。艾米丽的玩具是小青蛙。苏西的玩具是猫头鹰。瑞贝卡的玩具是她的胡萝卜胡萝卜胡萝卜

    I've got my Teddy, hello, everyone. Zoe has her toy monkey. Emily has her frog. Suzy has her owl. And Rebecca has her carrot. Carrot, carrot.

  • 它在配料表的底部,几乎是在最后面,但如果你买东西时找到这个罐头,上会写着这里有新鲜的土豆和胡萝卜,但实际上其中糖要比胡萝卜

    Now it's down the list of ingredients, it's actually toward the end, but if you look at the marketing of this and look at the can it says, there's fresh potatoes and carrots, but actually there's more sugar in this than there is carrots.

  • 大家都在享用兔妈妈做的胡萝卜汤。这汤实在太好喝了。

    Everyone is enjoying Mommy Rabbit's carrot soup. This soup is yummy.

  • 佐伊有她的玩具猴。哦哦。艾米丽她的青蛙,摸摸它。苏西带了她的猫头鹰。笨蛋。瑞贝卡带了她的胡萝卜胡萝卜胡萝卜

    Zoe has her toy monkey. Ou-ou. Emily has her frog. Rub-it. Suzy has her owl. Twit-twoo. And Rebecca has her carrot. Carrot, carrot.

  • 我也闻到了胡萝卜汤的味道。我也是!

    I can smell carrot soup, too. And me.

  • 我喜欢香蕉。我喜欢胡萝卜

    I like bananas. I like carrots.

  • 爷爷,我觉得乔治想种胡萝卜。乔治,你想要种胡萝卜吗?不要。

    Grandpa, I think George wants to grow a carrot. George, would you like to grow a carrot? No!

  • 乔治,你想种一个胡萝卜吗?不!你想种什么?

    George, would you like to grow a carrot? No! What would you like to grow?

  • 好了,然后就可以看看,比如,美国养了多少头牛,种植了多少英亩的胡萝卜,小麦,玉米,或其他东西

    Okay. Then you can look at how many things like cows are raised in the United States, and how many acres there are of carrots, or wheat, or corn, or whatever it is.


胡萝卜 húluóbo

(1) [carrot]

(2) 一种二年生的植物( Daucus carota ),具有黄色或橘黄色直根,用作蔬菜

(3) 一种许诺的、常常是虚伪的奖赏或报酬,尤指政治上的诱饵




国庆节 n. National Day。

菠萝 n. pineapple。

妈妈 n. mother; mom; mum; mommy; mama; ma。

饺子 n. dumpling; jiaozi。

听音乐 listen to music。

活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper

十二 num. twelve。

小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c

筷子 n. chopsticks; chopstick。

餐厅 n. restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall

介绍 v. introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile;

棕色 adj. brown; dark。n. brown。

蜡笔 n. crayon; pastel; wax crayon。

面条 n. noodles; noodle。

畜禽 n. livestock; poultry; farm animals; domestic anim