1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-29 09:52:02
shàn cháng


excel; be good at; do well in; excel in; be skilled at; be adept at; specialize in; have a talent for; be proficient in; be strong in; have a knack for


long on; a head for

excel v.擅长;超越;优于;在…方面做得好;在竞争中取胜;在某领域显示出才能

be good at vphr.擅长于;擅长;善于;精通;在…方面做得好

do well in phr.擅长;在…方面表现出色;在…方面做得好;在…干得好;在…干得好;在…方面取得好成绩

excel in vphr.擅长;擅长于…;在…方面表现突出;在…方面胜过他人

be skilled at 擅长…;精通...

be adept at 熟练;擅长

specialize in vphr.专攻;专门研究;专门从事;专业化于;专注于

have a talent for phr.有天赋

be proficient in 精通;熟练;通晓

long on phr.长于;擅长;富有;充满

  • 作为一名作曲家,他显示出自己擅长创作大型的戏剧体裁。

    As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.

  • 擅长于(做)某事

    Be good at( doing )sth.

  • 擅长击球。

    He bats very well.

  • 擅长就敏感问题进行斡旋达成共识。

    She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues.

  • 我上学时擅长算术。

    I was good at sums at school.

  • 他从不擅长和队员沟通。

    He was never good at communicating with the players.

  • 擅长模仿他的老师们,这带给他许多乐趣。

    She excelled at impersonations of his teachers, which provided great amusement for him.

  • 非常喜欢长笛,还擅长古筝演奏。

    Very like flute , and to be good at zither.

  • 我们需要擅长管理的人。

    We need people who are good at managing.

  • 擅长于讲笑话

    Be good at telling jokes

  • 擅长填纵横字谜吗?

    Are you good at doing crosswords?

  • 我不太擅长唱歌。

    I'm not very good at singing.

  • 他小时候擅长音乐和美术。

    As a child he excelled at music and art.

  • 他希望他的儿子们变得像他一样身强力壮、充满阳刚之气,并擅长体育运动。

    He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.

  • 她非常擅长利用自己的魅力来为所欲为。

    She is very good at using her charm to get her way.

  • 她很擅长英语。

    She's good at English.

  • 擅长做便宜但雅致的服装。

    She's expert at making cheap but stylish clothes.

  • 库珀擅长交际,人缘很好。

    Cooper was a good mixer, he was popular.

  • 领导人应该擅长制定规则。

    They should be good at making rules.

  • 擅长自己动手。

    She's a dab hand at DIY.

  • 我不太擅长打网球。

    I'm not much good at tennis.

  • “我不擅长于…”应该说:

    I am not be good at.

  • 我不太擅长计算。

    I'm not a very good mathematician.

  • 擅长美术和设计。

    She's good at art and design.

  • 电脑操作熟练,擅长数据管理。

    Computer operates adroitness , be good at data management.

  • 我一向擅长业余表演。

    I always was good at amateur theatricals.

  • 他成功的关键在于他擅长逻辑思维。

    The key to his success is his logical mind.

  • 我不很擅长唱歌。

    I'm not very good at singing.

  • “你确实非常擅长你所做的。” —“我觉得是吧。”凯特谦虚地说。

    "You really must be very good at what you do."—"I suppose I am," Kate said modestly.

  • 他不太擅长算术。

    He's not very good at arithmetic.

  • 我不擅长绘画。

    I'm not very good at drawing.

  • 部分拉拉擅长开门开锁。

    Some can be good at opening doors and latches.

  • 他们真正擅长的是纯粹的摇滚乐。

    What they were really good at was full-on rock'n'roll.

  • 他十分擅长他的工作。

    He was very good at his work.

  • 他加深了人们对英国人不擅长语言的印象。

    He had increased Britain's reputation for being bad at languages.

  • 他不擅长绘画。

    He's a poor draughtsman.

  • 他特别擅长充当拦路虎。

    He is a master at blocking progress.

  • 我敢说你上学时很擅长比赛。

    I bet you were good at games when you were at school.

  • 汤姆很擅长理科,而他的兄弟绝对是不可救药。

    While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless.

  • 她的嗓音擅长演绎有难度的歌曲。

    Hers is the kind of voice that excels at vocal gymnastics.

  • 鼹鼠的前足非常有力,擅长挖洞。

    Moles have powerful forefeet for digging.

  • 男人们说我们只擅长给他们做饭和补袜子。

    Men say that we are only good for cooking their meals and mending their socks.

  • 这份工作不适合不擅长算术的人。

    It's not a job for anyone who is slow with numbers.

  • 玛丽比他们俩骑得都好,她擅长户外运动。

    Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports.

  • 擅长中国象棋。

    Be good at Chinese chess.

  • 她做了多年簿记员,因此她擅长预算。

    She worked for years as a bookkeeper, so she's practised at budgeting.

