1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-20 09:08:05
nǚ yǒu


girlfriend; female friend; girl; missus; lady friend

girlfriend n.女朋友;女情人;女伴;女友;女性友人

girl n.女孩;姑娘;女郎;年轻女性;女儿;女朋友;老婆;女伴;女友;女工;女仆

missus n.夫人;女士;老婆;妻子;(称呼不知姓名的妇女)大姐

  • 他后悔纹身了前女友的名字。

    He regretted getting a tattoo of his ex-girlfriend's name.

  • 我今晚要和女友们外出。

    I'm having a night out with the girls.

  • 我同一位女友共进了午餐。

    I met a girlfriend for lunch.

  • 车祸之后,他的女友离开了他。

    After the crash, his girlfriend left him.

  • 他带着女友去看电影。

    He took his girlfriend to the movies.

  • 交谈的主要话题是汤姆的新女友

    The main topic of conversation was Tom's new girlfriend.

  • 她想象着鲍勃和他的新女友在一起的情形,心里备受煎熬。

    She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend.

  • 我和我女友在一起已有9年了。

    I've been with my girl for nine years.

  • 她和女友一起去旅行了。

    She went on a trip with her girlfriend.

  • 女友把他甩了,他感到极度沮丧。

    He was devastated when his girlfriend gave him the push.

  • 她的女友很会做饭。

    Her girlfriend is very good at cooking.

  • 有人看到他与新女友搂抱亲热。

    He was seen canoodling with his new girlfriend.

  • 我和女友琳恩私奔了。

    My girlfriend Lynn and I eloped.

  • 爱丽丝的女友们看到她的新衣服很妒忌.

    Alice's girlfriends were green with envy when they saw her new dress.

  • 女友的恐惧看来和你的恐惧相关。

    Your girlfriend's fear seems to interlock with your fear.

  • 他早先和女友吵过架。

    He had earlier rowed with his girlfriend.

  • 有人看到他和新女友在一起亲热。

    He was seen canoodling with his new girlfriend.

  • 他被女友抛弃了。

    His girl gave him the boot.

  • 接着是一场争论,许多乐队成员加入进来,对辛普森及其女友进行长达两个多小时的强力说教。

    An argument ensued, with various band members joining in and haranguing Simpson and his girlfriend for over two hours.

  • 他给女友买了一束花。

    He bought a bouquet of flowers for his girlfriend.

  • 他让女友怀孕了,因此他们即将结婚。

    He got his girlfriend pregnant and they're getting married.

  • 他每天都给女友写痴情的情书。

    He wrote mooneyed love letters to his girlfriend every day.

  • 他的女友是个超级靓妞,一头长长的金发,脸上带着灿烂的笑容。

    His girlfriend was a real uber-babe, with long blonde hair and a big smile.

  • 他们在派对上介绍了彼此的女友

    They introduced each other's girlfriend at the party.

  • 他在一个小教堂里和他的长期女友结婚。

    He weds his longtime girlfriend in a small church.

  • 他的女友流产时,他和她已经交往了一年时间。

    He and his girlfriend had been going out together for a year when she had an abortion.

  • 他的前女友是皇家芭蕾舞团的舞蹈演员。

    His previous girlfriend was a dancer with the Royal Ballet.

  • 我得知有关他新女友的最新内幕消息。

    I got the inside scoop on his new girlfriend.

  • 他因跟踪前女友而被捕。

    He was arrested for stalking his ex-girlfriend.

  • 他有妻室,但暗地里还有一个女友

    He's married but he has a girlfriend on the side.

  • 他仍有时间为女友做烛光晚餐来制造浪漫。

    He still finds time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend.

  • 我同女友一起吃的午饭。

    I had lunch with a girlfriend.

  • 他不愿意在女友面前摆出这种有失尊严的姿态.

    He was reluctant to strike such an undignified pose before his girlfriend.

  • 我的女友已和我分手了。

    My girlfriend has broken up with me.

  • 他的新任女友没有跟他说她已经结婚。

    His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him she was married.

  • 他利用社交媒体骚扰他的前女友

    He used social media to harass his ex-girlfriend.

  • 他对他的新女友一片痴心。

    He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend.

  • 他在有线广播系统上向女友求婚。

    He proposed to his girlfriend over a public-address system.

  • 他因女友爽约而心情不好。

    He was in a foul mood because he had been stood up.

  • 我昨天为我的女友买了套新衣服。

    I bought my girlfriend a new dress yesterday.

  • 当酷酷的运动员和火辣的女友撞坏了他的爱车时,人们很容易幸灾乐祸,尤其是当他看起来有点沾沾自喜的时候。

    It is easy for people to gloat when the cool jock with the hot girlfriend wrecks his sweet car, especially if he seems kind of smug.

  • 甲:我要和我的女友待在一起。

    A: I want to stay with my girlfriend.

  • 他设法说服他的妻子和女友都为他提供不在场的证明。

    He manages to persuade both his wife and girlfriend to provide him with an alibi.

  • 他总是在女友面前摆出这种庄严的姿态.

    He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend.

  • 我试演了一个有妒忌心的女友角色。

    I was auditioning for the part of a jealous girlfriend.

  • 他的新女友有魅力、有趣、聪明,等等等等。

    His new girlfriend is attractive, funny, smart, yada yada yada.

  • 那人的女友成功逃脱了,没有受伤。

    The man's girlfriend managed to escape unhurt.

  • 我的女友杰拉尔丁是个能包容我的圣人。

    My girlfriend Geraldine is a saint to put up with me.

  • 这不是我的女友或我的性爱人偶。

    This is not my girlfriend or a sex doll!

