1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-07 13:07:12
dào jù


prop; stage property; theatrical property

prop n.支撑物;支柱;道具(用于戏剧、电影等);靠山;支持者;螺旋桨;推进器;支撑装置;固定装置

  • 剧院的后台堆满了旧道具和服装。

    The backrooms of the theater are filled with old props and costumes.

  • 在军械库购买一件道具.

    Make it Drizzle : Purchased an item from the Armory.

  • 我担心道具和服装。

    I worried about props and costumes.

  • 几乎每一件道具都按照原来的尺寸真实再现。

    Nearly every prop used in the show is an exact replica.

  • 整个胃肠道具有某些共同的结构特点.

    The entire gastrointestinal canal presents certain common structural characteristics.

  • 而使用的道具越大, 越具有娱乐的效果.

    And the bigger the prop, the bigger the potential entertainment.

  • 你可以购买城堡中的道具在任何位置.

    You can buy items from everywhere in your castle now.

  • 这种中国艺术让我学会了很多道具的使用方法,所以当我在欧洲表演其他节目时也可以使用它们。

    This Chinese art gives me plenty of tools, so I can use them when I perform other shows in Europe.

  • 她负责采购电视系列片所用的道具.

    She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series.

  • 演员在舞台上使用了很多道具

    The actor used many props on stage.

  • 列出你的角色的技能,知识和小道具

    List your character's skills, knowledge and props.

  • 电影中的道具看起来非常真实。

    The props in the movie looked very realistic.

  • 这位父亲说,他小儿子还在楼上,但他不知道具体位置。

    The father said his younger child was still on the upper level of the house but he didn't know where.

  • 那是因为哈姆里克经营着自己的道具公司。

    That's because Hamrick runs his own props company.

  • 默西迪丝用汤姆的车做道具对不对?

    Mercedes pulled the stunt with Tom's car, right?

  • 辩论方能使用任何道具协助说明.

    The debate teams can bring in any props for the debate.

  • 矮人的感觉 ( 要求等级8级 ) 你更加容易找到比较好的道具.

    Dwarf Sense ( Level 8 ) - You are are more likely to find better items.

  • 搬运地毯和各种道具

    V. to haul around rugs and props.

  • 也许他们的武器其实不过是道具.

    Maybe their weapons were really props from Central Casting.

  • 道具和服装是可选的。

    Props and costumes are optional.

  • 孔雀羽毛应该永远不带上舞台,不能作为服装元素,道具或者布景的一部分,否则混乱将接踵而来。

    Peacock feathers should never be brought on stage, either as a costume element, prop or part of a set as chaos will ensue.

  • 在冠状静脉内消融成功的后间隔旁道具有一些特定的体表心电图特征。

    The posterior-septal pathways which can be successfully ablated in the coronary vein have certain characteristics in surface electrocardigram.

  • 杰夫:丢了一件道具。菲利普的照片不在这里。

    JEFF: A prop is missing. The shot of Philip isn't in here.

  • 冲锋狗超人造型 、 以及新奇古怪的道具都让人耳目一新.

    Emergency dog Superman style, and props were novel and curious people refreshing.

  • 这些道具是由专业团队制作的。

    These props were made by a professional team.

  • 上图:我作为道具设计师的职业病犯了。

    Photo above: this is the prop stylist in me let loose!

  • 电影中的道具非常逼真。

    The props in the movie were very realistic.

  • 道具不使用时存放在舞台外。

    The props are stored offstage when not in use.

  • 他为魔术表演准备了几个道具

    He prepared several props for the magic show.

  • 如果你搜集到了不同的道具, 就会获得额外的武器和积分.

    If you collect different objects, you will get additional arms and scores.

  • 你想拥有你一个你自己的珍道具么?

    Do you have a Chindogu of your own?

  • 杰夫:丢了一件道具

    JEFF: A prop is missing.

  • 餐厅装饰有格鲁奇家族的正宗烟火道具

    The restaurant was decorated with authentic pyrotechnic props from the Grucci family.

  • 我不知道具体什么时间我能来。

    I don't know exactly when I can come.

  • 成人们使用道具、玩具等物品来演示包含两个步骤的动作。

    Adults used props, toys or other objects to demonstrate an action that had 2 steps.

  • 你的孩子需要知道具体怎么做。

    Your child needs to know the exact behavior expected of him.

  • 他在后台忙着准备道具

    He was busy preparing props backstage.

  • 把你第一幕的人物和道具摆放到正确的地点。

    Put your characters and props at the right place for your first scene.

  • 那时候她帮忙管道具.

    She helped with the props.

  • 布景 、 道具和服装都已准备齐全.

    The sets, props and costumes were all ready.

  • "这些故事与巨人、恶龙和巨魔有关,而且这些传说中的人往往都拥有超自然能力或天赋,还有有超能力的道具,比如隐形披风。

    There are stories about giants and dragons and trolls, and humans with supernatural powers or gifts, like invisibility cloaks.