  • 他天生擅长交际:他的祖先曾是封建领主。

    Diplomacy was in his blood: his ancestors had been feudal lords.

  • 他通常十分擅长于使他的私生活远离媒体。

    He's usually very adept at keeping his private life out of the media.

  • 他们必须擅长很多事情。

    They must be good at lots of things.

  • 她非常擅长激励她的学生。

    She's very good at motivating her students.

  • 擅长我的工作。

    I'm good at my work.

  • 我相信你会擅长音乐。

    I'm sure you will be good at music.

  • 对我来说,这是一个完全错误的途径,但实际做法就是这样,因为这正是统计学家擅长的事。

    To me, that's a fundamentally wrong approach and it's actually done because it's the sort of thing that statisticians are good at.

  • 我明白了,你想从事你擅长的工作,我懂。

    Oh, I understand. You want to do something you're already good at. I know.

  • 保持好的工作,或者你最好改变你的策略,因为你不擅长处理这个材料。

    Either keep up the good work or you better change your strategy because you are not mastering the material.

  • 同时他也很擅长文学。

    And he was very literary.

  • 擅长近代英语的同学能回答我吗

    Does anyone know Elizabethan English well enough to tell me?

  • 这些是Bawendi组正,在做的工作,他们擅长的是,合成各种量子点,他们的,方法已经被世界各地的,实验组采用,他们组还和。

    These are all things that the Bawendi group is working on. What they are real experts in is synthesizing many different kinds of these dots, and they have a synthetic scheme that's used by research groups around the world.

  • 土耳其人非常擅长于开始某件事,但是并不一定完成事情,但是并不一定完成事情。

    The Turks have the saying because the Turks are very good at starting things off but not necessarily finishing them.

  • 我母亲也一样不擅长说谎。

    Mother was also a terrible liar.

  • 有人擅长作业里的一部分内容,别人擅长另外一部分内容

    Some of you are good at some parts of the homework, some of them are good at other parts of the homework.

  • 我们擅长什么,我们何时会变得非理性。

    And what we good at and when we are actually irrational.

  • 我很擅长破坏东西也许这是我最擅长的本事了。而事实是修理工才是这游戏的名字,字面上来看应该叫快手阿修。

    I mean I'm very good at what I do. Probably the best I know. The thing is, fixing is the name of the game. Literally, Fix-It Felix, Jr.

  • 那是"怕怕",他擅长保证莱莉的安全。

    That's Fear. He's really good at keeping Riley safe.

  • 我确实认为如果你想教什么你就必须擅长

    I do think you'll have to walk and talk if you are teaching something.

  • 人们实在不擅长估测这些,而且变得越来越糟

    People are really bad at guessing about this, and they become worse and worse.

  • 我不仅不大擅长伦理学,不大擅长回答这样的问题,更不擅长艺术

    Not only am I not an ethicist and I'm not good at those kinds of problems, I'm not much of an artist either.

  • 你知道,别讲……讲你擅长什么,还把那个作为重点。

    You know, don't talk about... talk about what you're good at and focus on it.

  • 无论是组织还是个人自身,我们最注重的是克服缺点,我们擅长什么,并是否取得了进步?

    In an organization,as well as on the individual level, are we focusing most on overcoming deficiencies ? what we are good at-- and getting better at it?

  • 妈的,大家都比我擅长搞浪漫。

    Damn it, everyone's better at this than me.

  • 这是我首次遇到不擅长的事。

    It was the first time I wasn't good at something.

  • 让我们找到自己最擅长、最喜欢的东西。

    and then let us kind of feel out what we were successful at, what we liked... and all that.

  • 例如一些神特别擅长治愈术,其他的神擅长其他的本事。

    There might be a god of healing, very very wise in healing, or a god of some other craft or area of knowledge.

  • 我们的大脑真的很擅长于理解音乐和歌词,所以如果你试着把注意力集中到那个上面,

    Our brain is really good at kind of absorbing music and lyrics and so if you're trying to focus on that,

  • 你真的很不擅长示狠。

    You're pathetic at this.

  • 知道自己的弱点在哪里,知道…就练习不太擅长的那些。

    and to know your weak spots and know like... just practice stuff that you're not very good at.

  • 这是一种艺术,也是一种科学,有些人非常非常擅长这种操作。

    That's some art, some science, and there are people that are very, very good at it.

  • 但是他们还是很擅长教学,但是有时候有点疯狂,比如性格有点奇怪。

    but they're still really good at like teaching, but sometimes a little bit crazy. Like... like very strange personalities.

  • 上次我们简单的提到过,有关抗原呈递的一些知识,你的免疫系统如何,这也是免疫系统尤其擅长的一点,就是识别哪些部分属于你,哪些不属于

    And so we talked very briefly last time about this business of antigen presentation, how your immune system-- one of the things that it does especially well, is recognize what's part of you and what's not part of you.