  • 伙计们好,这是在下的女友伯纳黛特,在下的女友伯纳黛特。

    Hey, fellas. This is my girlfriend Bernadette. My girlfriend Bernadette.

  • 你们看菜单时,发现有太多美味的菜肴,你的女友一时难以取舍。

    and you're looking to the menu and there are so many delicious things that she cannot seem to make up her mind.

  • 我怎么听说他是在攀新女友的高峰时把腰扭了。

    I heard he threw his back out climbing on his new girlfriend.

  • 霍华德,注意了,你的前女友来上班了。

    Oh, Howard, heads up. Your ex-girlfriend just came in for her shift.

  • 我们假设是你的男友或者女友,你的父母,还有你的姑姑或者姑父。

    Let's say it's your boyfriend or girlfriend. it's your mom and dad, your aunt or uncle,

  • 所以,要是你想跟女友去,或去约会,或者一个其他人的话,

    So if you want to go there with your girlfriend or a date, or just one other person,

  • 拜托,有人对你女友出言不逊,你却听之任之,我还以为德州爷们会为女友挺身而出呢。

    Come on, someone insulted your girlfriend and you just let him do it. I thought you Texas guys stood up for your womenfolk.

  • 你们正在讨论自己跟男友或者女友的关系。

    And you're talking about your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

  • 我想到的第一个例子是,假设你的男友或女友突然表现得很蛮横。

    The first example I can think of is if, let's say your boyfriend or girlfriend has just acted outrageously.

  • 好啊,莱纳德。好,瞧瞧,这不是霍华德的女友伯纳黛特嘛。

    Hey, Leonard. Hi. Hey, look, it's Howard and his girlfriend Bernadette.

  • 喂,我都是有女朋友的人了。拜托,我的妹妹比你那女友辣多了,这点你心知肚明。

    Hey. I've got a girlfriend now. Oh please. My sister's much hotter than your girlfriend and you know it.

  • 今日是什么风把你吹来,除了摆明是来偷窥前女友之外?

    So what brings you over here besides obviously stalking your ex-girlfriend?

  • 什么?为什么不交年龄相近的女友?真好笑。不好笑。

    Excuse me? Why can't you get a girlfriend your own age? That's funny. It's not funny.

  • 雷米的车里没有迪安,这辆车开向前方,而萨尔正和一个新的,女友劳拉在一起,曾经萨尔向她讲过所有关于迪安的事。

    Remi won't have Dean in the car, so the car drives on. Sal is with a new girlfriend, Laura,about to whom he's told all about Dean.

  • 想着自己心爱的某个人,你的女友,男友,妈妈,或爸爸。

    So, think about somebody you love, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your mom, your dad.

  • 她们要一起来耶。兄弟,那位可是我女友。所以我就得闭嘴?

    They're gonna do it together. Dude. That's my girlfriend. What, so I gotta shut it down now?

  • 你刚还从那小孔想探查你女友

    You were just spying on your girlfriend through a peephole.

  • 我的思维收窄缩紧-,一心只想着被女友甩了。

    And I narrow and constrict in terms of my thinking-- all I am thinking about is just that.

  • 与我女友住同一屋檐下吗?这可是件大事啊。

    Cohabitation with my girlfriend? That's a great deal to process.

  • 因为准新娘是他的前女友。而失去她,对于他来说是一件痛苦的事。

    Because she was he's old girlfriend. And he is very sad to have lost her.

  • 哪四个?你和鲍伯,我和我的女友,莫妮卡。

    What "four of us"? You know, you and Bob, and me and my girlfriend, Monica.

  • 被FBI通缉的,签证失效的,还有前女友就坐在旁边的,赶快找个纸袋子把脸给蒙上

    For those of you who are on the run from the FBI, your Visa has run out, or you're sitting next to your ex-girlfriend, now would be a good time to put a paper bag over your head.

  • 你也尽最大的努力尝试做一个好女友

    and you've tried to be the best girlfriend you can.

  • 你得习惯啊现任女友和前任女友通过聊你的糗事来联络感情。

    You gotta like this, the girlfriend and the ex-girlfriend bonding over your rooty-tooty stinky booty.

  • 这像是古生物学家的女友会穿的衣服吗?

    You guys, does this look like something the girlfriend of a paleontologist would wear?

  • 你我有个约定,我们中谁先追到个漂亮女友,谁就得让他的女友给对方介绍一个女友

    You and I made a pact that if either of us ever got a hot girlfriend, that person would have his girlfriend hook the other guy up with one of her girlfriends.

  • 和其他课程,比如,有一个人来找你咨询,他有酗酒或者是吸毒问题,或者其他会在日常生活中遇到的问题,男友女友的问题,课堂上的问题等等。

    And you also have classes that will give you an insight into, someone is coming to see you, who has an alcohol problem, a drug abuse problem, things you will engage in daily activities, boyfriend girlfriend problems, having trouble in class.

  • 你的新女友不会尿在我的咖啡桌上。

    I'm thinking your new girlfriend wouldn't urinate on my coffee table.

  • 为什么?那家伙以为我睡了他前任女友而且还杀了他的鱼。

    Why? Because he thinks I slept with his ex-girlfriend and killed his fish.

  • 我问你,如果我带着新女友来,你也不欢迎她进来?

    Let me ask you something, if I showed up here with my new girlfriend, she wouldn't be welcome in your home?

  • 完全理解。那是什么?你的新女友,祝你今晚愉快。

    I respect that. What is that? Your new girlfriend. Have fun tonight.



英语 girlfriend

德语 Freundin (S)​

法语 amie, copine, petite amie


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of