  • 那个道具将会消逝。

    That prop will go.

  • 这部电影的纸质作品,舞台道具,电视节目中的精选部分都体现了艺术家的表演质量。

    Works on paper, objects for stage and selected parts from television programmes of this movie reflect the artist's showman qualities.

  • 演员仔细地在舞台上布置了道具

    The actor carefully arranged the props on the stage.

  • 你为什么不去看看道具间呢?

    Why don't you look in the prop room?

  • 你给他一个小道具他就能让人捧腹。

    You could give him a s - line and he would make it hilarious.

  • 所需道具:冰淇淋勺,吉百利奶油蛋。

    What you need: ice cream scooper, cadbury eggs.

  • 他负责全部舞台道具和灯光。

    He is responsible for all the stage props and lighting.

  • 罐: 使用这个道具,你能够立即完全回复你的生命能量.


  • 你知道具体数据时多少吗?

    You know what the figure is?

  • 罗恩·杰里米和他的道具,哪个更有名?

    Who's more famous: Ron Jeremy or his tool?

  • 预防道具被盗的终极! 关于封印锁的介绍!

    The ultimate in item loss prevention! Introducing the brand new Seal Lock!

  • 道具组用整整一个房间来放手袋。

    The WardrobeDepartment has an entire room just for handbags!

  • 你们都知道幸运轮盘吧,像一种在问答节目里的道具

    You know what a wheel of--it's like one of those things on quiz shows.

  • 不,不再要玩具和动作模型了,也不要道具,复制品,戏服,还有机器人,也不要达斯·维德的变声工具了,我不想再要所有这些了。

    No. No more toys or action figures or props or replicas or costumes or robots or Darth Vader voice changers. I'm getting rid of all of it.

  • 并且我会用到我的,高科技的昂贵小道具,好,这是第四个还是第五个了?,好,我猜是第五个例子了,这是个被称为汉诺塔的问题。

    I'm going to come back to that in a second with that, but I need to do one more example, and I've got to use my high-tech really expensive props. Right. So here's the fourth or fifth whatever we're up to, I guess fifth example.

  • 它们是道具。它们是空的,它们只是……

    so they are props. They're empty, they're just...

  • 只想说清楚,我男朋友给我的第一件珠宝是电影里的道具,而且我还不能拥有它。

    Okay, just to be clear, the first piece of jewelry my boyfriend gives me is a prop from a movie, and I don't even get to keep it?

  • 而且他们的船上有各式各样奇怪的道具

    And there are strange devices on their boat!

  • 你能保管几天吗?为什么?这是部电影的道具,我们正为此争吵呢。

    Will you hold on to this for a couple of days? Why? It's a prop from a movie, and we're kind of fighting over it.

  • 他们若是需要留下来制作道具,那可以今晚再做,不是练习时间。

    If they have to paint sets for detention, they could do it tonight, not during my practice.

  • 我们需要制作道具

    and we need to create props.

  • 比如拿着道具摆各种造型,拿着骨头和骷髅摆造型。

    and like posing with different props, like posing with bones and skeletons.

  • 那肯定是电影道具的复制品。也有道理,那就是赋予你统治英格兰复制品的权力。

    It would be a replica of a movie prop. Fair enough. It'd give you the right to rule a replica of England.

  • 其他你在的地方?我是说,没错。好吧,我的道具什么的都在这里,而且只有两星期了。所以我觉得这可能不是个...好吧。最好的决定,不过。好吧。

    Anywhere you are? I mean. I guess. Well, all my stuff is here and it's in two weeks. So I don't think really think that would be. Okay. The best idea right now, but… Right.

  • 所以,我们的道具都要用扑克牌做,

    so all our props are going to be made out of playing cards

  • 在绿洲里,你会有用不尽的武器,魔法道具,飞船。你想要《星际迷航》防卫者的那种飞船吗?就那种可以直接进行超时空跳跃?还是说你想要《星球大战》的千年隼号?

    In the OASIS, you'd get unlimited weapons, magic items, ships. You want the ship from Defender? You know, the kind that can just jump into hyperspace? You want the Millennium Falcon?

  • 今晚,我要为我们的演出制作道具

    Tonight, I'll be creating props for our show

  • 有人拍卖了一个原版电影里用过的时间机器道具,但竟然没人竞拍。

    Some guy is auctioning off a miniature time machine prop from the original film, and no one is bidding on it.

  • 莉莉,别忘了你的背包,这是什么?小卡,小丑道具

    Lily, don't forget your backpack. Whoa, what's this? Cam, clown supplies?


道具 dàojù

[prop;stage properties] 演出戏剧或拍摄电影时所用的器物



英语 stage props

德语 Requisit

法语 accessoire (de théâtre)​


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of