  • 这是以将非常好的事情,事实上,我认为你非常擅长说话。说得对,说话可是我最擅长的事情了。

    It's good to talk. In fact, I think you are an expert at talking. That's right. I am an expert at talking.

  • 混蛋。你擅长报复,我们该怎么治治他?

    What a jerk. You're good at revenge; how do we get him back?

  • 苏格拉底并非无害,因为他擅长吸引信徒的能耐,今天几个,明天再几个。

    Socrates is not harmless because of his own professed ability to attract followers, a few today, a few more tomorrow.

  • 好啊,我知道很傻,我只是不太擅长见到我的前男友们。你也很不擅长躲。

    Hey. I know, so silly. It's just I'm not very good at seeing my exes. Yeah, or hiding.

  • 我很擅长打碎东西。做得好,佩奇。

    I am very good at smashing things. Well done Peppa.

  • 他很擅长这方面的技巧,那方面却不太擅长

    He was good in this sort of technique and that he was not so good.

  • 从相对有限的课程设置里我得知,学校里有我擅长的科目,所以我走上了这条道路。

    I knew from the relatively limited set of course offerings that my school had the things I felt I was good at and so I went off on the path.

  • 我们给学生提过这样一个要求,以后也还会再提这个要求,那就是凭直觉描述一下自己,你们是否认为自己不擅长电脑,还是只是单纯地想来上这门课?

    We asked students as we will this year to describe themselves based on gut instinct early on, do you consider yourselves among those less comfortable with computers or just the mere idea of being in this class?

  • 我还有坏消息,你也很不擅长冥想。

    I've got bad news for you. You are not very good at meditating, either.

  • 他很擅长野营,会钻木取火。

    He is really good at camping, and how to make fire from rocks and stuff.

  • 瞧见了吧?我很擅长这个。擅长?好吧,那你们打算怎么到这条路上。

    You see? I'm good at this. Good? Okay. How are you planning on getting on that road?

  • 艾瑞克真的很擅长这个,因为你想要相信每个人都有自己所擅长的事。

    And Eric's really good at this, because you wanna believe that everybody has to be good at something.

  • 大家都很擅长判定性取向,但同性恋者比异性恋者更擅长,而且不需要太多时间。

    Everybody's good at it, gay people are better at it than straight people, and, again, you don't need much time.

  • 你这样问了,说明你很擅长估计卡路里

    You must be pretty good at estimating calories if that--you ask that.

  • 例如一些人更擅长看全局,另一些人擅长看细节。有的人是直线思维,有的人是曲线。

    For example, while some people are better at seeing the big picture, others excel at seeing details. Some are linear thinkers, and others are more lateral.

  • 我很擅长打碎东西。

    I am very good at smashing things.

  • 他们的智商也不同,他们自信还是害羞,他们是否喜欢男人,女人,都喜欢,还是都不喜欢,他们是否擅长于音乐,他们是政治上的自由派还是保守派

    They differ according to their IQs; whether they're aggressive or shy; whether they're attracted to males, females, both or neither; whether they are good at music; whether they are politically liberal or conservative.

  • 可是我母亲更擅长运用生活的艺术,她会用人性的良知感情惩戒我,让我以后对摧残生灵心有余悸,“

    But my mother, being more imaginative, retaliated with an assault upon my sensibilities that crushed me with the moral horror involved in taking a life.

  • 他们擅长园艺,他们栽种着大量果树并且产量丰富

    They were engaged in arbor culture; they had fruit trees that produced very well.

  • 我们会将其与有关技术共同提出,但是这里我不会给出解决方法,或许在耶鲁大学有其他专家,更擅长这些问题

    We'll try to raise them with all the technologies, we won't try to answer them, there are probably better people at Yale to answer those kinds of questions than I am.

  • 我真的不擅长无所事事。

    I'm really not good at this down-time thing.

  • 我也非常的擅长说话呢。你不擅长,我才是话匣子呢。我说的话比你说的还要多呢。

    I am an expert at talking, too. No, you are not. I am a chatter box. I am more of a chatter box than you.

  • 你得擅长列出物体上的作用力

    You got to be good at writing down the forces acting on a body.


擅长 shàncháng

(1) [genius]∶独具某种特长



(2) [be adept at;be expert in;be skilled in;be good at]∶善于




南京 n. Nanjing; Nanking。

语音 n. speech sound; pronunciation。pref. phono-。adj. p

俄语 n. Russian。adj. Russian。

昆明 n. Kunming。

品种 n. variety; sort; breed; strain; type; kind。

意大利语 Italian (language)。

引文 n. quotation; citation; excerpt; quote; passage。

德语 n. German。

南宁 n. Nanning。

人民 n. the people; populace; public; nation; citizens;

冒牌 v. counterfeit; fake; forge; impersonate; pretend;

n. net; network; web; internet; mesh。v. capture; e

希腊语 Greek。

关键词 keyword。 vogue word。

拉丁文 Latin (language)。